There is a member of the "Black Cat of the Wind" who should not have been entered into the arena.

「It seems that someone has using our clan's name. Saki, go contact the management and have them correct the announcement.」

I concluded and asked Saki to do so.

「Oh, that's the thing, ...... is actually a real official member.」

Saki said with a bit of difficulty.

「Hmmm? Who is it?」

I look around the balcony. Sure enough, there were two members of the first team who hadn't come here.

「Well then! On the Red corner, fluttering long red hair, just beautiful girl! The fluttering white cape and miniskirt are justice! "Black Cat of the Wind! "White Comet! "The invincible hero!" Serina~!」

Serina comes to the ring, smiling and waving to the crowd. Are you stupid?

「And on the blue corner, the ice smile, the well-birded swordsmanship license! Her calm demeanor exudes the charm of a mature woman! "Black Cat of the Wind! "Mysterious Swordsman! "Beautiful Waterfowl! Ione~!」

Ione also needs a sermon, but I guess she's out there to promote the Welbard Dojo. That part is understandable, though.

「Why didn't you tell me?」

That part is hard to understand.

「I was going to tell you about it, but actually, Jouga asked me to 'keep quiet about it to brother'. Darling, when you heard that Serina and Ione were going to compete, you were against it, weren't you?」

「Well, I guess so.」

「Besides, both of them have always participated in the big games in the arena.」

「I haven't heard anything about that.」

「Well, that's because Darling was pissed off because you lost a bet, and you once declared that you didn't want me to talk about the arena.」

「...... I wonder if that ever happened.」

「Jouga also said while showing his manliness, "There's no point in winning if I don't beat the regulars!" Even if he lose, you should cheer for him.」

「I understand. If that's the case, I won't scold Ione.」

「Why not Serina?」

「I'm sure you've heard the announcement that she's a hero.」

「Oh, I think that's just a name, a ring name that the management gave her on their own.」

「I hope so.」

Sarah hadn't told me about them either, but I guess she thought, "Why would you need information about your own party members?".

I feel like I've been had.

「Oh, looks like the seeded already out.」

Sarah came over and grabbed me by the shoulders and put her face on my side.

「Sarah, who do you think will win?」

I decide to ask her intuition just for reference.

「Hmm, if it's a real fight to the death, it'll probably be Serina, but she doesn't seem to be able to fight in her full power in the arena.」

Sarah answered. I'm sure she's referring to the fact that Sarah and the others had witnessed her special move, the Starlight Attack, in the battle of the Immortal King.

「So Ione is going to win?」

I muttered to no one in particular.

The two of them stood on the east and west sides of the ring, both holding slim longswords, bowed to each other, and began to slash each other.

「Uwahh, they're really going at it, those two.」

Luka said with a hint of reluctance, but both Serina and Ione were wielding their swords with great vigor. Even I, with my maximum level of [Dynamic Vision], could only see the glint of their swords .

Ione has the skills of [Lookout] and [Mind's Eye], so she can take it at that speed, but what skills does Serina have?

Her skills include a special skill for blocking appraisal, so I can't see her skills either.

「Hmm, in terms of power and speed, Serina is the winner. But it's Ione who wins in technique.」

Sarah said, but it seemed to me that she was pushing harder than her. Ione was inching back towards the edge of the ring, which was made up of a circular stone base.

Ione was just one step away from falling out of the ring when she unleashed her ultimate move.

「Waterfowl sword! 【Tsubamegaeshi】」

I thought that she would not be able to use it in this situation of a slashing match because the gap between the two is too large, but the tip of the sword immediately bounced back in the opposite direction after slashing.

In the next moment, the two of them stopped moving immediately. Both of them brought their blades to within an inch of each other's necks.

「I give up, I've lost. I was the one who's slower here.」

Serina said, drawing her sword first.

「In a real fight, it would be a match. A forceful push is one technique, but I think it would be better to break it down and fold it up with a little more flow.」

Ione also drew her sword and smiled.

「Thank you, Sensei.」

「Oh, wow! It looked to me like it was going to be a draw, but Serina, you give up! At last, at last, the legend of the undefeated has come to an end! Well, here's a warning from the management. Please do not throw away your betting cards, as they may be misplaced.」

The announcement called out, but countless wooden bills were flying through the air like confetti. It seems that a lot of people had bet on Serina.

「Hey, Saki, what happens if both of these are party members?」

Letty asked, seemingly curious about her bet.

「The bet failed. This game will be carried over to the next round.」

「Ehh, I don't understand.」

「It's okay, you didn't lose. I lost twenty thousand gold. Serina's you idiot!」

Lunette cursed in frustration. But you don't know the game until it's over, you know.

「What? Lunette, did you bet? How did the guild accept your bet?」

Sierra said.

「Fufu, I know a few people.」

「Uwahh, you asked someone to do that? That's illegal, what's more ......」

Sierra stiffens up her face and looked to the side, but the king was there too.

「Haha, I'll give you a pass on that. It's not like you're cheating. I'm too drunk to hear anything.」

「As expected of His Majesty, a man who knows what he's talking about. Thank you very much.」

Lunette affectionately flattered him.

「Your Majesty.」

One of the soldiers came over and asked the king a question.

「I refuse. I'm here to watch the matchs. Tell him I have no intention of meeting anyone.」

「Yes, sir.」

「You seem to be busy, too.」

I say this with half sarcasm and half sympathy.

「Yeah, it's especially easy to get in the way in a place like this. I envy you, adventurer.」

I'm sure you mean what you say.

「You'll just have to put up with the occasional breather.」

「I do. Hey, it's coming up. The "Mad King" is next.」

The king said, and I turned my gaze back down the balcony.