While exploring the ninth layer, we found a suspicious hall.

There were no enemies, but we expected there to be a trap, so we went inside with the intention of thoroughly investigating.

One of the idiots easily triggered the trap.

"Just in time!"

I reach out my hand and move with [Levitation] and [Instantaneous Movement].

"Alec, I'll cover you! Go!"

Serina used wind magic without chanting, and accelerated me from behind. It's a pretty good decision. It hadn't occurred to me to use wind magic here.

However, when I was only five centimeters away, the door mercilessly fell and closed.

I still tried to use [Instantaneous Movement] on the other side of the door, but my body was bounced. It seems that I can't use [Instantaneous Movement] to get through the wall in this area.

"Only one left!"

I turn around, but from here, I'll never be able to make it in time. The only thing left to do was to pray that the rest of the team would do well.

On that side, Saki was just running in first.

However, the door to the last doorway was already starting to fall down.

"Come on!"

Although it was unlikely that she would be able to reach the door in time, Saki threw the Flame Sword towards the entrance and also pulled the rope tied to the sword to adjust its direction.

The sword, which was now facing vertically, acted as a support rod and stopped the door from falling.

"Alright! I'm the best!"

"Good job! Hurry up, we're going out the door on the left."

We're all heading there.

But there was a crunching sound, and the Flame Sword slipped and bounced off, causing the stone door to fall.

Was it impossible to support the weight with a sword?

I looked around, but all the entrances and exits to this hall were blocked.

We all looked at each other, and then at Letty.

"N-no, I-I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Letty, you can make excuses later. Use your magic and do something about the ceiling."

I looked up, and well, here comes the next trap.

I heard the scraping of a large stone, and the ceiling was slowly coming down.

At this rate, we'll be crushed and flattened by the ceiling.

"I-I got it. Summon! Iron Golem Z!"

As Letty raised the rod high in the air, the jewel at the tip began to spew out dazzling rays of light.


In the next moment, an iron robot over ten meters long suddenly appeared on the scene, puffing out steam from its exhaust port.

What is this thing?

It's streamlined and has a near-future form, and it's really cool.

"Come on, Golem, stop that ceiling!"


The Iron Golem barked and put both hands on the ceiling.

I just realized that this ceiling is not made of stone, but iron.

With a creaking sound, the iron robot and the iron ceiling began a contest of strength.

Can the golem win?

When I was hoping that a golem as futuristic as this one would be a superalloy or something like that, and that it would be able to handle the iron ceiling.

There was a cracking sound from inside the golem, and its form began to distort.

It seems that the ancient ceiling is made of a higher material and is stronger. Tsk.

"Uwahh, what should I do! Iron Golem Z is no good, I don't have any magic that's harder and stronger than this!"

Letty looks at me and says with a face like she's about to cry.

"Then think of another way."

"Even if you say so, Aaahh, My mind is blank, I can't think of anythiiiing."

"Calm down, you're a genius magician, you can do it!"

I said, signaling everyone to praise her.

"Yeah, Letty, you're a genius, you can do it."

"Keep up the good work.

"Stay calm. Stay calm."

"I know you can do it, teacher!"

"I don't care if it's an evil god or not, just do something!"

"The release of the seal of the evil god.....No, no, don't, If I force that thing to call out, everyone's SAN value will be cut off and it'll be a crazy bad ending, Meteor Strike will collapse here and I'll still die, and Explosion will bomb out, Aah geez!"

"Letty, I'll give you some points, so take [Calm and Steady]."

"Penis anemone, ha, that's it!"

Letty seems to have come up with some other spell after hearing my words, but I'm still worried. (TLN : Calm and steady is read as = Chinchaku reisei, and Letty take a hint from word chinchin = penis )

I don't think such a soft anemone could support us if she called it up here.

I gave up on relying on Letty and searched for a potential skills, but damn, I couldn't come up with anything.

"Letty, are you sure It is all right?"

I checked, but Letty seemed to have already focused all her attention on the spell and didn't respond.

"――Defy the ancient order, Stap Stap, the cell of truth is one. Reverse it, the process of evolution is the cause and effect of survival of the fittest, primordial life! Here is your rebirth! Mother Slime Revolution!"

Well, I guess we'll just have to trust her. She's a bit of a madman sometimes, but she's definitely a genius magician.

"Everyone, put your gear in the item storage right now! Clothes and all!"

Letty said as soon as she finished casting the spell.

"All of it? So, what's going to happen?"

"Just do it! Don't leave a single thing behind!"

"Everyone, do as Letty says! We're running out of time!"

The steel ceiling is already coming down to my height.

At this rate, it'll be on the floor in less than five minutes.

"Ugh, I can't get in there!?

"Jouga, I'll share the points with you, so raise your skill level and put it in the item storage. If anyone else is missing, let me know!"

"I can't fit in there either."

"Me too."

Hannah and Luka offered, so I gave them some points as well.

So when everyone had put their weapons and clothes into the item storage, something strange began to happen to our body.

"Uwohhh!? My hands are showing through, aren't they? What is it?"

"Hey, this is really okay, right? Now, what about the cells, what about evolution: ......"

"Hawawa, teacher, my body is getting squishy!"

"I mean, aren't we melting!?"

"I can't help it, I couldn't think of any other way......"

Letty says something ominous.

"Damn it, you idiot. There's no point in getting through this if we're going to turn into slime. We'll be back to normal, right!?"

"Hmm, I've never experimented with humans, but maybe. After a certain amount of time, we might be able to evolve and become human again."


"Oi. How long will it take?"

"About an hour."

That's faster tan I thought. Then let's just hope it evolves properly and becomes human again.

I heard a slurping sound, and when I looked at the floor, I saw a green slime there. Or rather, is that me?

I look around, but everyone seems to have turned into green slime, and there's nothing but slime there.

The ceiling comes down and slowly crushes us.

There's no danger of breaking bones with this, but then again, if we're crushed, isn't it bad to become a slime?

I felt uneasy, but my skills were disabled, so there was nothing I could do.

Guguhh, I'm getting oppressed ......

I heard a slurping sound and found myself moving to the ceiling. It seemed to have flowed through a small gap between the side wall and the ceiling.

There were a number of large gears spinning in the attic, but nothing else seemed to be going on, and I was a little curious as to how it was powered.

I thought about making sure everyone was okay, but I couldn't speak.

Well, it's a slime, after all. There's no way I can talk.

I don't even know where my body goes from here, and where the others' bodies go from here.

Oh well. It's not a big deal.

I'm a slime.

Now, where's the bait ......?

Slaarp. Slaarp.