Volume 16 - Epilogue

Austin Magic School also has holidays.

Fred, the head of the dormitory, grants me permission to go out on my days off without any application, so I go to my other roost, a high-class inn, and stretch my wings.

I laze around on my bed until past noon without disturbing by anyone.

It's a blissful time.

「Kuahh....... Well, I guess I should get some breakfast.」

After a big stretch, I left the room and headed for the cafeteria on the first floor.

「Ah, he's here. Hey, Alec!」

At a table in the cafeteria, there was Serina.

「What is it, Serina?」

「She's trying to take off my clothes, can you expel her?」

「Out of the blue. That's the extent of it.」

That girl must be Kaede, who recently joined the "Black Cat of the Wind".

「That's the extent of it, you say. ...... I think my chastity's at stake.」

「It's okay. Women don't count.」

「Ehh? Geez. Well, if I cast a Starlight Attack , she'll go away in a flash.」

「That's fine then.」

「I don't want to. I can't be bothered to say "Starlight Attack" all the time, and I'm not a very good person, so sometimes I really want to use my skills.」

What a hopeless fellow she is?

「...... I'll tell Kaede later.」

「I'm counting on you. In the girls' dormitory, I'm a neat and tidy honor student, you know.」

「Honestly, I'd like you introduce yourself as well-trained pervert――」

「Starlight attack!」

Ugh! Bastard. You pulled out your sword, and I freaked out, too.

「Fufu, did you really think I was going to cut you?」

Serina laughs mischievously.

「You're noisy」

「Oh, right, right, Vanilla-sensei has a message for you. She wants to give you something this afternoon.」

「What? Right. ......」

I used the Great Potion on her in the Forbidden Zone, and she returned the favor.

It's not much fun to be returned with things, is it?

It would be much better if the service was physical.

In addition, the Great Potion is certainly valuable, but the other party is a teacher at the academy, and it was an accident, so it's not that much of a concern.

But if she was going to give it to me, I had to take it.

After enjoying the bacon soup at the inn, I headed for the appointed place.

But behind the world tree? I'm sure there are better places――.

Whenever I see the ridiculously large tree that still grows in the corner of the schoolyard, it pricks my fragile conscience. ...... Not that it's a problem, but it's a distraction that it annoy me.

The students don't say anything to my face, but according to Nene's [Empathy☆], this world tree is a bit of a hindrance.

It grows in the middle of the schoolyard and the school building, so you have to go around it.

But it's not all bad. I heard that since the tree grew, the number of people who wanted to visit the school and inquired about admission information quadrupled.

It's a landmark and a tourist resource.

「This way, Alec-kun.」

「Hmm? Who are you?」

The boy who stopped me, but I didn't recognize him. Well, I don't remember every single boy's face.

The only ones I can distinguish are Nicole, Fred and Noel.

「Just come here.」

As he forcibly pulled me behind the large roots of the world tree, he made a motion to take off his mask and suddenly transformed into a woman.

The blonde hair that was short until just now has been replaced with deep wine-red straight hair and her bangs were neat.

「What, Vanilla-sensei? You mean you've shown me a model of illusion?」

「That's not the case. I don't want my students or the teachers here to know that I'm in contact with you.」

「Not really, I'm just a student in the class you're charge of, I'm sure they don't mind if we at least talk.」

「Yes, but it's better to be cautious. Of all people, a student having an affair with a student, that's fine, but a student who wants to a teacher?」

Vanilla furrowed her brow as if to spit out, but she seemed to be more concerned about her position than about me.

「I think that's proof that you're beautiful.」

「P-Please don't make fun of me. Okay, here.」

She handed me four bottles of translucent yellow-green liquid.

「What's this?」

「I did some research and made a potion. It's not as good as the Great Potion, but it's an original product that brings out three times the effect of the High Potion. That's my way of saying thank you.」

「I see. Then I'll accept it gratefully.」


「What's the matter? Did you think I'd refuse?」

「Yeah, well, I thought for sure you'd be upset. ......」

「Favors are returned with favors. That's my style.」

That's the style I just came up with.

「That's very nice of you. So, I guess we're done here.」

「Yes. But I want to learn magic as well. If I have any questions, may I come to your room?」

「Ehh, ......? If you don't want to do anything strange and just want to talk about the class, that's fine.」

Oops, I gave it a shot, but was easily given the OK.

You're so easy, Vanilla.

I guess that's why she have so little experience in dealing with men.

「Of course, it was a serious question. In fact, one of my party members is equipped with a curse. You were there, so you probably know about it.」

I got the hint to break the curse from the "Laplace's Demon" that appeared in the Forbidden zone, but Vanilla-sensei was there too.

「Yes, you said that to break the curse, you just need to apply magic power to the armor. Have you tried that yet?」

「No, not yet. I need to have certain magic power to make sure that I don't hit the person inside. If possible, I'd like to borrow your wisdom.」

「I see, that's a good reason. Very well. I'll have a look at that armor later.」

「I'm in your debt.」

「I don't mind that much. Well then, I'll leave you now. Excuse me.」

Vanilla said, and walked away.

Of course, I lied about the seriousness of the question.

As a "Sage", I've already experimented with ways to apply magic power to break the Mad King's armor, and I've come up with a method that I think will work on its own.

But if a student asks a teacher for help with a serious question, Vanilla can't ignore it.

That's my chance.

If possible, I'd like to eat the three sisters all together.

To do this, it would be best to start with the youngest sister, Melissa, and leave Vanilla, who seemed to be the toughest, for later.

I grinned as I looked at Vanilla's small ass as she walked away.