The person inside "The Mad King" was a beautiful, silver-haired girl loli.

She's also a bit neat and serious.

I'm amazed that she was able to protect her virginity in the Labyrinth of No Return.

I'm sure she was very cautious about her actions.

But the dungeon is too hard for beginners.

The full plate armor that she had gotten and wait, the size would be too different from Stella's body.

And she said she was an apprentice Thief.

There are some high-grade armors that have the [Auto Adjust] skill attached to them, but even so, would you want to equip them? That thing.

I was curious about that, so I asked the girl in front of me.

「Stella, why did you equip that armor?」

「No, it was a helmet at first. It was the first protective gear I got from the treasure chest, so I was so happy that I couldn't help but wear it ......」

「I see. Well, next time, wear it after appraising it.」

「Yes, I will definitely do that.」

Stella nodded seriously, but she had already stripped off her jacket and was now wearing only a pair of underwear-like armor.

「By the way, aren't you embarrassed to be in your underwear?」

「Ehh? Aah!? W-When did this happen!?」

「It was while we were talking. I also have the skill of "Undressing".」

「I-I underestimate you. ...... Uuhh, Ah, I-I knew it.」

「No, no, no. You come all this way and then you cancel, that's the worst thing a woman can do. What about the gut feeling that comes over you when you've gotten a guy's hopes up?」

「Sigh, I think it's your fault there, Alec-san,.....not that, it's Onii-sama fault there who got your hopes up on your own」

「Hmm, okay, try say it again, in a sultry way, to say that "It's Onii-sama fault there”.」

「Ehh? It's Onii-sama fault, but ......」

「It's not like that. It's like you're dissatisfied, but you can't get mad at your Onii-sama because you love him, and you can't help it. Say it with more confidence. I won't be mad at you.」

「Oh, yes, then it's Onii-sama fault, you know」

I like it. She's a little moody sister.

This would be an even more delicious situation if she had long, straight black hair and a school uniform at a magic school, but I can't leave out the loli.

I'm not going to ask for too much.

「...... Was that good?」

「All right. That's good. And, you know, you can speak in normal way.」

「Sigh, but I can finally speak properly, and you're the leader of the clan, so...」

「Well, it can be trial and error, and you'll get used to it. Well, sex is the best lubricant for relationships.」

「I-is that so?.....Aahnn」

I stripped her completely naked and fondled her cute, slightly swollen tits from underneath, to which Stella responded sensitively.

「How does this make you feel? It's feels good right?」

「Y-yes, but this is ...... ahhh!」

I think it would be a gentleman's duty to give Stella some leeway when she is confused by her first sensations, but I don't have that kind of leeway either.

After all, this is a loli girl who has been open to me from the very beginning.

She knows what I'm going to do, and she's not going to run away.

Of course, I've helped her in many ways, and yes, I'm the one who rescued her from the arena of hell.

It may be a little different from the Prince of the White Horse, but Stella is convinced that's why she's waiting here.

It would be rude of me as a man not to take her up on her offer, since she's already in the mood.

「Good, Stella, I'll train you in bed every day from now on.」

「I-I'd rather not do that, Onii-sama. I mean, with that many girls, it's only once a week at most.」

「Don't worry, it's a special training for newcomers. I'll concentrate on you.」


She's happy, she's happy.

I check out every inch of her exhilaratingly pale skin and run my fingers over it.

「Aah, aahnn, haauuu!」

Stella's body trembles with every touch of my fingertips, and she's clearly a virgin.

「How it is, it's an addictive feeling, isn't it?」

「T-that may be so, but, Nnhh, I can't think of anything right now.」

Stella seems to be in a good dreamy state, and closes her eyes as if she's feeling good.

「All right, now I'm going to lick you around.」

「Hyah, syuure!」

I couldn't quite catch it well, but I'm guessing it's an affirmative answer. Of course, I'll fuck her even if she's deny it.

I lick up her cherry-red bulge, stroking it with my tongue.

「Mmmmm! Aah!」

That's a good voice. Desperately clutching the sheets, Stella is not displeased.

The proof is that she's not trying to escape. She's just holding on.

「How it is, we can stop at this point for today.」

I thought I'd save the fun for tomorrow, so I said.

「N-no, it's not good if you stop it here. Um, I don't know what to say. Uuhhh..」

「It's okay, it means you're ready. But first, I'd like to play with my skills.」

「Yeah? Ah! Aah! Aah! Aah!」

[Super-fast tongue] When I flicked her, Stella squirmed continuously.

Of course, this would be too hard for her first time, so I adjusted the level to the lowest one.

I'm not a demon either.

「Ahh, Alec-san, that's terribleee, uuhhhh」

「Is that so? But it must have felt good, right? Well, soon, you'll be begging for it yourself.」

「Ugh, I don't like that one bit either.」

「Well, don't say that. It'll get better.」

「You know, this here is already..」

Stella points to her stomach with tears in her eyes. She's a proactive girl.

「All right. I'll put it in.」

「Eehh!? Uhm, wai-Uuahhh!?」

Stella's reaction was a little strange, but there's no way she doesn't know what sex is at her age.

The rite of passage to adulthood in this world is 15 years old, five years earlier than on Earth.

Even if you eat fifteen years old, it's still normal.

「Uwah, it's in my body!」

「Of course it is. This is the merging, okay?」

「Ehh? Oh, yeah.」

「Okay, now that you know, I'm gonna move now.」

「Ehh? What are-aahh, ahh, aahnn, wai-uwaahh, yaahn, this is, hhaahnnn♪」

I'm glad to see that the pleasure is outweighing the pain.

Stella's eyes go up and she looks like she's in trouble, but I'm sure she'll be fine once it's over.

By the way, for a virgin, she's pretty persistent, isn't she? I'm glad to hear that.

「Uuhh, aahh-ahhh-ahhh, ahnnn, A-Alec-san, i-it's not over?」

「Not yet. Call me Onii-sama.」

「Haah, Onii-sama, I think I've reached my limit, aahnnn」

「Don't worry, if you've reached your limit, it's almost over.」

「B-but, uwahhh, ahhnn, don't do it so hard, nooo!」

Stella's hair was swinging from side to side, and she seemed to be getting rising, but she still didn't cum.

「Alec, try using some of your skills.」

「Whoa! I'm surprised. Kaede. How long have you been there?」

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me, and I panicked, but Kaede appeared. It seems that she turned invisible with her skills and entered the room.

「Look, I won't stop you. The beautiful lady is waiting for you. Don't rush her, just do it.」

「Ha, ha, ha ...... No, I'm not waiting~.」

It's not the same as usual, but I guess it doesn't matter what skills you have.

I decided to take a look at the list at random and see if there were any good skills that I already had.

【Shadow Master】

Hmm. I'm not sure if this is an erotic skill or not, but it's a skill that I acquired in the Forbidden Zone.

I've never used it before, so let's give it a try.

I try it out.

Then, my body turned black and started to melt.

「Hey, O-Onii-sama!?」

Stella was shocked and panicked.

「Don't worry, Stella. It's the skill of the Shadow Master.」

「No, I can't feel safe with this appearance~.」

That's probably the case, but even though I'm all black, I'm going to have sex with her just the same.

I'll give it a try.

However, my sexual sword, Excalibur, is squishy, so I have to wrap Stella around it and stroke her instead.

「Uuhhh, I-I feel so uncomfortable, and I'm scared, Onii-sama.」

「Are you uncomfortable being touched? I don't think so.」

「Y-yes, if I close my eyes, it feels really good, but it looks...」

「Then close your eyes.」

「No, it's still scary.」

「Then I'll give you a skill point, take Fear Resistance or something.」

「Oh, I see.」

Stella has been adventuring with us during the time of the Mad King, so she knows what she's doing.

Just riding in the carriage with her is an adventure.

「I-I took it. But, ugh, it's still weird~」

「You can't help it, can you? Be patient.」

As for me, I've grown to like the feeling of wrapping Stella with my whole body, so I'm honest with myself and coldly tell her off.

「Kkuhh, p-please hurry up and finish thiis. Aahnn, noo!」

Stella is feeling it, but she doesn't want to.

「Kuhh, that's good, I'm as excited as Sailor M*on being hurt and beaten by the enemy!」

Suddenly, Kaede began to masturbate dexterously while standing aside, as if she had entered the point of sexual habit. ...... Another niche sexual habit, you.

Well, I got a little excited about that animation, too.

「I can't understand a word you two are saying. A-anyway, stop iiiit~」

Stella's excited, yet unpleasant voice echoed over the bed.

Oh no, I'm getting carried away. Kaede is also getting into it.

Stella is dancing on top of her black desire.

It was fluttering like a white ballerina.