The journey to the Kingdom of Vernia was uneventful and ended with a bit of playing with army ants in the field on the way.

I even hired Sarah's party as my escort, but I guess I went a little overboard.

「We're here~.Yaa~, I'm glad everyone's okay.」

Sarah is unconcerned, but well, I'm certainly glad we're okay.

「Kkuh, I was on the lookout for the "Immortal King" class to come out again, so I'm not sleeping well. ......」

Lunette says with dark circles under her eyes. I don't think that such a class of disaster with a level of over 80 would come out without any context.

No, there was a black sea anemone.

A powerful enemy that could wipe us out.

That is our future, the one I saw at the door in the tenth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return.

「Alec, what's wrong?」

「No, it's nothing.」

I haven't told Sarah and the others, but well, if I told her, she'd be like "I'd have to pass on that, I absolutely pass on that!" And that's what I'm talking about, even if I say it forcefully.

It's hard to compete with the Laughing Goddess of Death's seal of approval.

「Now, about the price...」

「Yes, I'll pay for it.」

「Okay, sure.」

After paying, Sarah and the others were now negotiating with Nick, who seemed to be heading east to a country called Soltaire.

「Well, Alec, we'd better get going too.」

「Yeah. Thanks for all your help, Sarah.」

「Eehh? I didn't take care of you. Don't be like that. I have a feeling we'll see each other again soon anyway.」

「I hope so. Sarah.」

I stopped her not to kiss me, but she hugged me and asked for a kiss.

Of course, there was no reason for me to refuse, so I responded with a deep kiss, with moist and intense.

「Yes, yes, that's enough!」

Lunette stepped in between us and pulled us apart.

「Ahn, more!」

「You guys should stop kissing and petting in the middle of the city.」

「Sure, sure. Why don't you do it too, Lunette?」

「That's not the point. I don't even like Alec. Eh? Uwahh. Mmm. ......」

I also decided to kiss Lunette and Sierra as well.

「Oh, come on, geez you idiot. I told you it's secret.」

「Awawa, I got kissed ......」

The two embarrassed people are adorable, but oops, there was something more important than kissing.

「Sarah, you need to polish your skills. A year from now, you'll be able to beat me and the Mad King with ease.」

「Ehh? Alec, you survived having your neck snapped by the Mad King, right? I could beat the past Alec at the time we were fighting against the Immortal king, but for the Alec now, I might lose against you」

「You're right, I'm a little surprised at how fast you guys are growing up.」

Jaime said with a shrug. She's got her sword drawn and ready for battle, but don't worry, I'm not interested in muscular women.

「Yeah, you've risen through the ranks pretty quickly, haven't you? What's your secret?」

「It's skills. It's called [Increased Experience].」

「Hey, Alec!」

Letty whispered a reproach to me, but since we've cleared the Labyrinth of No Return and it doesn't feel like a competition anymore.

「Hee~, I didn't know there was such a thing. Oh, it's on the list. I'll keep it.」

Now Sarah can expect to grow even more. That's good.

「Take care of yourselves, everyone.」

「See ya!」

We parted ways with Sarah and Nick, and walked down the street.

It's been a while since I've been here, but Erland, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Vernia, seems has a slightly smaller building and more compact than Grandsword.

「Stop! Stop! Stop! Who are you people?」

Perhaps it was because there were too many of us, but we seemed to stand out, and soldiers from the city soon arrived.

「Don't be surprised to hear that, Okay!... We're the Black Cat of the Wind, the top clan that cleared the Labyrinth of No Return. We'll be staying with you in Vernia for a while, so please take care of us.」

Saki introduced ourselves in an exaggerated manner, but I think she would be suspicious if she didn't make such a show of herself.

「You may not know it, but no one has reached the ninth layer of that great labyrinth since the first king of Grandsword reached it five hundred years ago!」

A soldier with a bit of age tells me this proudly, but the information is a bit outdated, isn't it?

「Yeah. But this year, just two weeks ago, we made it to the ninth layer, where the first king went. If you think I'm lying, ask the merchant or adventurer who's coming from Grandsword.」

「What? No, you're bluffing. I'm not going to be fooled.」

「Why don't you go and ask them, old man? If you want, why don't you travel to Grandsword now and find out? We'll be here waiting for you.」

「Hmph. Anyway, break up now. Now, go, go, go. Disperse.」

Even if I were to explain, it would take a days to confirm if they suspects us from the beginning.

「All right. Team leaders, each of you find a suitable place to stay for your team. If there's no room available, come to the Welbard Dojo.」

「「「Understood! 」」」

Clyde, Zeed, and the others responded with vigor, but well, they've been training in the Great Labyrinth too. They can at least stay at the inn.

First of all, I wanted to drop my luggage and become light, so I looked for a place to stay by myself.

Unfortunately, the inn I used to stay at before in this country didn't have any rooms available.

Well, I'm rich now, and it would be better to stay in a high-grade inn for security reasons.

「Master, I found a fine inn on the other street.」

「All right, let's take that one.」

「Yes, sir.」

The inn seemed to be a store for merchants and nobles, not for adventurers, but when I showed them the bag of gold coins, the innkeeper readily agreed.

「So, Alec is going to the Welbard Dojo, right?」

Serina asked me in my room.

「Well, tomorrow.」

It's a dojo run by Ione's parents and my sword master. I just thought I should at least say hello to him when I come to Vernia, no other intentions.

「Is that so. Then, can I come and visit him too?」

「Well, do as you please.」

I decided to lie down on the bed and recover from the long journey. It was only a five-day journey by carriage, but it was a long journey.

The next day.

「Hey, Alec, it's already past noon, when are we going?」

Shut up.

「When I fell like it.」

「I was wondering when that was going to be, but I don't think it's been decided yet.」

「That's right.」

「Serina-san, I'll call for you when we leave.」

「Oh yeah, sorry, Meena. I'll see you later then.」


I savored my breakfast soup in a relaxed manner and adjusted my equipment. The black dragonscale mail, I knew I wanted to show it to him. I'm sure Billy will be jealous.

「It looks like everything is ready.」

Ione also arrived at the right time. She's not wearing any armor and is dressed in cloth, but I guess that's better since she's at home.

「Well then, Meena, go get the ungainly one.」

「Haah, hmmm.......Ah, come to think of it, Serina-san said she was going too, so I'll go get her.」

That's where Meena paid attention to Serina without sympathizing with me, but don't hold back on her.

The four of us, Meena, Serina, Ione and I, headed to the Welbard Dojo.

「What kind of person is Welbard-san?」

Serina asked me on the way.

「Hmm? Well, he's calm, friendly, and respectable.」

Next to me, Meena nodded her head in agreement.

「Huh? He's a man, isn't he?」

Serina looked at me suspiciously.

「That's right. I've told you before. He's Ione's father.」

「Hmm, it looks like it's going to rain when Alec complimenting a man.」

「Speak for yourself. You'll know him when you see him, and even if you don't, you'll know him when you see Ione.」

「Well, I guess he's a solid guy.」

「No, he's not that solid. Fufu.」

Ione smiled and said, but only on condition that's from Ione perspective.

As we approached the dojo, I heard a spirited shout from within the walls.

「Hyaah! Hyaaaaahh!」

「Tee-ya! Tee-ya!」

It seems they are still doing the same thing.