Do we pursue one dream at the expense of our friends, or do we value the lives of our friends more than our dreams?

I guess each person has their own way of thinking.

However, to protect one's own life, but use the lives of others as pawns――

I have to say that such an approach is disgusting. It is even more so if you deceive others or use sophistry.

「I don't think you're wrong, Gallard-san.」

Thalia said.

She joined my clan without being promoted to the first team, but I guess her philosophy is close to Gallard's.

「Thank you. Okay, ......」

「Wait. Just because you've cleared this room doesn't mean you've cleared the ninth layer. There must still be a boss.」

I'll point it out.

「Yeah, I'm sure that's true. That's why I, the strongest in the party, have to reach the boss room alive!」

Gallard nodded, but then he tied it to his logic.

「I'm sure you're right, but I don't care if my friends get there alive with me. We should also consider whether there is another way to verify.」

「Such as?」

「For example, Letty. Can you get the slime out?」

「Aahh, yeah, Then――Ero-ero Slime, evil god, evil god, please bless us with one. To rule the world!」

When Letty got down on her knees and begged, a black blur came out of the ceiling, and slime began to fall from it in spurts.

「Hey ......, I'm starting to feel like killing Letty here would be more righteous.」

Serina says it in a low voice.

「Well, don't be hasty. It seems that the Evil God's power has not yet grown, and it's not decided that Letty can't control the Evil God.」

「But if it looks dangerous, I'll kill it.」

「If it's too dangerous, okay? Also, you can threaten her to cancel the contract with the evil god before you kill it.」

「That's right.」

「Didn't you just say "evil god"?」

The priest of Gallard was also concerned, but with a dubious look on his face.

「No way, you misheard the spell. It's Jack Singing Summer, Jack Singing Summer. Jack sang of summer, la la la la♪」

Letty says with a smirk, but she's used to cheating.


「Anyway, let's let her handle it first.」

Gallard said, and the priest reluctantly withdrew.

「Now go, my servants! Fuhahahahaha! Ha-ha-ha-ha!」

「You're getting carried away, Letty. We'll have a party meeting later.」


「Hey, Priest, put up the barrier.」

He seem to have forgotten, so I'll tell him.

「Ah, s-sure. ――Protect this man's soul from the filth of the earth.」

The priest began to pray on the spot.

The slimes entered through the entrance and slowly crawled across the floor.

The question was, “Do slimes have souls in the first place?” but we have to try. It is said that even a small insect has five minutes of soul.

At the eight-meter mark in the middle of the room, the first slime bursts into flames, losing its stickiness and spreading to the floor as a smooth liquid.

One more slime. One more, then another.

There were about five of them, but all five were wiped out.

「Thalia, you're lucky you didn't volunteer.」

「Y-yeah. ......」

As expected, Thalia must have been horrified at the thought of what would have happened if she had volunteered. Her face turned pale.


Gallard shouted at the priest in frustration.

「I'm sorry, sir. I can't tell if it's a powerful ward or something else, because I can't see it.」

Well, it must be extremely difficult to grasp the state of something you can't see.

「We'll figure out a way. There has to be something, anything.」

Gallard said, but no one could think of anything right away.

「You're right, this method won't work.」

I say in resignation.

「Well, I guess we should retreat!」

Lily says happily.

「But no. We'll stick around a little longer. Letty, can you get this wall down?」

「Fufu, Leave it to me! I'm a crusher, Letty, and destruction is my specialty.」

Letty grinned, raised her rod high in the air, and began to summon something.

「――Come out (Summon)! Stone Golem R!」

With a plume of dust and smoke, a golem with the appearance of something super ancient appeared on the scene.

「What! It's unbelievable that you can call up so many golems with just that many syllables. ......!」

「In addition, this is a type I've never seen before. ...... The shape is quite complex and advanced. ......」

Both of the magicians in Gallard's squad are astonished.

「Come on, servants of the evil god! Destroy that wall!」

「Ah, I knew you said evil god!」

As if to drown out the voice of the priest who pointed it out, a thud! and a loud sound of destruction, the dark purple walls shattered and the stone blocks collapsed.

The passage was made.

「Hey, do you think the evil gods are still okay?」

Although Serina is worried about Letty.

「As long as that golem doesn't get out of control, we should still be okay. I guess we should check what other servants she have at the party meeting, though.」

I'm starting to get a little worried myself.

「You're right.」

「Gallard-san, Letty is dangerous!」

The priest pointed with a grim face and appealed.

「Well, wait a minute. Letty, can you bring out the slime again?」

Gallard nudged the priest and asked Letty to do the same. 

Letty looked at me, and I nodded.

「All right, there you goo!」

This time, she summon the slime without chanting and send it towards the hole in the broken wall.

This slime was alive and headed to the end of the passage.

「I think it can make it. Everyone, let's go after the slime!」

「「 Okay! 」」

Gallard quickly gave the order and began to chase after it at a run.

「Ah, hey! Geez. Are you sure? Alec. you let them go first.」

Serina seemed to be in a hurry to get there first.

「Yeah. The way the mapping is filling up, there should be a mountain or two more to go. And the bosses on this level are definitely tougher than the first time we see them.」

「That's right. I guess we'll let Gallard take care of the rest for us.」

Serina grinned, and we slowly followed Gallard and the others.