When I returned with Vanilla-sensei, everyone was a little surprised, but since it was a teacher they knew, there was no trouble.

「What? If you wanted to accompany us, you could have asked the headmaster.」

Cherry-sensei said.

「Yes, well...」

Vanilla's words were vague and unclear. Maybe she didn't want to go with us.

「But I'm glad you're not that black magician.」

Serina said, and I agree. It's one less thing to worry about.

「It's reassuring to have a magic teacher with you, isn't it?」

Nicole also has a smiling face.

Kaede turned away with a sullen look on her face, probably still holding on to the fact that Vanilla complained about her black hair.

「Then, let's hurry up.」

「Yeah... hmm? What is it?」

Just as we were about to start moving, a purple mist began to swirl in the air.

「Damn, this is a boss class!?」

It's the same way I saw it appear in the Labyrinth of No Return before.

「Why in the hell is it here!」

「Battle positions! Second team should fall back and evacuate. I don't even know if we can afford to protect you.」

I warned them and held up my sword.

So much so that I feel a surge of powerful magical power.


The man who came out of the vortex said quietly.

It's a beautiful blue fish about five meters long. It has feather-like things on both sides of its body, and looks like a flying fish.

「The monster talked!?」

Nicole was surprised, but there are demon-shaped ones that can talk.

「What are you?」

I ask.

「I am the image interface of the "Laplace-type Unified Thought" that you sought.」

「Hmm? You're the "Laplace's Demon"?」

「Minus one true ―― affirmative. That's what it's also called. Now, let me tell you the results of the future prediction calculations based on quantum operations.」

「Wait. I heard you're in the deepest part of this forbidden zone.」

「Minus one true ―― affirmative. However, the deepest part is currently experiencing a strong magical storm that I hadn't calculated, and I've determined that you won't be able to overcome it.」

That's why you were kind enough to come out from the other side.

But is it possible for a sealed man to move around on his own?

I'll have to check with the headmaster later. It seems that Cherry-sensei, with his mouth hanging open, is unable to make a decision.

Vanilla-sensei also had a scandalous look on her face, and she had never seen the real thing either.

「Now, I will inform you of the results of my calculations. In order to remove the armor worn by the one you call the "Mad King", you can shower it with magical power that exceeds its durability. However, there is a high possibility that the person inside will die if the magic power is applied to the contents.」

「Oi. Is there any way to make it a little safer for the people inside ......?」

「Unfortunately, there is no other way in this world. It is possible to use the divine sword Excalibur, but there is a 0.00000023% chance that you will be able to obtain it.」

「First of all, that's impossible. So, is there an easy way to apply magic to break the armor alone?」

「You already have that ski―― *bz bz bz* ――You can use it.」

I couldn't hear the important part because of the noise in both the flying fish's voice and figure.

「Oi, say it again. There's some kind of noise in there.」

「It's the effect of the magic storm. An anomaly in the mental pulse overdrive. Going into sleep mode in ten seconds to protect the system. Scheduled reboot time is set for 3,153,600,000 seconds from now. Communication is now terminated.」

「Wait! Is [Zantetsuken] the right skill?」

「Zero False――no.That's dangerous and not recommended ――*bz bz bz* ―― There is a 98.889% chance of failure. Remaining time until sleep mode, Six, five, four ...... 」

I can't use it, huh

But then again, this guy is supposed to be omniscient, according to the story. If he doesn't tell me, then he must have decided that he already has enough information for me to succeed.

So all I have to do is use the skills I have.

I'll just use the skills I have and try each one in turn.

Then, I'll ask another question at the end. There's still a little time left.

What to ask: ......

Should I ask him how to break into a girl's dormitory?

No, there are people behind me. If I were to ask such a question here when the atmosphere is a bit serious and silent behind me, I'm sure I'd get a huge kick out of it. Let's not do that.

The next time I can ask a question is 3.1 billion seconds from now, and I don't want to do the math, but it's not like I can just wait a month or two.

I still decided to ask this.

「How do I get my hands on a 【Dimensional Slash】?」

「Deba――*bz bz bz*――」

Laplace was about to say something when he suddenly disappeared.

There was nothing left in the air.

Just a patch of grass below.

「Is it really ...... gone?」

Cherry-sensei searches the area where Laplace disappeared.

「His magical response is completely gone. I don't think he's here anymore.」

Vanilla-sensei assures him.

「Phew, thank goodness! I was impatient that I wanted to ask about the menu for tomorrow's A set meal at the cafeteria. I was about to be killed by Alec!」

Letty exhaled, sounding sincerely pleased.

No, I wouldn't have killed her, but I might have half killed her.

「Oh, I was going to ask him how to eat Laplace, too! That was close!」

Marilyn said, but if she had asked him, would he have answered?

Well, there's no way to be sure.

「Ha! Oh my goodness. ...... Headmaster! Laplace is breaking out of the deepest part of the prison!」

Cherry-sensei is looking up to the sky and shouting for a report, but if Laplace's future prediction calculations are indeed correct, it would be impossible to lock him in a cage.

How can you catch someone who foresees a situation that would put him in a cage?

And he's not human. It was like an artificial intelligence, but anyway, as long as he can do the calculations, I won't complain.

「That's Laplace.......I can't believe he can predict the future by calculations. Because humans have free will, and nature has chance. The butterfly effect is an infinite number of formulas. ......」

Vanilla-sensei is mulling over the negative stuff, but I think he's the real deal.

Because he knew I was coming here, and he knew what I was coming for.

It's possible that the headmaster was involved and told Laplace about the "Mad King", or it's possible that the headmaster created the illusion.

But it seems that the headmaster loli has no reason to do such a thing.

If it's a trial for me, it's strange unless it's a battle.

「Well then, we've got what we came for. Cherry-sensei, do we still have a checkpoint left?」

「No, I've finished everything the headmaster asked me to do.」

「Then let's head back.」

「What? We're not going to the deepest part?」

Vanilla-sensei purpose was to visit the deepest part.

「We're not going. You can do whatever you want.」

「Then just me. ...... No, he also said there magic storm. ......」

「I'm not saying anything bad, but you shouldn't go there. If you say, you Vanilla-sensei is stronger than Alec, I won't stop you.」

Kaede says.

「Murghh, Ahem, there are many ways to measure strength, such as strength of magic and strength of muscle.」

「Well, it's an overall measure.」

「Yes. But it is also my role as a teacher to watch over the safety of the students of the academy. I really want to go on, but let's go back.」

「What, you're weaker than Alec?」

Kaede shrugged her shoulders as if she has lost interest.

「I-I have no idea what you're saying. As long as I can buy enough time to cast a big spell ......」

Yes, if you have the time, it will be a good match.

But in a battle, it's standard practice to not let the mage cast the spell. It's the overall strength that includes it. Strength is a thing.

You can say that the Headmaster's strength lies in the barrier that she can put up as much as she wants.

「Then, Cherry-sensei, will you guide us back?」

「Yes, of course.」

I gave her a helping hand and diverted everyone's attention.

It wasn't for Vanilla's sake.

It's for the sister bowl. (TLN: Threesome including two women who are sisters)