The fate of gold that I won in the headmaster's office at the Austin Academy of Magic.

I might be able to help Meena and the others who are being held captive with this.

「So what should I do with this, headmaster?」

There was no particular revelation, so I kept my hand on the page of the book and asked.

「Read the pages. Books can be used as weapons, but they are meant to be read, aren't they? That's where you'll find the things you need to do.」

The headmaster said with a mischievous smile.


Does this book automatically rewrite itself? No, it doesn't. I've been looking at the pages for a while now, and there's no sign that a single word has moved.

「 ...... No, you're right――It seems to me that my future is already written in this book as a heroic tale from the beginning. It's also possible that the fates of the pages I happen to open coincide.」

The grimoire "The Poetry of Welgilius"――

When I read it, it told the story of some hero king who went on an adventure and took the treasure guarded by his centaur brothers.

Six other enemies are also mentioned.

「The Seven Trials.」

「I see. So if I can get the treasure these guys are guarding, or if I can defeat all seven of them, I can defeat Emperor Gilan?」

「I do not know. But if the golden destiny is any indication, you have no choice but to try.」

「Yes. Got it. In any case, I've already defeated by him once with a single blow. If I go straight to Gilan's castle, I'll just get killed again. In the end, the sooner I get there, the better.」

「Hmm. Now that you've defeated the Demon Lord and the Evil God, but I didn't think a single blow would be enough to kill you.......... Mm, I can't stay like this! I've got an urgent matter to attend to.」

「What? Oi, headmaster, if you're going somewhere, tell me where the Centaurs are first.」

「I'm sure Cherry-sensei knows where the centaur brothers are. You can ask Cherry-sensei for the rest of the details. Now then, Magical Magical~☆ Teleport!」

Grandma loli swung her rod adorably and went away somewhere.

It would be quicker if she could use that teleportation to save Meena and Kaede. Oh well. I guess the headmaster wanted to give me a test. I decided to look on the bright side and headed for the staff room.

「Excuse me, is Cherry-sensei here?」

「Oooh, this is Alec-sensei.」

「Mumurhh, Alec-sensei.」

The magicians in robes in the staff room looked surprised and nervous when they saw me. What is it?

「O-Oh my, Alec-sensei, it's been a long time! I heard that you became the king of the Kingdom of Vernia, is that true? Nah, it's just the students fooled me around! I won't be fooled by such a trick joke, you know?」

said Caroline-sensei, smiling as she came to me. She's more like a kindergarten or elementary school teacher, but I guess she's been fooled so many times by her students.

I would have laughed it off if it was just a random visit to school after a long time, but it's an emergency situation now. Even if it was my former homeroom teacher, I don't have the time or the inclination to be considerate.

「No, it's true. I've become a king.」

I'll tell you plain and simple.

「Wha! Khhh, I can't believe it's true. ......! Ehh? I was about to get a big chance at the big time, but what did I do ......!? Alec-san had an image of being a bit of a delinquent, but he didn't get attacked, and he was a rather nice guy ......, but he seemed to be causing a lot of trouble――and by the way, is Alec-sensei, single?」

Caroline asks with a straight face after mumbling to herself.

If I answer that I am single, what is this woman going to do? She's a pretty girl in her own right, so I could take her into my bed and play with her, but I had a bad 【Premonition】, so I didn't answer that question and asked something else.

「Caroline-sensei, I'm looking for Cherry-sensei right now. I have urgent business with him.」

「Cherry-sensei, is it? Uh, ......, that one's not here. Fafnir-chan~, please show Alec-sensei around.」


The black cat replied with a single voice, scratched open the sliding door of the staff room, and walked out into the hallway. Come to think of it, I've been guided by this black cat before, haven't I? This one is the headmaster's cat.

「Thank you, Caroline-sensei.」

「No, no, no. Then, please come back when you're done your business with Cherry-sensei. I'll be waiting for you with tea and a marriage registration.」

Caroline-sensei sent me off with a smile, but even though she's usually a decent person, today she's acting very strange. I guess she's in the middle of her thirties fever, feeling alienated and impatient because so many of her friends are getting married. I'll stay away from her for now until the bridal fever dies down a bit.

Guided by the black cat, I walk down the hallway of the school building.

On the way, a group of girls in robes, probably this year's new students, with their fresh faces and bodies, walk toward me, chatting adorably.

When they saw me, they bowed to me with a look of "Who is this teacher?"

I was tempted to take them somewhere and eat them, but for now, my priority was Meena and Kaede. I'm sure they're suffering from forced labor. I have to help them as soon as possible.

The black cat trotted onward, occasionally looking back at me and stopping to wait with eyes that seemed to say, "Come on". However, I can't catch up with it even if I use 【Instantaneous Movement】, as if it has some kind of magic trick.

I may be able to catch up with that cat if I use magic, but it would be a pity if I startle the other students or injure them if I bump into them. I'm not in a hurry to follow the cat. Meena and Kaede also seemed to have been treated as laborers in the Gilan Empire, so even if I was delayed to save them, their lives would not be taken away.

Hurry up, but don't rush――

I already know that haste does no good, having made several painful mistakes in my life.

The important thing is to make sure that Meena and the others are rescued. If the strongest of us, the one who has drawn the GOD destiny, were to be struck down again, no matter how many of Serina and others there are, they won't be able to save Meena. No. Can those guys do it?

But I'm Meena's master, you know.

Merlot, the merchant who taught me about slaves, also said that. 

「If you let your slave die, the people around you will not look at you well.」

It is the Master's "responsibility".

Above all, what kind of man wouldn't be serious when his lover is trapped?

Well, after I rescue Meena, I will officially welcome her as my queen. It would be a pity to treat her like a slave forever.

I'm sure Meena would be happy to have a big wedding.



For some reason, the window glass in the hallway shattered even though it hadn't been hit by anything. A golden aura of sorts escaped from my body.

..........Did I just do something?

Did I just raise the bloodstain (Bad) flag?

Damn it. Well, what's done is done.

I don't think it's right to turn around a decision once made by honorable man because it's bad luck.

I'll marry Meena when I get back.

I regained my composure and chased after the black cat, but it stopped in front of the women's restroom, turned around and sat down as if to say, "He's here!"

Wait, ...... there's a Cherry-sensei (Boy) here, huh?

In the ladies room?