I'm alone with Thalia, a prospective member, in my bedroom of the inn.

I'm burning up.

"Thalia, I'm going to assess your abilities now, but I'd like you to remove the item boosts. As the leader of the team, I need to know how strong you are with your equipment and how strong you are without it, otherwise I might misjudge you if your equipment is destroyed or lost."

"I see, you're right."

Thalia nodded several times as if she was impressed. Yes, I was very serious, but in the Black Cat of the Wind, I have never examined the abilities of each member to that extent, nor have I grasped them.

It's just an ideal that I'm striving for.

"Then, please remove all items. And all of your clothes."

"Eh? Clothes, too ......?"

"That's right. I'm sure some of your clothes have boosts."

"It's, um, there are, but my clothes only have a little bit of defense and speed. ......"

"Don't worry, I know what it's like to not want the opposite sex to see you naked. I'm looking at the wall like this, so feel free to take it off."

"Eehh ......?"

"Of course, this is also a test of trust between you and your leader. If you really don't trust me, or don't trust the Black Cat of the Wind, then you don't have to take it off, and we're done talking. You'd better find another clan. Well, it doesn't matter what clan you're in, but I don't think it's going to work for a newcomer who doesn't trust the leader to suddenly ask you to trust him. ......"

"Y-you're right. Um, really, don't look this way, okay?"

"All right, all right. Trust me. I promise I won't look back, and you can keep your eyes on me. If I do turn around, just cover yourself with that sheet and you'll be safe."

"Huh. Well, don't move, please."

"I will."

I heard the sound of a belt being unfastened with a click, followed by a rustling sound of clothes.

But, Thalia, you're far too cautious about other people's skills. That's a negative point.

What's more, I have the [Eyes in the Back Lv5] spying skill, you know.

I can see you in your underwear in real time.

The white, neat panties have a red ribbon attached as a single point, and the design is a bit childish, but it's not a problem, in fact, it's fine.

The bra is decorated with expensive lace, as if she was at an age when she wanted to be fashionable. It's quite nice.

"Now, take off your underwear, too."

"Ugh ......, but there's no such thing as a boost in these underwear."

"Shadap! I don't know what your clothes effect do, you know? I need you to take off all of your clothes so I can accurately gauge your abilities."

"Are you saying I'm lying to you?"

"I'm sorry, but when I take this test, some of the girls have hidden rings and other tricks up their sleeves. I'm not saying you are, but I'm trying to be fair."

"...... I understand. ......"

Thalia stared at me, watching me to see if I moved, then looked around the room restlessly, then finally put her hand on her bra.

Fuu~, you're a virgin, huh

"Come one, take off your panties, too."

"Um, you're not really looking, are you?"

"You can't believe your eyes, can you? You think I look like I'm looking behind me?"

"No. ...... But what can I say ......"

"It's a sound."


"You've never heard of the mind's eye?"

"Yes, I have. One of the samurai in my party has it."

There's a person she know who have a [Mind's eye] skills? That's a little nuisance.

"The mind's eye doesn't see with the eyes. It sees with the eyes of the mind. That's why it predicts what you're doing, by sound or otherwise."

"Ah, I see, but that means you can see me, right?"

"No, no, no, it doesn't mean I can actually see you. I just have a vague idea of what you're doing. Don't worry, take it off. Come on, come on."

"Ugh, I-I get it. ...... But, um, can I at least wear panties, please?"

"No, you can't. Sorry."


Now, what are you going to do?

If you say you're going to quit, I'll lower the conditions. Quickly.

Thalia blushed, bit her lower lip, and seemed to hesitate quite a bit, but then slowly put her hand on her panties and lowered it.

You've got some nerve.

It was a bit of a lack of caution of her to do such a thing in a locked room alone with a man, but I could teach her a lesson.

"Now, get your hands off your chest."

"Ehh? W-why?"

"Because I'm using my skills to measure your abilities. I can't do that if you don't stand still and maintain a proper posture."

"I-is that so? Then what about this?

"Be more proud"

"Y-yes. Is this okay?"

A nude elf girl is standing in an attentive posture. Her breasts are quite small and only slightly swollen, but her waist and hips are becoming more feminine. Her breasts are still in the process of growing, and there is a lot to look forward to in the future, but I think she is most beautiful when she is in her unfinished state.

Her small cherry-red nipples were erect, and she seemed to be sexually aroused.

Her face is flushed to the ears and she blinks restlessly, but her innocence is also quite delicious.

I studied every inch of Thalia's body.

"Hmmm, thank you, that's enough. Get dressed."

"Haa, I'm glad. ......"

I let her signal me when she was dressed, and I finally turned around.

"Alec-san, so, my abilities is......"

"Well, don't be hasty, I'll tell you now."

Here's the [Appraisal] at last.

【Name】 Thalia

【Age】 15

【 L v】 30

【Class】 Archer

【 Race 】 Elf

【 Gender 】 Female

【 H P 】 224/224

【 MP 】 175/175 

【Status】 Healthy


Born in Austin.

She belongs to the clan "The Seeker of the Holy Grail".

She has a cheerful personality and is very active.

She's still belong to "The Seeker of the Holy Grail" clan.

I thought I had already included her in the Black Cat of the Wind, but as Hannah suspected, she seems to be a spy.

That's pretty good.

I don't know if she's doing this under Gallard's orders or if she volunteered, but if she's a spy, I'm sure she'll be willing to make some tough demands.

"Can you use Magic?"

"Yeah, you know that part too?"

"Yes, I do, and although you're a little low on HP, being able to use both bow and magic is very useful."

I gave her a little compliment.

"Yes, I think so. I can use magic of the wind and earth attributes. I'm up to intermediate level."

"No, no, it's good enough. But we don't have many magicians in our clan, so I might have to ask you to do it with your magic. Is that okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"But since you're archer, why don't you show me your bow skills? Hold it up a little bit."

"Yes, sir."

Thalia holds up her bow. She's not afraid, and she seems to be very skilled with the bow and arrow.

"You need to relax your shoulders a little more, no, no, straighten your back, that's wrong, you're wrong, not like that."

I said something appropriate, approached her and took her hand.

She was overtly nervous, but she thought I was lecturing her and didn't resist.

"Your posture is solid, but don't expect to shoot in the same position all the time. The battle begin suddenly, and if you get into a melee, the enemy can come at you from anywhere."

"Yes, sir."

"In that case, bend your body like this: ......"

I casually touched her chest.