The 『Book of the Dead』, which Selma the Dark Elf may have in her possession.

However, I'm not really interested in this Magic book. I've heard that it can help you get to heaven without getting lost, create zombies, and if done right, it can even reveal immortality, but I don't need zombies as long as I can eat good food, have a good time with a good woman, and laze around in my room.

In fact, just the thought of living forever makes me feel like I have no time to waste.

「Fuhh, I don't have a choice. Now, 『Death Call』――I can give you the secret contact information of those who call for death. It's a super-executive salon for top-notch mages and, yes, future necromancers.」

Letty talked about the benefits, as if it were a candy cane.

「I don't want it!」

Selma immediately refused.

「What? Everyone wants to join, don't they?」

「Eh? I'm not interested」

「Hey, tsk!」

Letty clicks her tongue, suddenly scurries around, chants some kind of spell, and disappears.

As we were wondering what she was going to do, we heard Letty's voice turning over.

「I don't intend to go into that kind of thing, but I can understand why outdated, hard-headed primitive people would want to reject a special, high-class salon called "Death Call". Hey! That's right! They're really cool, and I feel sorry for them for missing the boat! The famous genius mage is in Death Call! It's already packed, we can barely fit one person in there!」

「Letty, you're making a fuss. Get the hell out of here!」

「I-I wonder what you mean, but I'm sure you've heard the rumors, right? Don't you think you should reconsider?」

Now we're riding in a horse-drawn carriage through an empty meadow, how can there such a place.

「「「 Not at all 」」」

「Khhh, What.....what are you dissatisfied with!」

「Letty, I understand that you're sad that you can't get in, but forcing people to build a reputation is a form of stealing. That will make people not want to join.」

Serina warned.

「What? Really?」

Everyone nodded with pitying eyes. Letty must be the only one in the "Death Call" circle anyway. No, maybe Nene is being forced to join too. I'll have to instruct Nene to properly submit her own withdrawal form later, as I feel sorry for her for being harassed.

「Now, let's see, what were we talking about? Oh, right, we were asking if Selma has the 『Book of the Dead』.」

「That's right. Now give it to me.」

Letty is ready to take it for herself, but I don't want her to have anything dangerous. That's been my experience so far. So, I decided to make a play.

「Saki, this is Selma's physical examination. Just do a lightly one.」

「Haha~n, if that's what you mean, then I'll do lightly.」

Saki grinned and nodded, as if she understood what I was thinking.

「Hey, look for it carefully.」

「Now-now, but from the looks of it, Selma doesn't seem to have one.」


Selma nodded calmly, but it didn't matter.

「Yep, I guess I only had magic potions and herbs.」

「That's impossible. Then why were you held up in Toran?」

「Hmph, it's just that I had a little trouble with the soldiers at the entrance.」

「What? You can't even use cloaking magic?」

「Don't make fun of me. I've used at least that. But they had some kind of magical device that allowed them to see me.」

「Hmph. Well, getting caught by a common soldier is something that a low brain does, pfff.」


「That's all well and good, but Selma, you mentioned a 『New World Tree』 earlier, what is that?」

Serina asked something else.

「You don't know? This is why you're a naive, low-brain party.」

「What'd you say, koraa! Who's the low-brain party!」

「Okay, okay, let's not fight. Letty, please don't stir things up or react to everything. The 『New World Tree』 is probably that big tree in Austin that Alec grew with his magic.」

「Oh, that tree huh. That happened, huh.」

It was a bittersweet experience for me, a little magic gone wrong and a lot of trouble later.

「Wha, Y-you bastard is, no, you're the one who created the New World Tree!?」

Selma's eyes turned to surprise and respect, but didn't I tell her my name? Well, if I had claiming to be king from the beginning, there would have been no need for torture. Fuhh, whatever.

「That's right.」

「Well, our darling is the legendary hero king who defeated the demon king.」

「Ooohhhhh, ......!」

「The fact that the legendary hero king is an incredibly dirty oldman is a bit of a flaw, or perhaps a fatal flaw.」

「Shut up, Serina」

What's fatal, that's rude.

「Fufu, They say heroes love sensuality.」

Ione defended me, and she's absolutely right.

「Well, that's the thing. If your only crime is trespassing, you don't need to be enslaved. I'll set you free, Selma.」

When I promised her, Selma put one knee on the floor and took the vassal's bow.

「Ha, thank you very much! I would like to accompany you for a while.」

「Sure, that's fine, but we're in the middle of challenging the Seven Trials. It's quite dangerous.」

「I don't mind. If I don't make a record here, the elders will scold me for being the one who created a new settlement for our clan.」

「Well, you can keep the records all you want.」

If it's a record to be used in the elf village anyway, it won't be misused elsewhere.

「What? You're adding another girl?」

Serina is not happy about it, but new girls are vital. I'll take care of you in the rotation, so don't worry about it.

As the carriage train came to a stop, Jouga called out from outside.

「Brother! We've reached the desert! Let's start walking from here.」

「All right. Then get ready, everyone.」

「「「Roger! 」」」