「I understand the story!」

Loli headmaster says as she sips her tea at her desk.

「I don't care what you say, there's a sofa there.」

I say, looking at the magnificent sofa on the side.

「Alec, you can't just look at the surface of things, you know. Things are formed in your mind. It's kind of exciting to do something wrong, isn't it? That's desk play!」

「No, that's not what I meant at all, or I don't understand. Oh well. I'm going to take at least a month off from school, including the journey from here to the Holy Country. If you need to report anything, write it down.」

「You don't need to do that. By the Headmaster's authority, I'll treat you as a field trip. And of course, your friends, too」

「That's very kind of you, but I'm not sure that's such a good idea.」

「I don't care. Alec, you forget that this is a magic-first school, don't you? Magic is a constant quest. Learning isn't just something you do in a classroom.」

「I think you're making a good point, but you're missing the point by sitting at your desk.」

「Hohoho, you're too focused on appearances. You can't sit on it because you think it's a desk, but if you think it's a chair, it'll be a very spacious and comfortable chair. By the way, Alec.」

「What is it?」

「I have one condition.」

「Tsk, that's what you're after. What do you want me to do?」

「Take Varius with you. It seems that you want the Dimensional Slayer, but without daily training, it will be impossible.」

「Wait, Headmaster. Do you know about the Dimensional Slash?」

「It's a sword technique that cuts through dimensions, isn't it? If I say I know it, I know it, but it's just hindsight from astrology ―― it's just wisdom after reading the stars and predicting the future with a crystal ball. How to get it, I don't know.」

「If you can use astrology, why don't you take another look at your crystal ball? Do it now.」

「No, I can't. I can't see everything with my magic, and this magic comes at a great price. I pushed myself a bit too hard the other day, seeing your fate. For the time being, you must exercise restraint.」

「I see. Then I'll take the old toothless pervert with me. ......wheew-」

It was very depressing to have that pervert old man accompany our party of beautiful girls, but it couldn't be helped.

This is also for a year from now.

「And this is like a good luck charm. If you're going to enter the Holy Country, take this golden bracelet with you.」


I'm going to appraise the bracelet that the headmaster presented to me.

【Name】 Golden Ring

【Type】 Bracelet

【Material】 Platinum

【Defense】 80 

【Defense range】 4%.

【Weight】 2


A bracelet strengthened by a special magic formula.

Resist Enchantment from enemies in a 10 meter radius around the wearer.

Resist success rate 100%.

Indestructible artifact.

Hmmm ...... the explanation is a bit confusing.

So I check with Loli just to be sure.

「Is this to help those who have been affected by the charm?」

「No. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on those who already have it.」

「I see. Well, it's nice to know that the people I'm with won't get hit.」

I myself already have the 【Charm Resistance Lv5】 skill, so there's no need to rely on equipment.

I've been gradually getting my party members to take various resistances, but there are so many of us, and it's impossible to get everyone to take them.

The higher the level, the heavier the points you get.

In particular, resistance is a very expensive skill to acquire. These are expensive skills that are impossible for ordinary people to acquire.

「Alec, don't let your guard down. There's a lot more to religion than meets the eye.」

The Loli Headmaster said gravely with a glint in her eye.

I snickered at her.

「What are you talking about? Magic has a lot of secrets too, doesn't it?」

「Hohoho, of course there is.」

The headmaster gave me some good artifacts, but I don't think it was for me.

Black magic and white magic.

There is only one words difference between black magic and white magic, but there are few people in this world who can master both.

This is partly because the systems of magic are different, but also because there is a difference in the underlying philosophy.

For example, priests do not carry knives as weapons, because if they make their opponents shed blood, it will become a stain and go against the God who cares for life.

Mages, on the other hand, do not need to worship God to study.

A priest is a servant of God.

It's Philosophy――The more different our ideas are, and the purer they are, the more incompatible we become with each other.

Conflict is inevitable.

I'm talking about the case where a serious punishment is handed down by the Inquisition of the Holy Country, and I'm the bomb who tries to overturn it with all my might.

To them, I would be a heretic, a traitor (terrorist) who would never be forgiven.

The grandma Loli has a very good character because she supports it without hesitation.

「You don't mind if there's a war between the Kingdom of Austin and the Holy Kingdom of Ufa, do you?」

「Even if I don't mind, you're still going, aren't you? I have a deep-seated grudge against them as well. I don't care. Go ahead and make a splash.」

「I'm relieved to hear that. I didn't want to take any action that might embarrass you.」

「What, I'm not a someone to be troubled by a young human.」

What in the world are you?

「Is Varius some kind of demon?」

I asked her, thinking that the old man who was fighting her evenly might be one.

「He's a real human being, and I admire him for training himself to such an extent. He's already surpassed the limits of humanity.]

「That's what I thought. He can manipulate dimensions on a human stage. It would be nice if he could teach me the Dimensional Slash honestly.」

「Well, that's up to you.」


But the teaching and training will have to wait for now.

First of all, I have to save Elisa's life.

It would be a terrible thing to execute such a beautiful and inexperienced person.

「I'm off.」


I put the golden ring on my left arm and left the headmaster's office.