Volume 11 - Epilogue

The ninth layer is a tense one to conquer, but the map is filling up nonetheless!

If we keep going at this rate, we'll eventually reach the boss room.

I don't know what's beyond that, though.

There was a knock at my room at the inn.

"Come in."


A black-haired girl walks into my room and stands in front of me.

"Mare, I'm sure you've heard from Saki, but reporting, contacting, and consultation is important in an organization. Do you understand that?"


Mare nodded her head and seemed to understand.

"Then, speak."



Well, I thought you would speak there.

"You can't speak?"

"That's not the case"

She did speak. I'm a little shocked.

"Then try to speak the words as much as possible."


"...... We're gonna have sex now."


"If you don't like it, say it clearly. If you want to do it and you can't stand it, say "Hmm".


"Alright. We have a perfect agreement."


She really does have a poker face. Oh well.

"Come here, then."

She walked over and climbed on the bed, so it looks like she's planning to have sex.

"Sit here."

I sit her down in front of me and touch her body from behind.

"Mmm! Nnhh ...... Mmm!"

As you can imagine, Mare can't seem to keep her composure when someone touches her sensitive parts, and her body shakes and her voice becomes sexy.

"How does this feel?"


"Say it with words."

"I-It feels good. ......"

"Alright. You can do it. Do you like sex?"

"...... I'm not sure. But I'm curious."

"Then let's do it."


I take off Mare's clothes. She is slim and her breasts are only slightly full, but it's enough for me.

"Turn around."

I turn her to face me and kiss her normally to get her used to it, then use [Super Fast Tongue Lv5] on her nipples.


Mea shivered and seemed to have tasted a woman's pleasure as I flicked the small protrusions.

"Here's the next one."

"Ah ......"

When I pointed to her genitals, Mare gulped and swallowed her spit.

"Open your legs more."


She is obedient and straightforward. I thought she was a poker-faced girl who I couldn't understand, but she might be a real gem. She seems to like sex a lot.

"Okay, here's your reward."

I lick her cherry-red cleavage relentlessly and quickly.

"Nnfuhh, mmmm, Nnhh, ah, haahh, Kkuhh!"

Breathing hard, Mare seems to be feeling it. I licked her slowly and deliberately, sometimes at very high speed, and at other times more slowly.

"Ah, Alec, I can't do it anymore, I can't."

"If that's the case, I'll put this in you."

I showed her the slick thing I had ready and slowly inserted it.

Mare's sex organ accepted me smoothly.

It moves.

"Nnhh, Ahhh, Nnn, nnhh, haah, uuuhhhh, kkuhh."

"If it hurts, tell me it hurts. I'll loosen you up a little."

She clung to me desperately, so I asked her if she was in pain.

"I-I'm fine."

Then I'll move without hesitation.

"Aahhh, Kkuhh, W-wait, Ahnn, Aaahh, Aahhnnn, Fwahh, Nnnhhhh!"

After moving violently, I stopped moving and looked at the situation.

"? Uh....U-uhm, quickly."

Mare looks at me and says curiously.

"Tell me what you want me to do with your mouth."

"M-move it."

"Do you want me to poke you?"


"Then say so."

"Poke me. Please."

"Alright. That's it."

"Ahnn ♪"

This is the first time I've ever heard a bouncy voice from a mare, and it's quite seductive.

I mean, it's strange that she's usually so quiet and expressionless, but she's so expressive only in these situations.

"Then, it's the last spurt!"

"Y-yeah. Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, wai, no, it's too much, uuwahh, Hmmmm!"

Mare's eyes are squeezed tightly shut and she screams out in an unbearable way.

As Mare climaxes, I shoot my load deep into her.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

"This is bad, this is bad! Alec!"

When I thought I had one more round with Mare, Lily came rushing in.

"What's happened?"

"They found the ninth layer! The Adventurer's Guild is in an uproar!"


I knew it was only a matter of time, but it's much sooner than I thought.

"Lily, do you know who brought this information to them?"

If it was Letty, she'd be tied up in turtle shells and tortured with upside-down water torture.

"Gallard the "The Seeker of the Holy Grail"."

"That's guy, huh. ......"

I knew Gallard's name and face, he was the leader of the A-rank party.

He's a knight with red hair and white full plate.

He's an unsavory bastard who, when he sees a female adventurer, extends his hand to her with a refreshing smile and says, "Ladies first."

Tsk, I should have announced that I found the ninth layer first.

It would be nice if Sarah found it and was hailed as a hero, but not him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing. He's the one who found the ninth layer."

"Eehhh? It's us!"

"If you say that now, the others will definitely say that [Alec and the others are lying], so don't do it."

"I don't get it."

"But still. You should tell the others."

"I will."

So, should we speed up the pace of our adventure?

...... No, you can give the glory and the last treasure to someone else.

The ninth layer can be deadly if you rush it.

As for us, as long as we get the skills, we can accomplish our goal.

Besides, this dungeon is not the final stage.

"I'll talk to everyone about it."

I stood up and put my clothes on.