It is said that in this country, strangers are not allowed to stay at an inn without an ID card.

So, with Letty's introduction, we decided to go to the magic guild to get an ID card.

We were told that the place was just around the corner, so we decided to let the carriage wait at the inn and walked to the magic guild.

As soon as we saw the large building with its old-fashioned gothic decorations, we knew immediately that it was the magic guild.

The sunken gray walls, which we would never go near unless we had something to do, gave us a rather eerie impression.

As we approached the entrance, both doors opened by themselves. It seemed to be an automatic door.

「W-whoa? Who opened the door!? Brother, the doors opened by themselves! Is this the work of the Tengu!?」

「It's magic. Be quiet, Jouga.」


The elf magician who came out from inside glanced at us with disdain, but she walked past us without saying anything.

「Geez, you're embarassing me. Don't be surprised by an automatic door. Well then, over there is the reception desk for new members.」

Letty frowned in amazement and headed for the counter on the right.

We followed along with her.

「Ah, ahh, hold on the moment! Those people over there!」

A woman who looked like an employee of this place came out from behind the counter as if in a panic.

「Yes, what is it?」

Serina asked.

「This is the Magic Guild, and the Adventurer's Guild is across the street」

「I know that! Even if you can't use magic, you can register as an apprentice as long as you pay」

Letty rudely retorted.

「But ......」

「Letty, you don't have to register people who don't use magic. We'll be stopping by the Adventurer's Guild later anyway」

「It's not like you'll get a discount on the inn」

「That's fine. Just don't do anything too crazy」

「Yeah? Well, if Alec says so, then fine」

「Then, whoever can use magic, come here. The rest of you should go register at the Adventurer's Guild first」

As soon as I said that, Serina, Nene, Thalia, Meme, and a five members from the second team is came.

「Now, I'll give you a numbered ticket, so when I call your number, come this way--」

「Wait. Look here.」

The attendant at the counter was about to say something, but Letty thrust her card straight in front of the attendant's eyes as if to say "Can't you see this?"

「Uhm, As I told you.........Ah! N-no way, this card is! I-I beg your pardon. If you are a black card holder, we will give you top priority」

「Fuhh, Well, I'm in a hurry, so just get it done. I don't have timee―↑」


「Letty, you're not very nice, are you? I know you're great, but we're not in a hurry」

「That's right.」

Serina and I will rebuke you.

「Ehh? This is the norm here, but whatever」

「Now, everyone, please fill in your name and your origin here」

I was handed a clean white form with no warping, and I filled out the necessary information.

「Is this okay?」

「Yes, there is no problem. Now, we will continue with the measurement of your magical power, so please hold your hand over this crystal ball and infuse it with magical power, with all your might」

I furrowed my brows and asked back.

「”With all your might”? ........are you sure this will be all right?」

The crystal ball, which is about ten centimeters long, is half embedded in an engraved tablet, which seems to be composed of some kind of magical circuit, but the durability is unknown.

「Yes, of course, there are many magician here, and if you run out of magic power and collapse, we have magic potions for you」

The attendant seemed to have misunderstood my question about what to do if I fainted from overuse of magic.

What I was worried about was whether my magic power would be too great and break the measuring device.

「Oh, well, this might be too much for the current Alec. Let me use the special room」

Letty nodded and said.

「B-But that's a......recommendation of a once-in-a-century talent, or when MAX is used as a simple magic measurement」

「That's why I said he can shake it off easily. If it's magic power you're looking for, It's talent in for a millennium」

「*Sigh*......I'm sorry, Crusher Letty-sama, but I'm going to have to consult with my superiors first」

The attendant said that Crusher Letty is not a self-proclaimed name, but an officially registered name. Oh, well I don't care.

「What? What's your job title and rank?」

Letty didn't like it, so she squared her chin and asked.

「Uhmm, I'm a C rank Magician. ......」

「Hmph, I'm a B rank ma-gi-cian, you know?」

「Letty, at least let her consult with her superiors. You can go.」

「Excuse me」

「Letty, you've been acting a little weird since we came here. Why don't you just act like you normally do?」

「I mean, this is the only place I can show off.」

That's why?

「U-Umm, Sensei, I've always respected you, Letty-sensei!

「Fufu, thank you, Nene-chan. You're good girl, good girl」

Letty also treats Nene kindly. With this kind of behavior, Nene is going to be a big shot in the future.

「Thank you for waiting」

「Yeah, I've been waiting, murghh!?」

When Letty saw the old magician following behind the attendant, she froze and began to sweat sloppily from her face.

「Oohh, it's been a long time, Letty. How are you doing, have you been promoted to A rank?」

「N-not yet. ......」

「What, not yet huh. Why are you playing around when you have that ability?」

「No, I'm not playing. ......」

Letty, who had been so bossy earlier, turned into a borrowed cat.

This place is a very classy society.

「Well fine, I heard you told the attendant to let you use the special room. So, who do you want to use ......Hoouhh? You're using a rare dragon scale」

It seems that Letty is the only one who froze, and the old magician noticed the rarity of my armor at a glance.

「Mumrghh, you think my [appraisal] will be interfered with? This surprised me. Where was that dragon?」

「It's a secret, old man. I can tell you, but you'll have to give me a tip」

「Un-nuh, you're such a cocky little bastard just because Letty brought you here. Well, I'll give you this rod.」


I thought you'd be stingy, but you brought out an expensive looking rod.

I'm going to appraise it.

【Name】  Rod of Ice Condensation

【Type】 Wand

【Material】  Mithril, permanent ice flower

【Attack Power】  220

【Hit Points】  56

【Weight】  4

【Magic Power】  325


The tip of the rod is decorated with flowers from the valley of ice that never melts.

A rod made of mithril.

Increases ice attribute by 20%.

「It looks like a rare item, but I won't give it back to you even if you ask me to later」

「I won't be so stingy. But I'm not giving it to you until you tell me where it is」

「All right. The ninth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return, the center section, the two doors with the warning, and the boss beyond that」

I told him honestly. It's not something you can go around talking about, but as a user of the Ice Javelin, I want to secure items that increase the attack power of the ice attribute.

If you specify the location in detail, you'll know if it's true or not.

「Nuh-uh! What a surprise, it's that lowest layer that the first king of Grandsword entered!」

「Well, that's about it」

It's not the lowest layer, though.

「Very well. Since it doesn't look like a hoax, I'll give you the rod as an apprentice gift」

「For information. Don't patronize me.」

「Hmph. That you don't even say thank you, let alone speak respectfully to me.......I like that! The special room is this way. All of you, follow me」

The old man in the green robe with the white beard opens the door on the right and goes down the hallway.

「Ah, Alec, Alec!」

Letty says in a whisper.

「What is it?」

「That guru is a very important man, so you should be more careful with your words」

「Don't be so scared. I thought you didn't like those old men who failed your exam」

「No, no, no, no, He's not that kind of examiner!」

Letty is desperate, but he also gave me the rod as promised, and at least he's a more decent person than Letty.

He's not going harassing me in a petty way just because of my language.

Since it's a little late for that, I'm just going to keep informally.