In an area said to be inhabited by the Tengu tribe, we were blocked by rocks that blocked our way.

I was about to use Letty's magic to do something about it, when, oops, someone seemed to have arrived.

「Yes, actually――」

Serina looked up and immediately tried to explain the situation to the guy, but I interrupted her and said.

「No, we're not in any trouble.」

「What do you mean? From the looks of it, human, you're in trouble because your wagons can't get through.」

I looked at the rock and saw that it was a bird man with black wings. He had a red mask on his face and an oddly long nose.

But maybe it's the clothes, but it's a different kind of Tengu. He's wearing white cloth clothes and pants. ...... cosplay feeling?

Well, it doesn't matter.

「It's a difference of opinion. We're just taking it easy and enjoying the adventure, as well as the exercise. Because we're adventurers.」

「Umumu. But you're going to have a hard time getting that rock out of the way. If you pay me a few gold pieces――」

「I'm not going to pay you!」

I made it clear to him.

If this guy happened to be walking by and he wanted to help us out, I'd be happy to give him some money later.

However, the unnaturalness of the rock and the toll, I can only think that the Tengu tribe set this up.

Could it be that the suspension bridge at the inn town was also done by them?

「What? But then you wouldn't be able to pass through here, would you, Human?」

「Not really. Letty, you got any ideas?」

「I'm on it. Nothing's impossible with this super miracle genius Magician!」

「You're reliable――no, I'm counting on you to use a spell that won't hurt our friends.」

「I know, I know. Don't you think you're mocking of this genius?」

「I'm not mocking you. I'm just a little worried.」

「We'll be fine. I don't need that kind of magic. All we need to do is fly over here like he did.」

Letty pointed at the Tengu standing on the rock and said.

「I see.」

Then we don't have to deal with these big rocks and rubble. That was easy.

「Hmmm, sometimes I think Letty is smart.」

「Yes, she is. Sometimes, though.」

My friends are whispering to each other, but if Letty had been a real genius, she would have resurrected the evil god in no time and caused a lot of trouble, so this is about right.

「So, Letty, I'm counting on you.」

「You can count on me. First, I'll cast a spell to make us lighter――Make it lighter, make iti lighter, lighter than feathers, everyone is fluffy and soft to the touch, feather bodies!」

She used the feather body spell that she had used before, and then Letty used the flight magic.

「――Let us free ourselves from the curse of the apple that crashes into the earth, surpass the speed of sound, brothers, fly to the moon, yaan, ecchi, two rockets!」

As Letty finished her incantation, there was a gurgling sound from nowhere, and the ground lit up.

No, is that my ass glowing!?

「W-What the hell is this spell?」


「Yabe, I have a bad feeling about this. There's fire coming out of my ass!」

「Letty, are you sure this is gonna be okaaaaaaaay?!!!!」

With a tremendous G force, we were all launched into the sky.

―――Three minutes later, we were on the ground, feeling grateful for the ground.

「I-I thought I was going to die. ......」

Nick said, but he hadn't experienced Letty's magic before, come to think of it.

He was only a coachman, not an adventurer, but I should have explained things to him. I did something wrong here. I should have secretly given him some points.

「Why are you always doing these ridiculous spells ......」

Serina didn't seem to fell alive either, and she was groaning on all fours.

The rest of us did, too.

「Well, there were zero injuries this time. I didn't expect it to be a success.」

Having said that, I was prepared for the unexpected, but apart from being a little scared, everything was fine.

My ass and clothes were strangely safe.

But then Letty seemed to notice something and apologized.

「Ah ...... Sorry, Alec ......」

「What is it? Oi, stop apologizing so gingerly after that, Letty!」

「W-what happened to you, Letty.」

「No, I just realized that ...... Alec's 【Levitation】 skill would have been fine. I could've used levitation magic too. ......」

「Ah, I see. No, we had a carriage. It would have been difficult for my skills to lift the big one. No one was hurt, so let's call it a success this time, Letty.」

「Really? So that's it! Mmm-hmm ♪」

Letty hummed in a good mood, and the rest of us, feeling relaxed, got into the carriage and we set off quietly.

But before we had gone more than ten meters, the carriage stopped again.

「Huuuhh? This is weird, there's a big hole here, this is a problem, this is a big problem!」

The Tengu said in a deliberately barbed voice.

「Hey, Alec. It's okay if I kill him, right?」

Serina puts her hand on the hilt of her sword and asks with a straight face.

「That's fine. I'm with you.」



Mare nodded and drew her bow.

「Uwahh, what are you doing? Stop it!」

The Tengu dodged the arrow with great dexterity, but the next time Serina shot, the oversized fireball hit his right wing and he crashed headlong.

「Gufu, y-you're all terrible! How dare you attack me out of the blue,......!」

「How dare you harass us like that? I'm sure you've taken tolls from other passersby in the same manner before.」

「Y-yes, but we have a life of our own. I'm not taking all your money. ――And you know what? If you don't heal me soon, you'll never get out of this village alive」

「I'm relieved to hear that. You seem like a bad guy after all. I can do it without hesitation.」

「W-what? Ugyaaaa!」

Serina thrust her longsword into the Tengu's body, killing him.

Tengu don't seem to be treated as monsters and they don't turn into smoke. Well, so are bandits, I guess. We don't have any particular thoughts about it, as both me and Serina have gotten used to it.

If you have a life, don't extort money from others, just live a normal life.

「Shall we go then?」


I was wary that the Tengu would attack us, but they didn't come out again and we were able to safely exit the forest.

「We have passed through the Tengu village, Master.」

Meena said with a cheerful face.

「I see. After all, they haven't attacked us since then, have they?」

「That's right. ...... Hmm.」

「What's the matter, Serina?」

Don't tell me you don't feel like wiping out all the Tengu in their village? It's too much trouble to go back every time.

「He's not the Tengu I thought he was. I thought they were more of a good guy type.」

「I see. Well, yeah, just think of them as completely different creatures than the Tengu we know. They're wearing masks.」

「Yeah, right.」

It's a different world, after all.

We've already experienced that not all elves are so smart.

So it's scary when the type of thing we know so well is so different in our reality.

「Meena, if there's someone who looks like a bad idea, or if I or Serina are wrong about something, tell us right away.」

「Yes, it's all right. Master didn't do anything wrong.」

「And the rest of you, too.」

If it's just Meena, she's going to say everything's not wrong, so I told the rest of them.

「It's okay. I cut down that Tengu too.」

「That's right.」

Luka and Hannah nodded, and the ethics of this adventurer seems to be fine

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【Nose Insertion Lv2】 New!