Now that the dangerous monsters in the 『Tower of Trials』 have been eliminated and safety has been confirmed, the entrance exam can proceed.

Of course, my team passed. Even with the accident, we made it down to the bottom of the tower in time.

Afterwards, I asked the examiners about the details, and they told me that the examiner in charge of monitoring the sixth floor had been put to sleep by someone.

The examiner on the seventh floor also said he hadn't seen the black Magician, and it didn't end well for him.

I told the examiners about the sightings at Mount Tyrmidt and Lodar Wetland, and told the school to be careful of black magician.

They seemed skeptical, but it was true that the black slugs had gotten in, and that monster was not normal.

The rigorous examinations had been interrupted, and the academy would be careful in the future.

「So this is the boys' dormitory.」


The next day, I was visiting the men's dormitory of the Royal Academy of Magic together with the successful candidates of the second team and Nicole.

It was an old building with dull exterior walls, but it was solidly built and the interior wasn't bad either. It looked a bit like a castle.

With its vaulted lobby and magnificent statues of magicians, it had the feel of a salon in a luxury hotel.

「By the way, where is the girls' dormitory?」

I never fail to gather information. It's only natural, since I've sneaked in here for this purpose.

「Eh? It's on the other side. Why?」

「Ah, no, a girl from my party passed the entrance exam.」

「Oh, I see. If that's the case, I'm sure we can talk about it at lunchtime in the cafeteria outside. This boys' dormitory is closed to girls at night, so please try to talk to them outside.」

「I understand」

To avoid being kicked out, I replied to the gentleman.

「Now, let's have Craig-kun, the dorm manager, guide you」

「Yaa, nice to meet you. I'm Alfred von Craig, a second-year student in the guru program. Congratulations on your admission.」

A young man of stocky build shakes our hands.

「Thank you very much. Um, what's the Guru's Course...?」

Nicole asked.

「Yeah, it's a curriculum for those who have finished the Magician course to become advanced Magicians.」

「I see. ...... You're amazing, aren't you, Craig-san?」

「Nonono. If you can pass the exam and get the Magician credits, that's about it. Well then, let me explain the dormitory to you. The rules here aren't particularly difficult. As long as you don't interfere with other people's research, you're fine. I'll show you to your rooms.」

I was shown to my room, which had two beds.

「This is Alec and Nicole's room.」

「What, we're sharing a room?」

I asked, surprised and unamused.

「That's right. I don't accept any complaints. Even nobles share rooms. If you advance to the Guru's program, you will be placed in a private room, but you must get along with your roommate.」

「What do I have to do to get into the Guru's program?」

「Oi oi, Alec-kun, you're just a new student here. You'd better think about getting used to school life first.」

Laughing Craig isn't going to give me a straight answer. Maybe I'll get someone else to ask later.

「Wow, it's a pretty nice room. It's a little cramped, but yeah, this bed is fluffy.」

Nicole checked out the bed and seemed to like it. Well, the bed isn't bad, but it's still a downgrade for me after living in a luxury inn.

「Huh? Alec-san, where are you going?」

「I'm going to the staff room. I have some questions to ask.」

「I see. Well, what should I do? ...... I think I'll go say hello to the other new students. Okay! I'll do that.」

Nicole seems to be a rather sociable guy, well, I'll just leave him alone.

I walked out of the boys' dormitory and didn't know where the staff room was, but I grabbed a random student in the area and asked him to show me.

I walked into the staff room and Letty was just there, giggling and laughing strangely.

「Letty, what are you doing here?」

「Ahh, Alec. Fufu, do you want to hear it? are you really want to hear it? Oh you want to hear it.」

「No, it's okay.」

It's so annoying.

「Wait! Listen to me properly! Please!」

「What happened here?」

「I came to pay my respects to my teacher, not that ......, I came to say hello, and he asked me if I would like to be a teacher here. Well, I'm so overwhelmed!」

「Did you accept?」

「Yes. But it's only a part-time position, so it won't interfere with our adventures. Alec is going to be 「here for a while, right?」」

「Yeah, I'm planning on it」

「Good. Fufu, I'm going to train my students so hard! I'm going to give them some super-muzzy tests! Hihihihihi!」

「Don't let your grudges get you. By the way, Letty, do you know what you have to do to get into the guru's program?」

「Yeah, if you get good grades, write a paper, and it's accepted by the faculty, you can enter the Guru's program. You'll need a recommendation from your professor, though.」

「Grades, papers, and a recommendation? How long is the minimum?」

「Well, it usually takes about three years for a Magician, but I was able to go through the guru program in my second year. But it took me four years to get my Magician title.」

I don't really care about the Magician title, as long as I can get a private room as a Magician apprentice.

But if it took Letty a year, that's a lot of time.

「Find a way for me to get to the guru program as soon as possible.」

「Ehh? I don't think so. Money and family bribes don't work here.」

「We can go the hard way.」

「Then, it's study and independent research.」

「Yeah. I'll have to look into that, too.」

I thoroughly researched the guru program and prepared myself.