In the chilly weather, I rub my cheek against my special hug pillow.

「Nnhh! Ah, master ...... hahnn!」

The soft, modestly bulging cushion is low-resilient, has a good amount of elasticity, and is very comfortable to the touch. It's really comfortable.

While I was enjoying the warmth of the cushion, which was shaking slightly, the door opened and a bright voice sounded.

「Good morning, darling. Oh, were you in the middle of sex?」

「No, I was just stroking her. What do you want, Saki?」

I looked up from the sheets and asked the dark-haired girl who had come into the room. Saki was wearing light hot pants today, exposing her navel and thighs, even though it must be cold.

「Yeah, that's the thing. There's a bit of a ruckus going on at the colorful tavern in the castle town. There's no harm in letting it go, but it's kind of annoying and bothering me.」

「What kind of trouble?」

If Saki is concerned about it, I'll take it seriously, so I sit up and sit on the bed. Meena also got dressed, got off the bed, unloaded the kettle from the fireplace, and prepared hot water in a wooden cup. As I sip it, I listen to Saki's story.

「There are some people who are saying that the new king, Alec, is running around without explanation, and that if he has nothing to hide, he should come out and be accountable, that is the duty of a ruler.」


I wonder what they're talking about.

Is it about taking home a loli the other day? 

Or is it an explanation for the fact that the inn run by a certain redneck madam was caught in a tax evasion scandal? 

No, wait, come to think of it, I was protested for patting the ass of a waitress at a dumpling shop the other day, so is that it?

「I'm mostly agree with the idea of accountability, since I'm also putting out the palace's bills and leaflets in darling's name, but I'd be a little pissed if someone said that the new king is a coward, a chicken, and a wimp.」

「We can't let that happen! Saki-san, let's send in a strike force immediately! We'll take Serina-san the Evil Slayer!」

「Wait, Meena, if you do that, it'll make the king's reputation even worse.」

「But how can you say something that isn't true?」

「Well, you're right. All right, then, it'll only be a matter of me showing up at that tavern once. Let's go out for a visit.」

「Yes, master!」

「It's settled! Thank you, darling.」

But it's cold, so I go outside in my killer bear costume. But with the gold circlet crown on my head, I'm sure I'll look like a king.

The tavern was only open late at night, so I took a carriage there after dark.

「Well, today, we have a big guest, and we would like to have a heated discussion and drink until morning, so please, all of you, stay with us until the end.」

At the top of the large table, a stubborn-looking old man with a crooked mouth and gray hair declared, "I don't want to stay up all night".

「Oi, I'll be home as soon as I'm done with my business, okay?」

「Now, now, now, you're going to be introduced now, so don't be so impatient! It's not good for the new king to be impatient.」

「Well, then, get on with the introductions.」

There were a good number of customers in the tavern, and they were watching us with bated breath, so I decided to read the atmosphere and wait.

「Now, I'll introduce the big winner at the end, but first, ladies and gentlemen, the debater on the left, Otoko-Gazen-Bubad-san, Thank you for your cooperation tonight.」

「Nice to meet you, ohoho.」

「Next to him, also on the left, is the editor-in-chief of some magazine, North-Okiniri-san, please take good care of us again tonight..」

「Thank you very much.」

「And on the far side, to the left again, the former bard and now professor at the Royal Academy, Dice-Hidari-san, thank you for your cooperation.」

「I look forward to working with you.」

Hmm, I'm a little curious about his previous career, but as far as debaters go, I'd say he's one of the best.

「Now that I've introduced the left camp, I'd like to call the right camp, the far-right camp, to balance things out. Hirofumi-san, Minister of Education, I look forward to working with you.」

「No, I'm not really on the far right. ......」

「It's okay, all the people I don't like are on the far right! That's not for you to decide, the citizens will decide.」


「Next, we have another right-wing commentator, Miggy Skinkabul, please.」

「Nice to meet you..」

「Thank you for your patience. Our big guest today, the new King of Vernia, King Alec, thank you for coming all the way out here today.」

「Well, yep. Nice to meet you.」

I was expecting him to come in a belligerent manner, but he introduced me politely, so I was somewhat disappointed.

「Today, with this wonderful lineup of members, I was hoping to talk about a variety of educational issues in this country. ...... Actually, there was an interesting article in this evening's edition of the paper. I heard that you are receiving a large amount of money from a certain craftsman who makes teaching materials.」

「What? No, I didn't receive any money」

「No, it's written here, this is the proof! I have proof! If this is true, we have a big problem. King Alec, are you sure it's a wise for someone who receives bribe money to be a minister?」

「No, I don't think it's a wise, but ...... I'll have to look into it later.」

I looked at Saki, who was waiting behind me, but she quickly nodded and left the tavern.

「Lukewarm! He deserve to be dismissed here and now, he's taking bribes.」

「That's right, that's right!」

「Get him out of here now!」

「That's what men are for!」

Immediately, the other debaters and the bar patrons began to make a scene.

「I understand. I'm removing Hirofumi from the ministry until I can find out what's going on. As of now, I'm suspending him.」

「No, no, no. You're going to reinstate him, aren't you? That won't do, you know. You've got to get his head on the guillotine and show the people that you're clean, and clean is important!」

「But that Sunset News? Let me see it.」

I took the board from the old host and read what was written on it, but all it said was that the minister had received a large sum of money from a craftsman, without mentioning the date or the name of the craftsman.

「Is this all the evidence you have?」

「What are you talking about? This is the Sunset News! Do you doubt it?」

「Well, what a guy.」

「No, no, no, Your Majesty, I'm on the right side of disliking the Sunset News, but you can't question it.」

「That's right, that's right!」

「You little bastard!」


I'm under total attack, aren't I? I'm in trouble.

I didn't come here to buy a futon, but I feel as if I'm being scammed by the "I won't give it back until you buy a high quality futon" scam.

However, I thought the evidence was weak, so I decided to drink, listen to the arguments, and bide my time. Meena, with her hand on the sword at her waist, gritted her teeth and endured.

「Darling, thanks for waiting!」

「Saki, did you get the evidence?」

「There it is. The editor-in-chief of the Sunset News admitted that the article was a hoax. We've questioned all the craftsmen, and none of them said they gave any bribe.」

「So that's it. Well, that's enough then. I'm leaving. I'm sorry I doubted you too, Hirofumi. You're reinstated.」

「Thank you very much, Your Majesty.」

「No, no, no, King Alec, we're not done talking yet, and there's still time before dawn.」

「What are you talking about? You should apologize to Hirofumi for your false accusations.」

「Tsk, you're annoying. Sorry, there, I'm done apologizing.」

「Wait. That's not remorseful at all. Why don't you send out an issue of the Sunset News and apologize for spreading fake news? We're all in trouble, aren't we?」

Saki said, but of course.

「All right, all right. I'll write it in small letters at the end of tomorrow's article, then we're good! I'm done with this story! Big news, small corrections, that's the motto of the Sunset News. Okay, the next topic is...」

「Oi. Fuh...... I'm going home. This is stupid.」

「What are you talking about? The king is running away! I also had NTR sex with a bride at someone else's wedding! Look at the Wiki!」

「He's a chicken! He's a chicken!」

「He's a chicken! King without balls!」

「Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majestyyyy!」

I'll never come back to this tavern!

I've come back to the castle, but I'm tired for nothing.

「I'm sorry, darling. I didn't do my homework well enough.」

「That's all right, Saki. Tell Lancelot to raid that tavern later to see if there's any tax evasion. I'm sure those jokers will come up with something.」

「Okay. Well, how about a threesome with Meena tonight, if you want?」

「I'll do my best, Master!」

「All right, then, let's start with "Seaweed sake" to cleanse our palates.」

「Okay, I'll go get the sake.」

I have Saki bring me some clear sake, lay Meena on her back on the bed, and pour the sake on her legs, on her thighs and in the middle of her crotch.

「Don't spill it, Meena.」


Meena has a slender physique, so this will be very hard for her. 

I wondered if Meena's cherry-red valley, shimmering under a generous pour of sake, would be spectacular.

I took my time to admire it and then sipped on the sake.


「Don't move.」


Even so, Meena twitches her abdominal muscles when my mouth comes close to her vagina, as if that's all she needs to feel. I gulped down my drink and licked the last drop of water off the bowl.


「That's it. I'm next. Meena, it's my turn」

「Ah, yes.」

This time, Saki lies on her back on the bed, and Meena pours the sake.

「Oops, this is quite difficult.」

Saki also has a rather slender physique. I shoved my face into her crotch without hesitation and drank the sake.

「Kuhh, ahaha, I can't stand it!」

Just being able to get close to her face seems to make Saki nervous as she anticipates the sensation

After drinking all of the sake, I licked Saki's wet genitals.

「Nnhh, aaahhhh, Da-darling......」

「It's so sluggish, Saki, spread your legs.」


I grab both of her ankles and make her pose like an upturned frog, and lick the droplets of alcohol off of them. However, new sake soon dripped from Saki's bowl. Hmm, this is quite tasty too.

「N-noo, Darling, when you lick me like that, I can't, can't, aaahhhhhh!」

Saki, who was convulsing, seemed to be ready to go.

「Well, now I'll give you a mouthful of my sweet sake.」

「Yeah, come on, darling, come on.」

I plunged my spout into Saki's body, who was biting her little finger and looking up at me sweetly.

「AAhhhh! Kuhhh, Aahnn!」

I move wildly and freely in Saki's embrace, trying not to let go of the pleasure and my body, making her emotions soar.

「D-darling, I can't take it anymore, I'm already my limit, Aaahhhh!」

「Okay, you can cum. Here, you can cum anytime」

「Kuhhh, AAaaaaaah!」

Saki shivered and tried her best not to spill the white sake that I poured into her mouth, but it dripped from the bowl. Saki scoops it up with her finger and licks it off.

「Fufu, My darling's [Condensed Milk Production] is always delicious, no matter when I lick it.」

「U-umm, master, please give me some sweet sake too.」

Meena, who couldn't wait to play with her own genitals, opened her mouth and begged for some.


I inserted the still slender spout into Meena's upper mouth.

The night was yet to come. Today, the three of us are going to play raw until morning.