With a naked Serina and Ione on either side of me, I had a pleasant morning, but there was some kind of noise downstairs.

「There's a red-haired woman here! If you interfere, I'll have you all arrested!」

A man has been shouting in a thick voice for a while now.

「It's noisy......, what is it?」

「Ahnn ...... Alec, do more ...... *mumble*」

I shook her shoulders, though it was cute to hear her mumble in her sleep.

「Wake up, Serina. Speaking of red hair, I think it might be you.」


「I'll go check it out.」

Ione got off the bed and started to get dressed, but before she could, Saki came into the room.

「Darling, there's a soldier in this country who won't listen to my offer, and still want to search here. And I can't bribe them.」

「Houh, this country seems to be a decent place if bribe money is not allowed. Fine, we have nothing to be ashamed of, if they want to search, let them do it.」

「Hmm, well, I guess so.」

「Everybody, stay where you are and get out in the open!」

In the meantime, the soldiers had already entered the room, but well, it's no use preaching human rights and legal rights to the security agencies of this era.

「Kyaaa! Hey, what were you thinking, entering a room with a lady without knocking!」

「Mmm, excuse me. ...... No! We're looking for a villain by order of the king. Get dressed quickly.」

「That's right, Serina, refrain from revealing your taste here. You're upsetting the average person in the world.」

「Alec, ......! You're naked too!」

It was meant to be a light joke, but as Serina glared at me with a dangerous look in her eyes, I shrugged my shoulders and decided to get dressed quickly.

「Fufu, we just woke up, so don't get the wrong idea.」

Ione casually explained to the soldiers. 

「So, what are the charges? These are my party mates, and none of them are going to commit any crimes.」

「Hmph, that's how all scoundrels protect their friends. Murhh, you with the red hair, you say your name is Serina. Were you the one who bought up all the sugar at the market yesterday?」

「Huh? Sure, I went around buying sugar at the market yesterday, but...」

「That's her! Snatch her up!」


「Wait a minute. Why should she be treated like such a villain for buying sugar?」

「Don't you know what day it is, you fools?」

「No, I don't.」

「I don't know.」

「No, I don't.」

「Uguuh, strangers. Today is an important day for us to celebrate the birth of Royal brother, His Royal Highness, Prince Toran.」

「Hmm? Congratulations on that, but why does sugar have to do with it?」

「It's obvious. We can't get sugar in this country. It's expensive and rare, that's why His Highness is so happy.」

I think I see what you're getting at. It seems that Serina, through forceful negotiations, bought up all the sugar in this country, even the portion that was to be offered to the royal family.

Then it's not so difficult to solve.

「Serina, present the sugar you bought to Royal Brothers. That should settle this matter.」

「But Alec, what about Cerberus' portion?」

「We'll have to think of another way.」

「I understand. Okay, wait a minute, I'll get it for you.」

Serina brought a sack full of them. It wasn't that much, but I suppose circumstances differ from country to country. A grain of pepper, a grain of gold.

「Then, I'll have you pay for this as a gift from King Vernia.」

「King of Vernia? Hmph, you're from the Kingdom of Vernia. Don't use the king's name without permission, you fool. This is confiscated for illegal acquisition, and you will be imprisoned for tricking the king's emissary. Seize them!」

「Wait! This is the real King Alec I of Vernia himself.」

「What? No, you're not even wearing your crown.」

I guess I should've brought a crown.

「I'm on a bit out on an adventure. But if any of you have any appraisals, no, bring me the strongest warrior in the country. I've defeated the Demon King, so I should be win easily, right?」

「Pfft, that's fine, then I'll be your opponent!」

The soldier suddenly slashed at me, as if he thought that he could win, when I'm unarmed.

I kept my composure and caught the sword with one finger.

「Nuh-uh! Wh-Why can't I slash ......!」

「It looks like you don't even know how strong your opponent is.」

「N-No way, you're really the Hero King Alec.........!?」

「What would happen if I lied here? It's a felony to cheat on the king's order, isn't it? If you can't make a decision, you should at least consult your superiors. You've pointed your sword at the king of another country, you know. You're in big trouble.」

I'm going to show my dignity here and intimidate him.

The pale soldier hurriedly put away his sword and got down on his knees on the spot.

「Ha-haaa! I don't know that you are the king, but please forgive me.」

「Yeah, that's fine. So, about the sugar thing, ......」

「Ha, Our royal brother was also looking forward to this day, and it was better to take the sugar as a gift ......」

I'm afraid things aren't going well. Well, now that I've said I'll give it to royal brother, I guess it's not cool for the King of ...... to say no.

「So why don't you just offer half of it to him, minus your rudeness? If you don't say anything, the royal brother won't know how much sugar was in it from the beginning, right?」

「No, but......I can't' lie」

「It can't be helped~. I have to be better at dealing with the world, or I won't get ahead. Oh well, I'll do my best and present his royal highness with a unique sweet in the world. And I'll use the leftover sugar. That way, all sides will be perfectly harmonious.」

「Sigh.......I'll consult to my superiors.」

「Yep-yep, let's get going.」

After a while, a nobleman claiming to be an emissary of the Toran came and we were officially invited to the birthday party of His Royal Highness.

「This is the palace of His Royal Highness」

I was expecting to be taken to a castle, but it was just a large white tent.

「This is here?」

「Some emissaries from other countries may be surprised, but we Torans are a nomadic people. We don't have a castle because we move regularly.」

It's a bit of an odd custom, but I suppose it makes sense for a nomadic people.

「The rest of the retinue will wait here. We will only allow two guards to enter.」

As expected, it seems that they can't bring the whole group to meet with him.

「If that's the case, I guess, I and Serina'll become your guard..」

「I guess so.」

「Wait a minute! I'll go and protect brother's balls (Tama)!」

Jouga interrupted, but don't say "balls" because they might misunderstand.

「Yeah, but, Jouga, you have to greet the king in a formal way.」

「Ugh, crap, I'll leave that to you, Serina and Saki.」

「That's a good idea.」

「Make sure he's under guard!」

「Yes, yes.」

Now, let's see what's waiting for us inside the tent.