We were trying to escape from the Daedalus's Labyrinth, and we made a plan to find out what was going on in this labyrinth.

Leaving Camilla alone at the angel statue facing each other, the rest of the party proceeded down the passage. If we proceeded normally, we would meet Camilla at the angel statue again. ......

Hmmm, there's nothing wrong so far.

I've been watching Camilla with my 【Spy Camera】 skill activated all the time, but nothing has changed.

If there is even the slightest change, I will not miss it because I also have the eyesight of a hero of another world, 【Kinetic Vision Level 5】.

Camilla was holding a spear in her right hand and her left hand on her hip, looking around her as if she was glaring at her surroundings.

Occasionally, her cat ears would twitch. Her short-cut black hair is unkempt, and her breastplate is small. She's wearing a very tight mini-skirt, probably for ease of movement.

I moved the camera perspective of my skill to lick it up from a low angle.


Then Camilla looked down at her feet, as if she sensed something suspicious.

Does she sense this skill or can she saw my face?

「...... Nothing, huh ......」

Of course. A level 5 Spy Camera must be more powerful than a micro CCD camera using optical fiber. It's not just some unnatural ornament in the bathroom or a hole in a sneaker.

It's a system that even the best adventurers on this island can't see through.

With a small grin and a twisted mouth, I took a closer look at Camilla's skirt. She has a breastplate that has been melted by the red slime and a rope wrapped around it to tie it in place of a cloth, but it doesn't hide her shapely lower tits.

Her fleshy thighs and the fabric of her mini-skirt form a dark (Bermuda) triangle.

It's really interesting to see what color underwear Camilla is wearing behind it.

If you also use 【Peeping Tom Level 5】, the color, shape, and even material of the underwear will be immediately apparent.

I moved my point of view, confident of the moment of victory, but Camilla moved faster than that.

She took a quick step back from the scene.

「Alec! There's something over here!」

Camilla shouted to inform me.

「Phew.........Can you see it?」

「No, but I'm pretty sure there's a presence!」

「Don't worry. If you're not being attacked, ignore it.」

「Ignore it, you say. ......」

「Well, that's not good, is it?」

Damien also questioned me.

「No problem. It's one of the ways the labyrinth works. It is possible that this is how they reconfigure the passageways, distracting you from your gaze. Camilla, don't worry about anything else. Pay attention to the passages. That's what you're supposed to do.」

I grumbled earnestly.

「Tsk, I thought you were going to come to my rescue if I got in trouble. I guess I drew the short straw, huh?」

Camilla complained, but she is a woman with a lot of guts, so she kept her spear at the ready and continued her watch.

「Let's go.」

I proceed down the passage as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, my perspective is below Camilla.

It's not something you'd normally think of doing in a dungeon, but it's not a problem ―― 【Increased enemy range level 5】 【Eyes behind you level 5】 【Sense of Presence level 5】――With these skills already in my possession, I would never be caught off guard by a monster attack, even if my vision was over there. No matter what the situation is.

No matter what the situation is, I will not let my guard down even for a moment and give my all to eroticism.

That's what being a man is all about, isn't it?

Then I looked inside Camilla's mini-skirt.

Hooh, It was a sky-blue sheer cloth.

The way she talks is a little wild, so black lace underwear would look good on her, but I'll give it to her later.

While I was thinking about this, Camilla held up her spear and shouted.

「It's moving! The stone statue is headed your way!」

By stone statues, you mean those two angel statues?

I see, I thought we were just going around in circles in the same place, but it seems that was not the case. The landmarks were moving and confusing our sense of direction.

I guess the 【Auto-Mapping] one got interfered with by the thing or something.

But once you've figured out the trick, there's nothing to worry about.

「Damien, I'll leave this passage to you.」

「Yeah, I'm on it!」

Convinced that the monstrous warrior would be able to deal a blow to that stone statue with his axe, I went to hold back the side passage.

To keep the angel from escaping that way.

――Here they come!

Two gray angels are running straight towards me down the passage.

I stood there in the middle of the passage and waited.

Just a flash.

I put them both away with an Iai-nuki.

The angels probably couldn't see the line of my sword.

The stone statue cracked cleanly and shattered, then quickly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

「The angels have been taken care of.」

「Ohhh, good job, Alec.」

Just when we were all relieved――Camilla shouted,

「Damien! Behind you!」

「Ohh? Crap!」

Damien turned around, but there was a stone statue of an angel there too.

「Uhyaaa!」「Don't come hereeee!」「Eeekkkk!」

At the end of the passage ―― the sinners who were there tried to escape, but Tsk, I'm not going to make it.

I also use 【Instantaneous Movement】, but this skill can't fly a long distance at a time.


It's at times like this that my precious little Loli falls down. It looks like she has the skill of 【Beautiful Girl Constitution】.

「Damn it. Come on, this way.」

One of the sinners helps Loli up. But for all intents and purposes, will he make it in time?


The statue of an angel ―― it went straight past the two of them.

「Goddamn it! Why didn't you attack those guys! That's weird!」

「Hmph, I can't stand to die after coming all this way! Now you're going to be the bait!」

A large bearded sinner pushed his companion who was running beside him.


But the angel ignores the man who was pushed as well. I stopped chasing them there because the loli girl was the most important thing to me.

「Gyaaahhh!!」 「Guahhh!」

The angel judged the two sinners who were running away in the lead.

The warrior Damien caught up with the angel and killed it with his axe.

「Fuhh, I'm sorry, man. I didn't make it in time.」

Damien looked at the two fallen people and said.

「It can't be helped, Damien. Besides, it's better not to help those guys.」

Camilla says. You're right.

「I guess so.」

「Well then, it looks like the angels are gone, but ...... I hope we can get out of here.」

Camilla says, but if something comes up, we'll just have to take it down again.

「Let's go.」


Soon enough ―― we made it safely to the entrance of the labyrinth.

「I see it, the lights! It's the entrance!」


「But what should we do with these guys?」

Camilla turned around and looked at the three sinners who were still following us.

Originally, it was our mission (quest) to sacrifice them, but ......

「Don't worry about it. Everyone, give me your left arm.」

I said that and used my 【Slavery】 skill to erase the three slave crests.

「Ah ...... ohhh ...... 」

Then, next is I used 【Instantaneous Movement】, and I lowered the drawbridge on the other side of the river.

「You guys can run away to wherever you want.」

I say to the sinners. No matter what sins they have committed in their lifetime, they have tasted the horrible punishment of being sacrificed. They will learn from this and will never make the same mistake again.

If they are still caught, the next time they will be executed on the spot with or without question.

However, I have a hunch that this will not be the case.

They too have overcome their trial here.

In particular, the man who tried to save Loli is worth watching. Or maybe he was falsely accused.

Of course, the Loli is also a kind soul who offered Camilla a piece of cloth, so no matter what anyone says, she is innocent. I'll forgive her.

「T-thank you very much!」

「Now if you keep quiet, you'll get your reward. It's a happy ending for everyone, including my client.」

「Ohhh, that's certainly.」

「I don't like it one bit, but it's better than feeding them to the cow.」

Damien and Camilla agreed, and the three of us headed to the castle to receive our reward.