I defeated the Centaur hero brothers and got through the first trial.

However, the temple I was led to had only an empty bag.

This is the treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Centaur clan?

That sounds like a lie. So you're lying because you don't want me to take it?

I checked the bag, but it was a plain leather bag with a string to tie it with, and although it stretched a bit, it didn't look like anything special.

I had no idea how to use it.

I'm going to appraise it.






A treasure guarded by the Centaur tribe.

When the village chief is replaced, a new bag is made and it becomes the new treasure.

「It's really just a piece of cowhide. What do you use it for?」

「What do you mean, "use"? This is a tradition that has been passed down since the time of the gods. There is no meaning to it.」

「It's obvious, Alec. Who's going to use something that's so carefully guarded? There's plenty more other bags!」

They've been protecting something meaningless just because it's tradition. But now that the grimoire has shown me this place, I must have some use for it.

「――No, wait, now that you mention it, there is a legend about this bag. One day, a hero will appear, bear offspring, and the bag will be filled with golden wisdom. ......That's the passage.」

The older brother Kyron said as if he remembered.

「Hooh, Offspring is it?」

「Why don't you settle down in this village and find yourself a wife? Now that you've beaten us brothers, maybe there's a woman out there who'd be interested in marrying a ningen man. Hahahahahaha! Ow, ow, ow, ow, damn, this is still hurt!」

The little brother Pholus laughed at me teasingly, but then I felt like he would have used a different expression, like 'you should marry the daughter of our clan'.」

「......Let's give it  a try」

「What are you going to do?」

「It's obvious. I'm going to put my seed in this.」

「Yeah? Oh, yeah?」

I unbuckled my belt and pulled it out, leaving the two of them in a daze.

「Hey! You do realize that this is our sacred temple, right!? I'll kill you if you piss on it!」

「Shut up for a minute. You're distracting me.」

「Distracting? Oh, come on, ......!」

A man's seed is his semen. I can't think of anything else.

I awakened my male libido by thinking of Meena ―― not Meena, but the loli freshman I had just passed at Austin Academy of Magic. It's a biological instinct, you know. I need a new woman. No matter how great the food is, if you eat the same thing every day, you will get bored.

That's what I'm talking about.

Of course, I also love Meena, so if she comes in rotation, I'll make sure to take her.

That's the King Harem.

I was so excited that a baby seed came out of the tip of my body.

「Phew ......」

「Ha, haeehhh. ...... And it's a lot, damn it, I lost! Godamn it!」

I tied the saggy, dangerous leather bag tightly with a string.

Then the leather bag began to glow a golden color.

「Ohhhh ......, this is definitely a light that has been blessed by the gods. I see. So this is the lore.」

「F-For real!? We've been making and protecting these bags for generations, just to put this guy's dick in? I-I hate this ......!」

「Pholus, give me your bandage. Just a little on the end.」

「Huh? Here. What do you want it for?――Eh, HEEY! Don't wipe your dick with it! You bastaaardd!」

「It's better than defiling the temple. Take care of the rest.」

「You idiot! I don't know what's appropriate, but shit, I don't want touch it! Aarghhh, it's coming apart, damn it, eeekkk! The temple is!」

I fixed my clothes and put the leather bag in the 【Item Storage】. I don't want to touch it, even though it's mine.

「Then, if it's cowhide, it's no problem to put a new bag in there again.」

I checked with older brother Kyron, and he nodded.

「Umu. So you're going, King Vernia?」

「Yeah. I still have something to do, and I need to hold a human woman too.」

「Hmph, you're young. Then you should take a bottle of sake with you. I'm sure they'll come in handy.」

「I'll take it.」

「Aniki! Scissors! Bring me the scissors! Quickly! Anikiiiiii!」

As the little brother Pholus' pathetic pleading voice echoed through the temple, Kyron and I shook hands firmly and parted ways in style.

「Hee-heein! Bufo!」

The unicorn was very reluctant to let me on board, but after I opened a bottle of alcohol and gave him a little to drink, he seemed to lose his nose and quieted down.

「Now, the next stop is ...... Kuriti Island.」

I unfolded the map that Cherry-sensei had given me and checked the next location. This was the second test.

Then, a dozen or so armed centaurs appeared from the forest.

「If you're going to see me off, I don't need it."

I thought they must have a different purpose, but I lied to them with an air of composure.

「That's nonsense! It is the family's treasure. Even if Kyron is right, I can't let a ningen take it away from me.」

I've already talked to Kyron about it, but it can't be helped.

「All right. Then come with all your might.」


They're pathetic if that's what frightens them. What are you even doing here, huh?

I've decided to summarize it with some appropriate 【Talking】 since it's depressing to have them follow me.

「Don't be upset! Look, this is not a treasure anymore. It's just a free bag, a free thing! It's not the things that you need to take care of! It's the people! That would be the great Grand Master Kyron! With him gone, can you protect your village? Will you be able to defeat me?」

「S-Surely, ......!」

「We are still inexperienced. Khhh」

「We're not even close to Grand masters!」

「If that's the case, go get your guts and level reworked. I am Alec, King of Vernia, and I will neither run nor hide. If you come to my country to get it, I'll bet you this bag that I'll be your opponent any day.」

「All right, then. Then I'll come for it someday.」

If these guys knew what was in the bag, they'd be furious, but I'm sure Kyron will keep his mouth shut.

I drove my unicorn to my next destination.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

I left the unicorn in the hands of a trustworthy merchant in the port town and decided to take a sailboat across the sea. This sea that stretches south from the Kingdom of Grandsword is called the Erlia Inland Sea, but you can't see the other side, it's just a wide sea.

White sea birds were flying freely and slowly in the clear sky.

The sea breeze with the scent of rocky shore caressed my cheeks from time to time, but the sea was perfectly calm and quiet.

I was bored, and as I did so from the railing on the deck of the ship, a man who looked exhausted came staggering aside.

「Hi, eep, eep! Eero-ero-ero--」

Seasickness. Oh, man, I can't believe you did that.

It's not a problem for me because I have 【Anti-Sickness】, but I don't want to see what I don't want to see.

「Hey, have a drink of this stuff.」

It would be foolish to give away my points to a stranger, and after all, I have to face the severe trials and Emperor Gilan from now on.

Even though I didn't have a lot of points left over at the moment, I might be able to find a candidate for a skill that consumed a lot of points. I couldn't let them go to waste.

I'll give him a bottle of sake instead.

「Yeah, oh dear, thanks, thank you ......! This is what it means to going to nirvana in hell」

The man in the dark green robe was probably a mage, and his cheeks are thin, but that may be due to seasickness. He looks to be in his thirties.

「Pwah~. Phew, I feel refreshed. Thank you for your help. From the way you looks, you seem to be an adventurer.」

「Well, something like that.」

「I see. That's nice. ....... Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Taros, a carpenter.」

「Carpenter? With that looks?」

I look at him again. There is nothing that looks like muscle on Taros' body.