My strongest swordsmanship skill, the 【Zantetsuken】, and my specialty, ultra-high speed magic, were no match for him.

However, I was still going to fight.

Yes, I have the skills of an another world hero.

You can get rare skills in exchange for skill points just by thinking of candidates that you can use in that situation.

Here it is: ......


I couldn't think of anything.

「Did I really offend you? If so, what is it you want?」

The old man said suspiciously.

「Damn it. Marilyn! Go get Letty or Serina! I don't care if it's the head of the school or one of the teachers, let them know!」


「Whoa, I won't let you do that.」

The old man, who is suspicious, seems to be well aware of the situation he is in, and as he stands in front of the students who have scattered and started running, he hits them with his hand knife and reaps their consciousness one after another.

It's not good, he doesn't seem to want to kill us, but we can't call for help.

But you don't have to run to get help.

「――To the owner of the seven keys of the hill, I am the claimant of the ancient blood pact. Come forth, tower of the sun, press and blast! Art is an Explosion!」

The spell of explosion that Letty had chanted before.

I recited it and activated the runes perfectly.

「Nuh-uh, oh crap!」

The old man distorted his face, but I used the explosion spell not on him, but on the top, towards the sky.

The old man, who could move at high speed, could not stop this. There was no way to stop it.

Thus, an explosion occurs in the sky.

「You little shit ......」

He gave me a bitter look.

「What are you going to do now? Old man.」

I look back at him with a grin.

I was completely outmatched in terms of ability, but I succeeded in turning the tide in the situation.

Because if I could use such a loud explosive spell in the sky――

――here they are

A huge purple magic circle floated up on the ground all around.

「You bastard! Luna, huh!」

The old man says the name in a voice filled with disgust, and tries to run away from the scene.

「Hoho, don't think you can get away from me so easily.」

The headmaster on her broom swooped down from the sky and at the same time activated the magic circle on the ground at once.

There is no way that a magic of this size and using multiple cores could be activated in such a short time, no matter how strong she is.

It must have been prepared and set up here yesterday, or even earlier.

「Hmph, with this kind of magic!」

The old man seemed to have tried to destroy the magic circle by poking the ground with one hand.

「It's no use. If you have a single core, you can stop the activation by destroying the magic circle, but if you have a dual core or more, it will activate as long as you don't stop the core at the same time. You're old enough, Varius.」

The headmaster smiled and said that.

「I wonder about that. You might be the one who's gotten geeky with me, Luna.」

The old man, who replied nonchalantly, was swallowed by the liquefied ground.

A spell to soften and manipulate the earth like water.

If this was used on our party, we might be almost completely wiped out except for me and Letty who can use levitation.

That spell is, after swallowing them up, we could turn them back into normal, motionless earth, and that would be enough to block everyone's movement.

It's a magic that makes me feel the fear of the headmaster once again.

Now even the old man――

「Oh, shit. After him, Alec!」

But then the headmaster shouted.

「What happened?」

「Over there! Tsk, he's made a loophole by partially disabling the wards!」

The headmaster pointed, but I could see the gray-haired back of the old man's head jumping and running away.

Bastard, you escaped that thing unscathed.

「Is he a mage?」

As I run, I ask the headmaster flying above me.

The two of them seemed to be acquainted with each other, judging from their current mood.

「Fumu. The trouble is, he's also skilled in magic. After all, he is one of the professors here.」



「An active professor who steals underwear? Oh, come to think of it ......」

I've heard of a guy like that before.

「Yes, the toothless pervert, that he is.」

The headmaster admitted that, well, a professor like this wouldn't accept a favor from me for free, and he'd be sniffing around trying to prey on our beautiful members.

「You called him Varius earlier, didn't you? That's his name?」

「That's right, Varius is just as good as this me, but that's not good enough to beat me.」

As you can imagine, stealing a girl's underwear is a tough sell even at a school that puts magic first.

「Get rid of that guy.」

「Well, you know what they say, a Buddha's face comes before three times. This time, things have gone too far.」

It looks like he was covering it up before, but that's a bad move.

That kind of guy gets carried away.

I know because I'm one of them.

「I'll help you, Headmaster.」

I'm offering to help to catch him.

「Hoho, I'll give you a credit later. All of you, stop him first.」

「Yes, sir!」

「Understood, Headmaster!」

「Leave it to me!」

The other professors who flew in from the periphery joined in, and this probably closed the gap in ability.

The one with the greater numbers will win.

「Concentrate, all of you! Know that which cannot be reached, Concentrator!」

「Spirit of Snow, gather and be the frozen needle! Ice Needle!」

「Let the grass grow and trap the enemy's feet! Weed Trap!」

The professors each cast a spell. ......

「Elementary magic?」

I also referred to my [Magic Knowledge] skill just to be sure, but I was certain that all the runes the professors used were elementary.

「Hohoho, simple is best, as they say. Everything comes down to speed. If you don't hit first, he'll get away.」

The Headmaster explained to me that I needed to learn how to choose the right magic.

There's no such thing as too much magic.

「Then, this is it! Nenenenenenene-needle!」

I also use elementary magic with the [Super Fast Tongue] to focus on speed and hit countless numbers of Ice needles in a row. You don't have to hit the old man with anything.

If we all work together to massively block his escape route, someone will eventually finish him off.

「Nuh-uh, you're getting all bunched up!」

Even the old pervert, Varius, couldn't seem to avoid this and stopped running away, swearing.

The guy stops right there and pulls out the cane at his waist――No is that a built-in cane?!

「OmitsuruOman NebutsukiName-tsuki-ryu 【MantoraManko!】」 (TLN: sorry it's bit hard to translate these, the literal meaning of these one on the up there, is Pussy Licking Style 【Pussy】)

The old man shouted in a loud voice.

He pulled out a sharp blade from his cane and swung the blade in a V-shape from top to bottom and bottom to top in rapid succession.

It was so fast that I couldn't believe that humans were capable of such fast movements.

The ice needles and grass leaves that were closing in on the old man were flicked back one by one by the blade.

The speed was so fast that the old man's arms became an afterimage, making him look like a different creature.

Are those tiger fangs ...... or skin-colored genitals?

However, having stopped it in its tracks, the professors' magic attacks are naturally focused on a single point.

The fact that he was able to repel so many magical attacks with a single blade was quite impressive, but the old man was still being hunted down.

And then, as the old man must have sensed, above his head...

Looking up at the sky, I saw a purple, swirling stream of magic power.

That magic power was coming from the right arm of the headmaster riding her broom.

If there was one mistake that Varius made, it was giving the headmaster an opening to cast a huge spell.

「That's an add-on, Varius.」

The Loli headmaster said in a cute voice, and swung her right arm down while chanting a spell.

「――The flames of purgatory, sealed in ancient times, break the circle of fate and open the heavens! Hard Death Fire!」

「Wha!? Y-You idiot! You've used a forbidden spell! Moreover that's――!」

The color of old man Varius' face suddenly changed, and his eyes moved busily, looking for an opportunity to escape left and right.

Of course, there was no way I or the other professors would allow that.

「Ice Needle!」

「Weed Trap!」


「Kkuhh, now that it's come to this――OmitsuruOman NebutsukiName-tsuki-ryu 【MakkuroMaguroNikutaiBodē!】」 (TLN: Tuna Body)

I couldn't believe my eyes, but Varius thrust his blade into his own heart.

But what did he do? The color of Varius' skin turned black. It's not a self-destruct, but some kind of a trick.

From that point on, I couldn't confirm the old man's technique.

The Headmaster's great magic exploded, and the forest burst into flames all over.

「S-so this is when Headmaster when she's all-out ......」

While defending my face with my arms, I took a closer look at the world a dozen meters away.

I can actually feel it.

I could tell from the runes that it was a fire magic, but the power and temperature were not the issue at this point.

It was the quality.

The quality of the flames can only be described as ...... terrifying.

It is a cold-blooded and merciless flame that can reduce everything to ashes in an instant, without reason.

When you are swallowed, there is no way to escape it, no matter how many you are.

It is the end of life, the flames of extermination.

「Phew, this me is tired indeed.」

「「 H-headmaster! 」」」

Perhaps because of that single magic consumption may have disabled even the flight magic, and the loli girl falls upside down from the sky.

I was about to move in with 【Instantaneous Movement】 and get close enough to catch her, but Cherry seemed to have used remote control magic or floating magic, and the headmaster landed slowly and safely on the ground.