Hannah warned us that something was coming, so we quickly looked around and took precautions.

「There's nothing here, huh?」

Jouga said, looking around at the bottom of the stairs.

「No, it's up there. The shadows are wavering.」

Hannah said while looking up.


「Ah, it's true. The light is moving.」

I finally noticed that the ceiling was glowing faintly on this level, as Serina said.

「Letty, I'll give you a chance to make up for this. Hit the light magic up there.」

「Roger! I'm going for the full-on glare!」

「No, no, no. Just enough to keep us out of sight.」

「Yeah, well, that's about it. Bang!」

Letty held out her hands, and the yellow sphere lit up like a firework.

「No, a little more to the right, Letty.」

「What? Where? Around there? Bang!」

「Too far. Up and to the left.」

「Geez. Then, bang, bang!」

Letty was setting up lights in the air one after another. Then I saw something approaching.

「There it is. Right in front direction. A black shadow?」

「Yeah, there's something, a square thing coming down.」

Serina has good eyesight, she can see the shape. It looked like a dot to me, though.

But it was getting bigger and bigger. Slowly a black cube was descending.

「Woow, darling, that thing is bad, isn't it? Maybe we should run.」

Saki said, but even if it's just one of them, it's probably a pretty high level enemy. It might be the boss.

「Letty, take out all the golems.」

「Aye aye sir! Servants of the evil gods, all of you, gather together!」

Three golems came out. Iron Golem Z, Stone Golem R, and the other one is wood? It's a wood golem.

「Hmm, Letty, let me ask you something... You're not going to resurrect the evil gods when they all get together, are you?」

Serina asked with concern.

「No」 she said, 「if it were that easy to resurrect, I wouldn't have any trouble.」

「That's right. I hope you won't resurrect it.」

「Ehh? Why not?」

「Whatever. It's obvious.」

「The enemy is going down that way.」

Hannah says, but the black cube is going straight down.

「It'll be easier to fight on the wide floor than the stairs here. We're going down, too.」

「「「 Understood 」」」

We run all the way down the long, long stairs to the bottom.

「Letty, let's get a head start. Whatever you got to hit, hit it!」

「You can count on me! Crusher Letty's specialties! ―never aim at a person's eyes because you will lose your sight or go blind! Converge! Photon laser!」

As Letty pointed the rod, a blue laser shot out from it, hitting the cubic enemy as it was about to land on the floor.

「Yes, I hit it! I'm ahead of the game!」

「But nothing is happening, is it?」

「Huh, huh, huh? That's a pretty big explosion. A little over there.」

When Letty shifted the laser a little to the side, the stone floor smeared red and exploded with a flourish.

「Whoa!? Wait a minute, Letty!」

I hurriedly said while enduring the blast.

「Yeah, I thought that was a bit much, too. Don't worry, I already stopped it.」

「You've got some great magic there, .......」

「But it consumes a lot of magic power.」

That's true. It's a big magic.

「Hawawa, You can't destroy it!」

Nene says impatiently, but why?

「What do you mean, Nene?」

「No, I don't know what it means, but someone's in a hurry.」

Who is it?

「The enemy?」

「No, I don't know. ......?」

「All right, call off the attack.」

「Ehh? Alec, this is our chance.」

Letty said impatiently, but it's a different story when it's an enemy that's not attacking.

The black cube hasn't moved since a moment ago.

「I don't know, I don't feel any evil in that thing.」

Fianna says, but maybe it's not the enemy.


「Anyway, let's get closer and find out. Saki!」

「I'm on it!」

Saki nimbly approaches the cube with a tap-tap-tap. The cube has already landed on the floor, but there is no particular movement.

I'm going to approach it too and use [Appraisal].

【Name】  Moving Floor

【Category】  Facilities

【Material】  ???

【Defense】 1000000

【Weight】  ???


A mysterious cube five meters square.

It moves according to a predetermined setting.

What the hell?

Letty wasted MP on this one, didn't she?

「It's just a floor. It's not the enemy.」


「Aahh, ......」

「That box is a floor, right? Brother.」

「I think you're a little out of alignment. Here: ...... Hmph!」

When Saki kicked the cube, it slowly sank and became one with the floor. There seemed to be an indentation right there.

「Oohhh! It's true. It became the floor!」

「Then, everyone, get on this.」

Get on the black floor and wait. Then, slowly, a cube emerged.

「Oooh? I-It's moving!? It's alive!」

「Calm down, Jouga. This is an elevator.」

Saki will explain it to him.

「Ele, what?」

「Oh, you don't understand. Well, if you just standing there blankly, you'll be able to get to the top.」


「Oh, I can't do this, this is scary. It's too high!」

Lily peeked down and shivered, but it was indeed scary without walls or railings, wasn't it?

「Letty, can you cast levitation magic on everyone?」

「If it only slows down the falling speed, I can do it.」

「Then cast it on us.」

「Got it. ――Lighter, lighter, lighter than a feather, everyone's fluffy, perfect to the touch, Feather Bodies!」

The moving floor continued to rise, but I could see another series of cubes on the other side of the top.

It's the exact same shape as this scaffolding.

「There it is.」


The floor we were on moved right next to the cubes floating in the air, and then stopped.

「All right, move over there.」

Get on the floor next to it.

We all got on, waited for a while, and now the floor started to move horizontally.

「I wonder who's moving it?」

Hannah murmured in doubt, but it was automatic. No, if the question was who set up this floor, there had to be someone.

「Here comes the next endpoint.」

The floor slows down a bit and attaches itself to another floor.

After going up and off to the side, like a puzzle, we finally reached a slightly larger area consisting of a cube 5 x 5.

On the floor, there was an arched pillar, placed in the middle as if to ask us to go through it.

「What should we do?」

「Let's find out.」

First, we observed the pillar from the outside. Saki went around to the back side, but her figure looked normal.

「I don't see any traps set up. That's what I think.」

「Letty, do you have any magic to make your vision fly?」

「Hmm, there's a magic that lets you peek at the coordinates, but Alec wants to let you go through that door, right?」


「Then my magic won't do.」

「Is there any way?」

「Can't we just stick your heads in?」

「If you want to stick your neck out, that's fine.」

I'll tell Letty with a straight face.

「Ew. That might be a little scary. ......」

「If that's the case, why don't we throw this iron ball before you try your neck.」

Saki threw a five centimeter diameter iron ball at the door.

「「Ah! It disappeared」」

The moment the iron ball passed through the arch pillar, it became invisible. It didn't fall on this side or on the floor on the other side.

「Oh―, so that's how it works. Then, next is the rope.」

Saki threw a rope with a hook into the door, but the end of the rope was still invisible under the pillar, and a piece of it was still floating. It seems to be connected to some other dimension.

「Now, let's try to pull it out. If this doesn't work, I'll try Letty's neck next.」

「Why should I!?」

「I was just kidding. Oooh, it's connected!」

But I'm worried about sticking her neck in now.

「Letty, get the slime out.」

「Ah, that's right. And let's put the evil god on it.」

Letty put a pointy hat on top of the slime.

「Can it see things?」

「Yes, it can. And it can talk too. I knew this was a good idea.」

「Noo―I'm scared. I don't want to go.」

「Nene, don't talk now. It's confusing」

「Hawawa, I'm so sorry.」

「Well, off you go.」

The slime with the pointy hat on it went under the pillar.