In pursuit of the mysterious black magician, we're heading west to the magical kingdom of Austin.

If we go straight to the west of the Kingdom of Vernia, we can first reach the Kingdom of Grandsword, where the Labyrinth of No Return is located, but for various reasons, I don't want to go near Grandsword.

So I decided to take the southern route and make a detour.

「Hyahhaa! Gyaaaaa!」

A bandit who appeared on the road was instantly killed by my high-speed barrage (shooting) Ice Javelin.


「Damn, how many are there now?」

「Hmm, I counted up to the seventh group, but it's probably about a hundred people.」

Saki also answered appropriately.

「Tsk, there are too many bandits, no matter how many there are. What the hell is going on with this road? Nick, is this really a decent road?」

「Sigh, I've only been to Grandsword in the west, but from what I've heard from my friends, I'm pretty sure it's true. ......」

Nick was also chattering.

「We're on the right track, brother. The only people who come to Portiana are pimps and thieves.」

Another guard knew the way, but it's a rotten country. Portiana.

「Well, then, let's get the hell out of here.」

「「「 Roger 」」」

Via a deserted inn town, on the seventh day after leaving the Kingdom of Vernia, we arrived at the royal capital of Portiana.

「You say this is the royal capital?」

The royal castle is indeed visible, but it's a small castle. Smaller than Vernia Castle.

The houses were made of poor quality mortar, and there were few buildings that were more than two stories high.

It's a shabby house that looks like it's been kneaded out of mud and left to dry.

「What a terrible place!」

「Oi, sister over there, you better watch your mouth. If a soldier here hears you swear, you'll get more than just a beating.」

A bandit-like man walks by.

I sigh.

「Saki, go with Nick to find the best accommodation. The escort is ...... right, Jouga, Mad King, you guys.」

「I'm on it, Aniki.」


I'll choose the sternest looking one in our party and make sure they doesn't get tangled up. But I guess that's just a comfort.

「「 Hey, hey, Alec, Alec 」」

「What is it, Misha, Sasha?」

「「 I want to eat that 」」

The twin lolis of the second party pointed at a food cart. It looks like grilled chicken.

「You can eat it on your own.」

These guys must have that much money. As expected, their usual outfits were too revealing and dangerous, so they both wore robes over their dancing clothes.

There's a pale one and a tanned one, but one of them is Sasha. Well, they look exactly alike, so it doesn't matter which one.


「If you're the leader, you should treat me」

「There's no rule that says you have treat someone because you're the leader.」

「Geez, I'll give you a blowjob later.」

「That's right, double blowjob, okay?」

「Like I said, why don't you buy it with your own money? Well, okay, if that's what you want, I'll buy it.」


「Fufu, you're so easy, easy.」

You're the one who's easy.

「Old man, give me three.」

「Would you like a sheep or a bird?」

「「「 Bird! 」」」

「Six gold, then.」

It's a subtle rip-off, but it's not worth bargaining for.

But when I was about to pay, Meena came over and whispered to me.

「Master, that's not bird meat. ......」

「What? What kind of meat it is then?」

「Oi, oi, An-chan, I don't want you to make any false accusations here.」

As he said this, the owner rolled up his arms and clutched his knife. It's a lousy store.

「I'm sorry about that, but I'm afraid it's not my kind of bird. No deal.」

「Haah? You're gonna mess with me, and you're gonna get it for free――Kkuhh!? O-oi, oi, hehe..... Let's not do anything crazy. Let's keep it cool. Keep it cool.」

Sasha and Misha walked up behind the shopkeeper, both of them holding a hairpin to his neck. That's what I'd expect from an ex-assassin.

「I said we're not buying it.」

「Do you understand?」

「I-I get it, I get it. If you're not a customer, get out of here.」

「Geez, I thought we were going to eat grilled chicken.」


「I'll find you somewhere else, so don't cause any trouble here.」

「「 Eh, it's that old man who's in the wrong」」

「Even so」

「Master, the smell of yakitori is over there.」


「「As expected of Meena, let's go, let's go!」」

「I'm coming too.」

「Me too!」

Lily and Luka also want to eat grilled chicken.

「Then, Serina ....... No, Hannah, I'll leave this to you.」


「Hey, why not me?」

Serina protested.

「That's because you're about to cause a scene with your evil quick slash.」

「I don't agree with you, but I understand.」

「Then you'd better behave yourself. In this country, my face pass doesn't work if I'm in jail.」

「I know, I know.」

Leaving the disgruntled Serina there with her arms folded, the yakitori tour group headed for another restaurant with their guide Meena in the lead.

「This is the place, master.」

Meena led us to a slightly larger building with a bar with a mug on the signboard.

「A tavern. ......?」

「It's okay isn't it? In this world, we can enter as usual.」

Sasha or Misha said, but I wasn't concerned about underage drinking.

「Yeah, yeah.」


Before I could stop them, the twins went inside.

「Shall I bring them back?」

Meena said.

「No, they'll be buzzing later, so forget it. Let's go in.」

Even though it was still early afternoon, the bar was quite busy.

「Welcome, how many of you are here?」

Hou, cute cat ears, short black hair.

「Six, how much are you?」

「Ah, I'm soorry, I'm only a waitress, so I'm not allowed to do that kind of thing. Okaay, Six people right? Please come to this table.」

She has an innocent and virginal face, but she handled it well.

「Leia-chan, please refill this one. And a smile, too.」

Another customer called for a waitress, but I guess her name was Leia.

「Suuure, one more ale, one more smile, here you go. Fufu♪」

A smile with a pose and a wink, that's quite something.

「So, this customer here, what would you like to order?」

「「 All kinds of yakitori, six servings. And ale. 」」

「And a smile and a kiss, please.」

I'll add my order.

「Well, sir, if you order all kinds of yakitori, it's going to be quite a lot.」

「That's just the skewers.」

「Oh, I understand. Okay, yakitori skewer set six, ale six, and throwing kisses. Chu♥!

The bar's signature cat girl throwing kisses. No wonder it's so popular.

「Uwahh, the lewd old man is a fraud! I can't get up.」

「You're about to tell me with a straight face that I'm breaking a promise and to let you in.」

「Idiot. Look, I'm a gentleman adventurer now. Keep it that way.」

「「 Yes, yes 」」

「I think it's too late for that. You know, ordering a kiss.」

「You're fussy.」

「Well, she's certainly cute. Does Alec ...... want a cute girl like that?」

Luka is getting a little jealous.

「Yes, but I also like the unpretentious type like you, Luka.」

「I-is that so」

「In short, anyone who's a little bit beautiful is fine with me.」

「You're just a pervert old man, aren't you?」

「Shut up. I told you I'm a gentleman now.」

「Thank you for waiting, here you go, sir.」

Leia brought me a plate with a smile on her face, but she went all the way around and put the plate down from Luka across the way.

I can't believe she wouldn't approach within my reach.....She seem to be on high alert.

However, I have [Instantaneous Movement].