I'm currently breaking into the girls' dormitory at Austin Academy of Magic.

It's a secret garden in the middle of the night.

It seems that the place was heavily guarded, but using my skills and with my secret agent (Kaede), I'm making my way through the guards with ease.

「The middle school is on the third and fourth floors.」

Kaede said, but I know that much from my own research.

「We'll go to the third floor south.」

「Roger that, buddy.」

Still, it's an unknown path.

Normally, I should proceed slowly and cautiously, anticipating spies and traps, but with Kaede behind me, I don't need to be so cautious.

――I thought so, and let my guard down.


As I walked along the corridor normally, I felt a dent in the carpet under my feet.

There was a "pop, pop, pop" sound, and short spears came flying from the walls on both sides of the corridor.

I successfully dodged the one on the right, but was hit in the ear and side by two from the left.



Instinctively, I used my [Pain Blocker] to stop the pain and pulled out the spears.

I rather cringed, worried that Kaede behind me would attack me, but she ran up to me and pulled out a potion from her pocket and poured it over my body.

「Are you okay?」

「Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not going to die from this.」

「That's good, but ......, Come to think of it, I learned that you have to skip across this hallway.」

「You're gonna have to tell me that first.」

「No, that's what I was taught, but I can't do it because it's embarrassing and stupid to do it every time, right? I didn't do it, and not many people in the middle school did either, you know?」

「Then.......it's either late night only, or it's for intruder only. ......」

「If it's intruder-only, then I wouldn't be surprised if the alarm is going off. The alarm from one side has been set up with a [silent ward], so I think it's safe to move.」

It's the academy that sets up powerful mechanical launching spears that defy magic barriers, Kaede says.

Is there such a thing as audio only?

「We must hurry ahead, Kaede. We should move before someone rushes in.」


The offensive alert system, which is completely unmanned by automation, is manageable as long as we can prevent its attack.

The only thing left to do is to see if there is any communication outside of that main system. ......

We moved through the corridors for a while, Kaede running and me floating, but the girls' dormitory remained quiet.

Suddenly, I'm in a dazzling spotlight, and no trench coat detectives calling our names and chasing us around.

「Apparently, there's nothing to it. It's a sloppy system.」

That's what Kaede said, but even more so, there was something that stuck with me.

What is it? I'm in trouble if you ask me that.......The academy, which is supposed to be concerned about the safety of its students, has set up a trap of such a high level of danger.

Because it was me, I only got away with a little blood staining the hallway, but a normal person would have died instantly.

I don't care how much security they have, isn't there something wrong with the balance?

There's something else.――

「Alec, what are you doing? Hurry up.」

「Okay, okay.」

I stopped to think about it, but Kaede was rushing me, so I interrupted my thought and continued down the corridor.

「Right, right, left, uh, the next one should be left. Why the hell are we turning here, in this hallway! Are you in a bad mood?」

Kaede, who was walking ahead of me, said irritably, but It's hard to go straight down this hallway.

It was the same in the men's dormitory, but the corridor bent here and there, making for a complicated map.

Once you learn the route to your room, it's much easier to understand than the terrain, which all looks the same. ......

Is this dormitory supposed to be intrusive from the start?

If it's just the girl's dormitory, it's understandable with the prevention of perverts.

Then what about the boys' dorm?

Well, there are guys like Kaede, so that doesn't mean that boys aren't targeted.

Just as I was thinking this, I saw Kaede glowing blue in front of me.


If she had used some kind of skill or magic, that would be fine.

「Damn it, it's not me! It's a magic-based trap!」

Kaede shouted, and jumped this way to escape from some kind of magic that was approaching.


Even though she jumped this way, her body went down as if she was being dragged to the far side of the corridor, in the opposite direction from me.

In the air.

Wind magic or gravitational magic, it doesn't matter.

It's not like I'm going to take no damage from being dragged to the other side anyway.

「Kaede! Reach out your hand!」

I immediately reach out my hand as well, and also use 【Instantaneous Movement】 to jump to her coordinates.

However, even so, the distance between the two of us was still too great.

「T-The wind magic doesn't work!」

Her black hair is fluttering violently from the wind magic she used, but Kaede is still being dragged backwards.

And there's no wind on my side.

This is how close the wind are to me, and the wind in our direction is being blocked by something, or it is socking away in the middle of the road.

The hand stretched out in front of Kaede is cutting through the sky, so it's not like there's an invisible wall.

I'm not sure if this is spatial magic or manipulating space itself........

I had a vague idea of the nature of the magic.

Then I guess it's like this.

【Turtle shell bondage!】

This is a special skill that deals with rope.

I'm not sure what the logic is, but it's possible to tie up an opponent in almost an instant.

In the first place, space is a "space-time" in which the concept of time is added in the theory of relativity, and even the progress of time changes depending on the situation and location.

A clock in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light will advance slower than a clock at rest on earth.

Even on Earth, an atomic clock on an airplane is said to be slightly slower. It's the Urashima effect.

This is why the skill to manipulate time and space is the only way to survive this extreme situation.

It's as if it were a magical wavelength.

An erotic rope exceptionally passes through time and space that has been tuned .

There is a response.

Kaede, who was bound all over her body, moaned in anguish.

「Kkuhh......It's so tight and painful, but it's kind of a habit.」

She seemed to be rather comfortable, even though it was quite a bit of bite.

「Cheer up, Kaede. I'll play you a loose one later.」

「I don't care about that, Alec, but don't ever let go of that rope.」

「I know, I know. Don't worry, Kaede. I'll pull you in now, just be patient a little longer――hmm?」

I thought I was pulling her in, but I was being pulled.

I noticed this and stepped on both feet.



I almost went head-first into Kaede, so I held her against my chest and rolled directly onto the floor to soften the impact.

「Owowowow,.......Alec, untie me quickly.」

「Yeah. What happened? Just now.」

As I untied Kaede's rope, I checked my surroundings, but the blue light was already gone, and the girls' dormitory was quiet as if nothing had happened.

「Pheeew, I thought I was going to die. After all, that was all it took to ......! The location has been shifted.」


Kaede seemed to have referred to the [auto-mapping], and I checked the window, but the place where I was standing had changed.

It seems We've been sent to the third floor, near the entrance.

Back to square one, huh?

This is not going to be easy.

「Alec, why don't we just use the girl in the room around the corner? I'm sure there are some really cute girls locked on by you, and I'm starting to feel a little drained.」

「That's fast.」

You were so motivated at first, saying wooow, but you're just a NEET.

「Well, that's it, then. Hihihi.」

Kaede approaches the door with her feet out.

「Wait, Kaede!」

「What is it?」

I say to Kaede, who turns around annoyed.

「You only eat beautiful girls, don't you? In this academy, not all the girls on the other side of the door are beautiful.」

I'm going to tell you something important.

「Mumurhh ...... Damn, you were right. It was. ...... Ah, what I did, I almost lied to my pride. Phew, I was blinded by lust. Thank you for waking me up, Alec.」

「Don't worry about it. I'm not going to eat them unless they're a beautiful girl.」

「All right, then, let's go. I've got to get my hands on some of those flat chested girl!」

「Yeah. These loli girls are waiting for us.」

「Yeah, that's right.」

Kaede and I took the first step again with renewed determination.