After a good night's rest at the inn, we continued our exploration of the ninth layer.

The magic circle allows you to jump from the first layer to the bottom layer in one go, so getting to your destination is quite easy.

However, the ninth layer of the main dungeon is still very difficult, so it's not a straightforward task.


Ione was attacked by an enemy attack and fell.

"Ione! Damn it, Serina, get into cover!"

I'll give the order right away.

"All right! Fianna, get Ione back up quickly!"

"Yes, ――Goddess Eir, grant my wish and show me a miracle. Large heal!"

"Kkuh, this is not good, brother, I can't hold it!"

"Let me have it, Jouga. When Ione's healed-――Oi! There's another enemy on your right!"

"Shit! Guegh!"


"I'll take the bait. You do something while I'm gone."

"Hannah, you can't do this by yourself!"

"Tsk, Let's retreat for now!"

I gave up and gave the order to retreat.

From the hall where Letty had gotten into trouble, I went straight north to a small room at the end of the hall.

We fought four gargoyles there, and they were very strong.

I thought it would be troublesome if they chased us, but fortunately the gargoyles didn't chase us to the small room.

"Okay, now everyone's recovery is complete. But I'm out of Great Potions. It's a rare item that can only be found at auctions."

Saki reported regretfully.

"You can't replace it with life. so don't hesitate to use the recovery items."

"Of course, darling."

"But they're hard, they move fast, and they're troublesome enemies, aren't they?"

"Yeah, I thought they were gargoyles, but I guess not."

"Hannah's right. Tsk, I should've appraised it out."

I click my tongue.

I thought it was an enemy on the same level as the Chimera and Dullahan, so I neglected to appraise it.

"But if it's a demon type that's that strong, I can guess. I think it's probably a Greater Demon."

Letty guessed the monster's name from its strength and type.

"Ehh? Four Greater Demons?"

Hannah was surprised, but judging from the name, it must be one of the strongest demons. If there was only one of them, four would be too much.

In addition, they have the ability to fly, so their evasion rate is high, and they attack without regard to whether you're in the front or the back, so it's hard to defend yourself.

"We'll stop here for today. Let's go back and think of countermeasures."

""" Okay """

On my way back, I heard multiple metallic sounds, clinking together.

"Something's coming!"

"Damn, another new one."

The members of the group tensed up, but Meena was able to quickly identify who it was.

"It's all right, they're adventurers, and this smell is the Gallard Squad."

"All right, put your swords away. Let's go talk to them."

Since it's the ninth layer, they'll probably try to attack us as soon as they see us, so it'll be tricky if we don't let them identify us as soon as possible. They might mistake us for the enemy and start a battle.

"I got nervous when I thought there were so many of them."

"That's true."

"Wait, we're adventurers, let's put our swords away."

The leader of the other side, Gallard, also noticed us and came out of the passage.

"Hi, Alec-san, we meet again."

He smiles again, but his party members are more reluctant or relieved, and less smiling. Some of them had red blood on their armor, indicating that someone was badly injured or dead.

There were also three fewer people than usual.

"That's right."

"Oi, Alec! You knew about that spear trap, didn't you!"

A bearded warrior stepped forward and pointed at me as if to question me. These guys were hit there too, I guess. It seems that Gallard and the others are not that good at removing traps.

"What about it?"

As the warrior was about to close in on me, Gallard put his hand on warrior shoulder and calmed him down.

"Don't you dare, Pedwick. That trap would have been difficult to avoid even if we had been told about it beforehand. Besides, Alec-san just told us the theory of the adventure. This is your first time in the ninth layer, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's right. You seem to have been injured, but we also almost died twice over there earlier. We'd better be careful on the ninth layer."

"Yeah, I agree."


You're skeptical. Well, I suppose I should be.

"There's a hall ahead. Don't step on the different colored tiles. And in the small room to the north, there's a very powerful gargoyle."

I made a big show of telling Gallard and the others. We're not even halfway through exploring the ninth layer. I don't mean to go on become a friend with him, but it's too early to get into a rift here.

"Ah? Tsk."

Letty is clucking her tongue behind my back, but you're being very unpleasant.  

"Yes, thank you for your kindness. Alec-san, I have some information for you as well. In the darkness of passage there, there is a spear trap that covers a large area. Alec and the others, please be careful when you go through there."


We walked past Gallard, who bowed politely.

"I wonder why you're telling him this. Are you homosexuals? Did you fall in love with Gallard because he's so handsome?"

Letty says something disgusting things.

"You're noisy. There's another reason."

"What it is?"

"Gallard's not going to get past the ninth layer any time soon if I give him the information I just gave him. They'll have to go much further and serve as our guinea pigs."

"Uwahh, I see. ......"

Those who go first will get the treasure, but they'll also get the added benefit of being caught in a trap.

Moreover, the trap on the ninth layer here is a bit difficult for the first time. No, not just a bit, it's a level where people could die at any moment.

If that's the case, just give them the appropriate treasure and have them act as your pilot. We won't lose any of our party members.

"So, Letty, you're expelled for today."

"Fah!? N-no,no,no,no, you are kidding right, Alec?"

"No, I'm serious."

"N-no way, if there's anything you don't like about me, I'll fix everything, I'll never talk back to you again, and I'll do my best to give you a blowjob, so please forgive me, hehehe, Alec-samaa!"

Letty started to get down on her knees. She's got no pride. The other members of the group knew that I had an idea and were calmly watching the situation.

"Don't get me wrong, it's only temporary."

"Hmm? Oh, you mean you want me to spy on the Gallard Squad?"

Letty seemed to have read my thoughts right away. She's got a pretty good head on her shoulders around here.


"I see. I get it. Then I'll follow you over there and get some information."

"I'll leave it to you. You don't have to stir things up. Just don't act suspicious."

"Yeah, I'll complain about Alec a lot."

"In moderation."

Letty skipped along happily as she chased after the Gallard team. I'm a little worried about being betrayed.

"Do you think it is okay....?"

"Alec, can we trust this Letty? The secret of your skills, our party composition and characteristics, it could all be leaked to them , you know?"

Serina and Hannah are worried about that.

"Well, I've already factored that in. Even if they knew about my copying skill, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

"I see."

As I warped back to the first layer from the magic circle and returned to our stronghold, Dragon's Dwelling Tree Residence, an elf came running up to me.

"Excuse me, Alec-san, I need to talk to you."

"Hmm, I'll listen."

A girl with a slightly loli body, she's within my range of expertise.