After going through the natural cave for a while, I saw a prison that had obviously been modified.

「Help! Somebody!」

「Ugh ......」

There were dozens of people in white vestments and purple robes squashed inside the prison.

「This is terrible. They should at least think about using the bathroom.」

It's no wonder Kaede mumbled, the smell of feces and urine wafting out of the jail stung her eyes.

The prison environment was so bad that it could be called hell.

There is also a torture room in the prison.

It was a hell created by man.

If Elisa saw this place, she would be very sad.

「But Alec, be the last one to help them.」

「I know.」

If we let the prisoners out now, even if they don't notice the intrusion, the security will be tightened in no time.

We won't even be able to get to the loli pope on the top floor of the pyramid. That's no good.

「But why are there so many...」

Kaede voiced her doubts.

「Maybe it's heresy or pick-ups that did this.」

I'll tell her the answer.

It's easy to imagine.

If you bind the people with too many strict laws, the number of criminals who fall under the law will increase as well.

This is where Nicole had said before that the priests would take them away.

「Aside from the pick-up artist, they're unreasonable to crack down on a beautiful Yuri girl.」

Kaede is angry, but you seem to be biased too. It's best not to give Kaede too much power.

「Look, Alec. Looks like there's no jail from here on out. There's no guards either.」

「Yeah. But there is a path,......」

There's a natural cave leading straight back.

Ideally, after we've examined this end to the end, we should eat Pope Loli and then release the prisoners.

However, I'm not sure how much time it will take to examine this cave.

Some of the prisoners from earlier were not going to last that long.

「It can't be helped, Kaede, as promised. You can eat the Pope first. I'll take it from here.」

I say.

「Oooh, you know what to say, Alec. I'm glad I followed you. So, after I eat here, we'll release the prisoners, is that okay?」

「Yeah, don't worry about that. If they don't have any guards to start with, I don't see how they're gonna get any better security down the road.」


Kaede and I split into two groups and began to make our move.

The cave is slowly sinking into the underground.

There didn't seem to be any monsters, but there was a strange atmosphere from earlier.

There must be something ahead.

Feeling the strange presence close at hand, I continued onward.

On the way, I found a broken stone door.

It was destroyed from the inside , as if something had been eaten through it.

There were also countless scratches.

「Is this a bomb?........It doesn't look like it either.」

I was curious about the method of destruction, but I couldn't figure it out.

I had no choice but to continue on.

It was a long cave that seemed to go on forever to the bottom of the earth, but suddenly there ――it led to a wide open hollow.

「T-This place is ......! What the heck, this is ......!」

I gulped.

There was something huge in front of me.


I can see it clearly, but I don't know what it is.

The light green, translucent glow was like a jewel, but it was also alive .

It looks like a dragonfly's head attached to a caterpillar.

What the heck is this, ......?

I can't stop breaking out in a cold sweat.

This thing is bad.

I'd better run away now.

But only after I've done more research.

I don't know why I came here, and I had a feeling that if I didn't find out what this was now, I'd be in trouble later.


【Name】 Yeho.

【Lv】 425.

【H P】 142854172635565535/142854172635565535

【M P】 50250339/50250339

【Status】 Hibernation


An ancient god.

Personality unknown.


It body is made entirely of *****.

It appearance changes according to his thoughts.

It has a terrifyingly strong body and amazing magic power.

It can nullify almost all magic.

I never thought I'd be able to appraise it in a normal way, but now it's a god?

The Wigger Empire and the Holy Kingdom both worshipped this thing.

I'm a little relieved that it's in hibernation, but there's no guarantee that it won't wake up at any moment.

Once it wakes up, it will be too late to do anything about it with human hands.

I thought 99 was the upper limit for its level, but I feel like I've been beaten to it.

I felt like an idiot counting it HP.

Anyway, I should go back to the academy and report to the headmaster.

I can't even figure out what to do with it on my own.

I hope this thing stays asleep for hundreds of years. ......

Anyway, any noise that disturbs it sleep is out.

It's best not to let the magic surge through it either.

I stepped back gently, trying not to make a sound.

I imagined the worst-case scenario of me stepping on something here and waking up the gods, but I made it out of the Hall of the Gods without incident.

「Damn it!」

I'm still trying to figure out how to defeat the black anemone demon king, and now I've found something even scarier.

My legs couldn't stop shaking.

「Phew, *pant*, *pant*, wheew」

I finally made it back to the stone door and was able to run, but I was out of breath.

That stone door ...... had been breached from the inside, but ...... no, don't think about it.

It's still in hibernation.

And if it had really woken up, the upper pyramid would have been destroyed without a trace by now.

I went back to Frederick's house.

「What's the matter, Alec? Your face is all pale.」

When Frederick saw me, he was horrified.

「Frederick, everyone ......No, I want you to get Serina, Saki, Ione and Hannah to my room.」

I should also call Kaede, but she's in the middle of having fun with Loli, so she won't be back here yet.

「All right.」

I called the four of them into the room, who seemed resistant to shock, and I sent Frederick away and told them what I had just seen.

「No way ......, in addition to the demon king, there is even an ancient god?」

Serina was also shocked.

「If Alec is in such a hurry, it must be a bad god.」

Saki also folded her arms and made a difficult face.

「I will inform my father as soon as possible, so that he can think about what to do.」

Ione said and left the room to write a letter.

「So, what do you plan to do about Alec?」

Hannah asks calmly.

「The only thing I can think of is to report to the head of the magic academy in Austin and the head of the magic guild. Well, I'll also inform the king of Grandsword, but he won't be able to do anything effective either. He may be a king, but he's only human.」

「Yeah, but I think it's a good idea. Maybe God's "hibernation" won't wake it up in our lifetime.」

「I hope so, but ......」

That's not a fundamental response.

It's just prayer, the same as inaction.

We still have to figure out a way to defeat it.