In order to break the curse of the Mad King, we set foot in the Forbidden Zone.

However, just as Headmaster Loli had said, it didn't seem to go so easily.

There seemed to be at least as many shadow monsters crawling up from the ground as there were people here, and many of them were drifting about.

「Seihh! Kkuhh, my attack just evaded?!」

Serina slashed at it with her sword, but the shadow did not fall. To my eyes, it looked as if she had caught it, but I guess it was hard to get a sense of perspective because it was a shadow.

「No, this is a sword going through! Please be careful!」

Ione pointed out, but I see, it's a shadow, so a sword can't cut through it.

Then it's magic in here.


I fired the magic of the Ice Javelin at the shadow.

But it slipped through and my attack didn't hit it.

「Damn, what the hell is going on with this guy!?」

「Be calm, Alec-kun! The basis of magic is attributes. If you're dealing with shadows, you need light!」

Cherry, who was holding the blue jeweled rod with his left hand, quickly began to draw runes with his right hand.

「――Are you in love right now? The image of you floating on the surface of the lake on a night with a full moon! My light! Moonlight Mermaid!」

What is this guy asking me out of the blue? I wondered, but apparently it was a spell.

A yellow light floated out from Cherry's body as he turned his body upside down and struck a pose like he was dancing in a ballet.

It became a ray of light that attacked and pierced the shadow monster.


The shadows, which had been languid until then, convulsed and disappeared with a deafening scream.

Hmm? It's not going to become a smoke, these guys.

Normal monsters are supposed to turn to smoke when defeated in this world.

「What do you think, Alec-kun? It's roughly like this」

I'm a little annoyed by Cherry, who holds up his thumb and smiles triumphantly. You've just killed one of them. There's still an enemy behind you.

「Nuh-uh!? Uwohhh!? Owowowo, H-hold on a second! You, I have something important to teach my students right now, uwahhh, gyaaaa!」

Cherry was attacked before he could teach me. Well, let's just leave him alone, he's bulletproof.

He's not going to die anytime soon anyway. he's tough.

「I see. Leave light magic to me, Master. With the unholy prayer my mother taught me,――Saul, goddess of the sun, light up the earth with your skinfax mane and dispel darkness and evil!」

I had to check the shadows approaching him with my sword as Noel, calm or out of it, closed his eyes and started praying on the spot.

The gap was short, and he cleared away three nearby shadows at once, so I didn't have to scold him.

Still, he must be careful for the future.

「Noel, when you close your eyes and say a prayer, ask someone to cover you first. You'll be killed by the enemy before you can finish chanting.」

「Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Thank you for protecting me, Master.」

「Light. ...... Weak. My best magic is dark. ...... If this is the case, I should have learned a light magic or two.」

When Craig complained, glaring reluctantly at the shadows, Kaede heard him and twisted her head.

「Hmm? If it Anija, you can probably recite the teacher's spells before you know it.」

「No, I can do that, but I can't pose like that! And to think that a nobleman of the Gilan Empire would dare to speak of about love...」

「Oh, I see. You don't have to pose like that.――Here! You can go without chanting.」

When Kaede held up her hand, a light several times stronger than Cherry-sensei's, a blue laser beam, shot out and pierced four shadows. That's the power of a hero.

「Kuhh, that's bullshit ...... is this the difference in talent? Looking at you and Letty makes me want to curse God. I was called a child prodigy before you were born.」

「Ahh, yeah, sure, just chant. It looks like the others are having a hard time, so you'll have to work hard too, Anija. Phew, I'm tired.」

「Kaede, you're the one who said that, don't just sit there and try to rest. We're in a battle!」

「No, I've already fulfilled my quota, and it looks like I'm going to run out of magic... yeah, it looks like I'm out of magic.」

That's It's definitely not the case, but I'd sooner cast a spell myself than scold her.

Light magic is, I believe, ......

As I was trying to think of light magic, someone's blood splattered in front of me.

「Guhah! Damn it ......, you!」

「「 Jouga! 」」

Juga is surrounded by shadows. That's not good.

「Ngeez―I was going to use a big, cool spell here」

Letty stopped the grand magic she was chanting in the middle, and saved Jouga by sending a spear of light without chanting.

Although Jouga was saved, he was bleeding from his side, which was a pretty serious wound. I checked his HP bar in my window, but it was only a third of what it should be. The color had changed from green to yellow.


I immediately called out the name of someone who's responsible with recovery potion.

Normally, Lily only uses the slingshot to check and see what's going on without getting close to the enemy, but since she has a potion, it's useful in situations like this.

「I'm on it! Here, Jouga.」

「Yeah, I'm sorry, Lily.」

Jouga pours the high potion he received from Lily on his stomach and drinks the rest down.

Even though I didn't tell them what to do, Meena and Saki drove away the shadows with their swords and covered Jouga by checking the enemies. The party is well coordinated.

[Whoosh! With this! Hmm? Owa?!」

Jouga stood up energetically, but his body wobbled unsteadily.

「Take it easy, Jouga. Your MP is running low.」

His physical strength (HP) had already recovered, but the shadow's attack seemed to take away his MP as well. If I'm not careful, I might not be able to use my magic.

「Nonono, brother, what does MP matter to a warrior?」

「But it's no use if you're staggering. It's dangerous, so just sit there and wait. I'll take care of these guys now.」

I said that, and once I did, I used [Levitate] to float up high.

「【Starlight Attack!】 【Starlight Attack!】 【Starlight Attack!】 Kkuh, there's no end to it!」

Serina has been firing off a series of Starlight Attacks since a while ago, but they're inefficient because they only kill one at a time. Welbard-sensei told her not to rely on it too much, and think about TP consumption. And since you can use magic too, you should use general magic here. Oh well. I'll do it.

「Whoa, folks, there's a new one back there! Fifty, maybe a hundred of them! Alec-san, don't just sit there floating around, do something about it!」

「Relax, Nicole. I'm not playing around.」

I was just carefully positioning myself to get into effective range for a quick decision.

A spell that I've acquired with my skills and already have―.

It's an attribute that would be most useful in this situation, but I'd forgotten all about it.

Just because Ice Javelin is useful, if you rely on it all the time, you're in trouble when it doesn't work.

It was a good lesson for me this time.

「【Shishishishishishishishishi, Shine Flash】」

I didn't like the pose of putting the fingers of both of my hands on my forehead, so I held my hands out in front of me and chanted 【Shine Flash Lv5】 while slowly rotating. Of course, it was a fast chant.

I'm still not very skilled with the spell itself, but with my base magic value and this barrage, there's no shadow I can't defeat.

「All right, It's all cleaned up.」

After looking around and confirming that the shadows had been cleared out, I quickly descended to the ground.

「Y-you cleared away all those shadows in no time!? T-That's a lie. ......」

Melissa was surprised when she fell on her butt on the spot, but it would be better for me to show him that there is someone better than her.

「That's natural for my Master」

Meena said with a slightly proud expression.

Meena has also taken [Holy Attribute Resistance], and I've already checked once if this spell is okay for her. Even if she is a vampire, she is not afraid of it.

But still, there was one problem. It's not about Meena, of course.

I announced to tell everyone about it.

「All right, let's set up camp. Meena, you stay on watch.」

「Sure, Master, leave it to me!」

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「Skills Acquired」

【Shadow Master】 New!