It's Ione's parents' house and also the dojo where I first learned swordsmanship, so I just dropped by to say hello to the sensei. Then...

The shocking words came out of Fritz's mouth.

「Fritz! What do you mean Sensei is dead!? Is he sick!? Or did someone kill him!?」

I asked eagerly.

Welbard is still young, so it's not because of age.

He has been training his body and soul as a swordsman, and he doesn't seem to be inattentive, so illness is unlikely.

So it's natural to think that he was attacked by someone.

「Oh no, he's not really dead. He told me to assume he was dead, and he's been going to dungeons lately.」

「What, you're scaring me.」


Meena also seemed to like Welbard-sensei, and said grumpily.

「I'm sorry, I still want to learn more, but I feel like I'm being pushed around.」

「If that's the case, why don't you come with me? There she's here.」

I indicated the serious-looking Yuria sitting there with my chin.

「N-no, no, I'm not a good teacher.」

「No, intermediate students are fine, but when it comes to beginners and advanced students, I'm not sure Yuria is up to the task.」

Fritz said, and Billy nodded his head.

「That's right. She's not very good at teaching. She's always going on about every little thing, and she's always making it sound so complicated, because swordsmanship is not just about technique, it's also about the mind. You have to think more from the point of view of the person being taught.」

「Yes, ......,wait, Billy, I don't want to be told that by you!」

「Oh? That's the way you talk to your brother senior, isn't it? Ow, ow, ow!? What are you doing, Ione? If you pull my ear like that, my ear will be torn off! It hurts!」

「Billy, you're the one who's mistaken. Yulia is the one who's supposed to teach you when she's a teacher, and she used to practice sword fighting at Uncle Orson's place, so she's much senior than you.」

「What? Is that so?」

「That's right.」

Fritz nodded.

「Kkehh, what the hell, you're my senior? ......... it's boring!」

Billy sits down in a huff, but I check him out.

「So he's coming back, right? Or will he not be back for a few days?」

「Yeah, he'll be back in the evening.」

「Then we'll wait. Billy. I'll tell you how I got this armor.」

「Whoa! Let's hear it!」

When Billy leaned forward, I told him about the dark dragon and told him about it.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

「Oh, Ione, Alec, and Meena. I'm glad you're okay.」

Welbard-sensei returned to the dojo with a smile on his face. I guess he is most happy that his daughter is safe.

His beard has grown a little longer, making him look wilder than before, but he doesn't look drab because of his original refreshing beauty.

「I heard you've been neglecting the dojo, Dad.」

「No, no, no, I watch it from time to time. Besides, I've already entrusted Fritz to become a teacher. He'll be fine.」

「He didn't seem too happy about it, though」

「Even so, I have very little to teach him anymore. What's more, Fritz has something to gain by teaching someone else and gaining a deeper understanding of swordsmanship. That's the stage he's at.」

「It's okay if you're thinking about it. What about dinner?」

「Oh, I've already eaten. Rather than that, who is she?」

Welbard-sensei looked at Serina.

「Nice to meet you, Welbard-san. I'm a member of Alec's party. My name is Serina.」

「Oh, you're one of Ione's friends. Nice to meet you. My daughter is in your care, isn't she?」

「No, it's my pleasure.」

「Well, since you've got a sword hanging from your back, let's have a match. Serina.」

「Yes, that's what I want.」

She drew her sword and held it up without hesitation, as if she had originally followed me here with that intention.

「Hou~, your stance, your breathing, you look like you've had a lot of practice for someone so young. And I like that there are no distractions.」

「Hmm, level 42. It doesn't look like an easy opponent to beat.」

Both of them immediately recognized the other's ability at first sight.

「How can she be so sure that she's going to win if she can see through the sensei's level?」

Yuria said indignantly, but since Serina is a resilient hero and has a full range of skills.

Even if his level is a little higher, she'll turn that place upside down.

「So, let's go with the skimpy, no-holds-barred.」

Ione will be the referee.

「Yeah, but you can guess a little bit. I'll also give you the first move as a handicap. Come at me.」

「Thank you very much. But if you underestimate me too much, I might embarrass you in front of everyone. Sorry, Ione.」

「Fufu. My father and I don't mind that kind of thing.」

「Right. Here I go!」

Serina changes her stance and rushes forward. That guy, she used some kind of skill. It looks like she's trying to make up for the difference in technique with her skills.

「She's fast! Whoa!?」

The only ones surprised here were Yuria and Billy.

Welbard, with a generous smile on his face, slowly moved his broadsword and prevented Serina from cutting into him.

「Sei, Haah! Yahh!」

Serina slashes at him in rapid succession, but Welbard catches her with his sword and stops her.

It seems that Serina has the upper hand in terms of speed, but I don't feel like she can hit him because he's completely blinded by her sword line.

In addition, I myself thought that with our level, we could win against the teacher, but it seems that I was very wrong.

「Kuhh, I didn't expect this.」

Serina also became astonished.

「Fufu, I'm sure your ability is not like this. I don't care what you do, just give it your all. 」

「Then, I'll take your word for it! Waterfowl Sword Depths! Swan Leaves!」

Serina used Ione's secret technique and slashed in, leaving an afterimage.

A loud metallic sound rang out, "Kiiiiiiin," but the teacher's smile did not falter.

Serina looked frustrated, but I guess that was a little confident hidden ball.

「Ione, did you teach her that?」

Welbard asks.

「No, I didn't. It's amazing how you can steal a technique just by looking at it, Serina.」

「And it's a good move. You just need to work on your footwork a little more, and you'll be fine. Now let's see some of your defense and evasion.」


Serina stepped back.

Just the fact that Welbard was going on the offensive seemed to put a lot of pressure on her, even before she had done anything yet.

「In general, the weight of a longsword and a broadsword makes them inferior in terms of sword speed. But if you can handle the weight well, you can do something like this.」

Welbard began to attack with the same type of continuous slash that Serina had used earlier.

「Kkuhh, I-it's fast! Besides...」

Serina managed to pass it off with her longsword, but her arm was shaking and she felt like she was too busy just taking it. She is being pushed.

「That's right. It's the weight. Even if you know your opponent can take it, if you add weight to it, it's easy to break them.」

Deciding that she can no longer take it, Serina moves to avoid it. She'll try to avoid them at the last minute and look for an opening, but I don't think she'll have much time.

「That's no good, Serina-kun. I like the idea of leaving room for a counterattack, but if you're not going to fight back even once, you need to avoid them more reliably.」

Welbard changed the direction of his sword tip and pointed it sharply at her neck.

I guess that's it.


However, Welbard changed from attacking to defending, and flipped the fireball that flew at his ear with his sword.

「Idiot! Serina!」

You're using magic there?


「Haha, no, I don't mind. the rule didn't forbid magic, but I'd ask you to refrain from using big magic that will scorch the whole dojo」

「Another one of those ridiculous ......」

Fritz came back and folded his arms in disgust when he saw the match.

「She can even use magic, that lady is amazing.」

Billy was also impressed, but I can use it too.

「By the way, Serina-kun, I'm willing to be serious, but you don't want to show your hand here, do you?」

「No, that's not what I meant. ......」

「Dad, Serina's technique is too dangerous.」

「I said I don't mind. Let it out your trump card.」


She looks at me like she's in trouble. Well, from the looks of it, he's not going to die.

「All right, let it out, Serina. Go for it.」

I nodded and said.

「I don't care what happens after that, okay?」

Serina also made up her mind and readied her sword.