The next morning, I woke up in the early afternoon, so I gave up on going to the dojo and decided to take my time to taste the soup in the inn's dining room.

The inn I was staying at was a nobleman's inn, so when I asked for breakfast, the inn clerk said, "Yes, sir," and prepared it for me.

But what was this potage soup?

I thought the thin soup served at the inn in Ada was delicious, but I must have been deceived somehow.

I had a suspicious feeling about the identity of this thick and satisfying food, so I did an [Appraisal] just to be sure.

The ingredients were wheat, butter, salt, and cream.

I had underestimated that the science and technology of this food would be about as advanced as that of the Middle Ages on Earth, but as it turned out, there was nothing inferior about it. In fact, it seemed to be of a higher quality than the instant soup I had been eating on modern Earth. A warm, thick soup that soaked my waking body.

It's delicious.

「Another helping!」

「Yes, I'll prepare it.」

If the waiter was a young girl instead of a man, I would have nothing to say.

「Hmm? I think I forgot something: ......」

There were a few things I was going to do when I got back here to Erland.

I met my teacher at the Welbard Dojo and showed Billy my armor.

I'm also going to visit the adventurer's guild here, the Erland branch, but...... No wait, there were more important things to do.

Someone from the Clan will take care of the details.

I think it was something I had to do rather than that.

What was it, ......?

「Oh, I remember. I've to go ever there.」

It was careless of me to forget a very important member of my harem.

As expected, I felt like I didn't have the face to match her in these pants, so I went back to my room and changed into the silk clothes that Serina had given me as a gift.

She knew that I would be bothered by all the belts, buttons, laces, and other details, so I wore a loose-fitting, clergyman-style robe. The color was blue, so I wouldn't be mistaken for a professional and stopped.

Just as I was getting ready to leave the room, Lily also came out of the room.

「Whoa, Alec, what's with that look?」

She looks at me as if she's just discovered an alien, which is too surprising.

「Is this not suit me?」

「No, it's not bad, but ...... are you going to the castle?」

「No, it's a nice place.」

「Oh! Then I'm coming with you!」

Lily said something like that.

「Ahh? No, it's a woman's place, okay?」

「Ehh? But if you're so dressed up, isn't there supposed to be tea and cake?」

「Well, maybe there will be. You're a good guesser, Lily.」

「Fufu~n, I'll take care of the food! Well, I'm just gonna eat it」

「I'm sure you will. Well, you've got a discerning palate, given your origins, so you could be a gourmet critic.」

「Oh~, but I can't use complicated words...」

「You should study.」

「No way! Absolutely don't wanna to study!」

Frowning and making battens with both hands, Lily hated it with all her might... It was a good thing she didn't become the queen.

「Well, It's your choice.」

「Oh, hey, wait a minute, erotic oldman!」

She seemed to be determined to follow me. Well, she would be quiet if I offered her some sweets.

I took Lily to Baron Riot's mansion.

The grounds are reasonably large, surrounded by a high brick wall and a well-kept garden with flower beds full of beautiful white flowers.

It's not that I have any business with the Baron. I've already taken care of him and he's under the grave.

I'm just here to see his wife.

When I say this, it may sound like I'm the worst kind of outsider who killed her husband and slept with his wife, but....

The baron was the one who was attacking innocent townspeople in cooperate with bandits, and I was just doing the heroic thing by defeating the Blood Shadow bandits.

Of course, I don't tell anyone about it.

I'm a good adventurer who avenged the death of Baron Riot, who was accidentally attacked by bandits as he passed by.

If I didn't do that, my life would be in danger in the Kingdom of Vernia. Aelyria would also lose her position.

Serina, who was also there, is somehow helping me to keep that secret.

「Ugh, it's a mansion. ...... Are you acquainted with the nobles here?」

Lily looks at the mansion and is taken back, though.

「I thought that's what you were following me for, Lily. And don't let the royalty be intimidated by a baron.」

「No, no, I'm not like that anymore.」

I came here once to get Lily's ring back, you know. I'm sure she didn't go inside the mansion at that time.

Anyway, I open the gate proudly and enter the premises, knocking on the front door of the baron's mansion.

「Yes, who is this ......」

The old butler showed his face. But before I could say my name, the old butler called out my name.

「Oooh, are you Alec-sama right!? Please come in. Ma'am! Alec-sama has returned!」

The old butler somewhat hurriedly went to call the mistress, and she came down from the second floor as if she were running.

She was a young girl with transparent white soft skin and beautiful silver hair.

It would be more appropriate to call her daughter rather than wife. Aelyria is only 16 years old. In Japan, she would be a young wife in high school.

「Alec-san! I'm so glad you're okay! Ah!」

But she was in too much of a hurry, and her legs got tangled on the stairs, causing her body to float in the air.

I immediately used [Instantaneous Movement] to hold her in my arms.

「Oi, be careful!」

「Yes, I'm sorry ......, but it's been half a year, and I couldn't even stand still.」

Embarrassed, Aelyria apologized.

「Well, let's talk about it in your room. I'm sorry, but could you please serve tea to my companion there?」

I'll leave Lily in the hands of the old butler.

「Very well, sir.」

The old butler smiled, bowed, and led Lily to another room. From the looks of it, he's already figured out that I'm having sex with Aelyria.

But she's a widow now, so I'm sure he'll tolerate that much.

「So, Alec-sama, how was the Kingdom of Grandsword?」

When we were alone in Aelyria's room, she called me by my name. I used to go here twice a week before I went to Grandsword. It's not easy to find a woman who can stand up to a man regardless status.

「Yeah, it was a lot of work, and I almost died, but I made it to the ninth layer, which the first king had accomplished, and I got a reward from the current king.」

I took out a bag of gold coins and a platinum pass from the item storage and showed them to Aelyria.

「Oh my! Really?」

「Do you think I'd lie about something like this?」

「No, I don't. But I didn't know that he was such a great person. ...... The prince of the Kingdom of Soltaire also lost his life when he challenged that labyrinth before. My second sister was a minister close to the prince and married his eldest son. ......」

「I see. Well, the important person you are is not always stronger. So, we'll talk later. Did you put up with all the masturbation I taught you? Aelyria.」

I ask with a grin.

「Y-yesh, I tried eggplant, but ...... I think, you know, the real thing is better.」

She blushes and glances at my lower body.

「That's fine. I'll give it to you.」


I lifted her up in a princess's arms and went straight to the bedroom bed.

As I was playing with her body using my skills at random, she begged me, so I inserted the real thing into her.

「Aahnnn! Kkuhh, as I though, it's not the same ......」

「That's right. So, which one feels better, your husband's or mine?」

「N-No, I can't tell you that, ――Aaahhh~!」

「If you don't tell me, well, I'll stop now.」

I said, stopping the movement of my hips.

「N-no way, I-I'll tell you! You're so much bigger and better than my husband, Alec-sama! That's why ......!」

「Hou~, what a easy woman to scream that loudly during her husband's mourning.」

「Y-you're wrong, Aahnn! I mean, Aahnn! You're the one who made me like this.......」

「Don't blame the others. You're the one who brought me into the your room and invited me out.」

「Mmm! T-thats, Aaahhn, noo~! It's been so long, my body is sensitive! I'm gonna cum! I'm cumming!」

Normally, Aelyria is a ladylike girl, but the Baron has trained her well, and she's wild in bed.

I've been training her again and again to make her even more erotic.