Across the central square from the Royal Castle of Grandsword, the Coliseum of the arena awaits the warriors.

It is also close to the Labyrinth of No Return.

This is where death matches take place every day, and many people actually lose their lives in the arena.

I thought it couldn't be done with only such daredevils, but it seems that sometimes the arena operators hire battle slaves to fight.

「Tsk, It's a disgusting, I can't watch this.」

When I saw the girl with the white cat ears being tortured one way or the other, I left my seat in the middle of the match. The rest of the crowd didn't seem to mind, and even cheered from the seats.

「Let's get out of here. That girl can't win.」

Sarah said with a slightly unamused look and followed me.

「It's a good thing I didn't bring Serina and Meena with me.」

「Well, they do stand out, don't they?」

Serah also thought that they would stand out, but the blonde and erotic looking swordsman seemed to blend in rather well in this arena.

「I guess so. But I said I was right, because those guys are going to be mad.」

「Oh, that one.」

Meena might not say anything, but there's no way she'd be happy to see a slave like her position being tormented.

I've already erased her slave crest, but she still calls me master, and I don't think her position has changed.

「Are there any other candidates for the championship that I should be looking at?」

「There are many, but the candidates for the championship will be in the seeded slots, and they shouldn't be playing their seeded games today.」

「Then there's no point in me staying here.」

「Yeah. You want to go to Tabitha's?」

「Yeah, sure.」

The love hotel I go to.

Sarah seems to want to have sex, but, well, we can kill two birds with one stone if we have sex after we've worked out a plan.

First, after a light blowjob, I ask Sarah what she knows about the candidates for the arena championship.

「First of all, the main contender is the "Mad King". He's won a lot of battles in a row without losing, and even if his opponent is an A-rank, he'll win easily.」

「Is that A rank? Not S?」

「Yeah, it should be A. The S rank has been vacant since Bard and the others retired.」

「I can beat an A-rank with ease, but I can't become an S-rank?」

「Yeah, strength in the arena and skill as an adventurer are two different things, Alec. The Mad King is a loner, and I once helped him when he was lost on the third layer. He's the kind of kid who gets lost even if he has a map.」

So he's a solo adventurer.

「So he doesn't go into dungeons much?」

「Yeah, I haven't seen him in the labyrinth since then, and he can make money in the arena, so there's no need to dive, right?」

「Well, I guess you could say that. No, you have to go down to the lower layer to get an A rank.」

「Huh? Come to thing of it you're right. Well, the Adventurer's Guild certifies them, so it's a special category, right?」

So the theory is that he's so popular in the arena that they gave him an A rank as a mascot. That's possible.

「What's his gear?」

「He's got full-face, full plate armor and a halberd. Do you know what a halberd is?」

「Yeah, it's, like, an axe and a spear in one, right?」

「That's it. Normally, it's too heavy to wield, but it's not half as strong as you think it is. It's about three times the weight of a normal halberd, and she'll swing it around like a bat out of hell.」

「That girl? Is she a woman?」

「No, I don't know? Maybe a man?」

Sarah twists her head, but if the mad king's  wearing full body armor and a helmet, so we can't see the mad king in the flesh.

「Any weaknesses?」

「The helmet limits mad king vision, so mad king sometimes lose sight of quick enemies. But the mad king has good defense, and the moment the mad king are attacked, the ma king fires its halberd, so the mad king never loses. To be honest, I don't want to fight with the mad king either. I'll leave it to Lunette.」 ( TLN : Since we still don't know the mad king gender, I'll use either The mad king, or they)

「Can you defeat the mad king with magic?」

「I've never done it before, but the mad king's a vanguard warrior type. I'm sure I can do it.」

「What are the mad king skills?」

「The mad king's recklessly violent. Ha-ha-ha.」

「Is that a skill?」

「Yeah. It's like the mad king activates it when they'are in trouble. Their speed would increase by about five times, and their power by three times, or something like that. They were gouging the stone floor.」

「Hmmm ......」

It's tough for Jouga.

He is also capable of serving as a vanguard in an A-rank party, but even so, he is not the type who has any particular trump card.

With Serina, there is a one-shot deadly evil skill "Starlight Attack" that can kill the opponent even with just a scratch, and with Ione, her [mind's eye] and her swordsmanship skills, can grasp the enemy's movements even when her eyes are closed.

Especially such a skill is immensely powerful in a one-on-one battle against a person.

And as far as Sarah is concerned, Jouga is not a good match for the Mad King.

Jouga is power oriented, so he's not fast.

If the opponent has more power than Jouga, he will have to dodge and evade, but Jouga is the type that can slash head-on and take a beating.

He uses a broadsword, which is a rather large and sturdy weapon, but it will probably lose to the halberd in reach. And if the axe part hits the sword properly, it could destroy the weapon.

「Well, if Jouga can get a critical hit before that thing comes out, he can win, right?」

Sarah says lightly.

「You're relying on luck. ......」

But it's not like he has to win.

It's a dream of Jouga's, and now that his level has risen, he's ready to give it a shot.

If he lost after giving it all he had, he should be able to give up.

「Yeah. Well, no matter who you're up against, there's always luck. It's usually win or lose. So, the next candidate is Jake, the Black Dragon Slayer.」

「I already know how he fights. I've seen it myself.」

He's a pick-up artist with light blue, upswept hair.

Typical speed fighter, uses a slender shortsword.

He's rambunctious and a bit of an idiot, but he seems to have had some serious training in swordsmanship, and his sophisticated movements put his opponents at his mercy.

However, since his movements are clearly designed with the audience in mind, he sometimes struggles when his opponent moves differently from what he has planned.

However, he's good enough to laugh at the ninth layer and say, "I almost died," and he's probably better than Jouga because he's a leader with that personality and his friends follow him.

「That's about it then! Let's do more, sex!」

Sarah grinned at me expectantly and hugged me, so I complied and squeezed Sarah's modest breasts.

「Ahnn ♪, Fufufu」