A tavern in the Land of the Dead.

The place was brighter than I expected, with candle flames lit everywhere.

「Oh, man, this is crazy. It smells like a living person.」

「Seriously? How long has it been? The last time someone like that walked in.」

「Is it delicious a living human being?」

「I don't know. You'll find out when you try it.」

Inside the tavern, there were quite a few customers, a few at the counter and a dozen at the tables in the back.

I heard some disturbing voices, and both Serina and Meena put their hands on their swords, but as I instructed, they didn't attack.

「Stop it, don't waste your time fighting with them.」

A man wearing white armor said from the back. I recognized his voice and face. A red-haired, well-dressed face.

However, he was a little paler than when he was alive.

「You're, Gallard, huh?」

An A-rank adventurer who was buried by the breath of a dark dragon, the boss of the ninth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return.

「It's been a while, hasn't it, Alec-san? What are you doing here?」

「I had some research to do.」

「Hee. I'll help you out if you like. Though, as you can see, most of the members of the 『Explorer of the Holy Grail』 are no longer with me.」

Garrard used to have a number of beautiful women at his side, but now there were only two women at his side, and the other six were men. Well, I'm talking about him. He must have had some trouble with the women anyway.

「I don't mind that, but you're being very nice to me. I don't think I've ever done you any favors.」

「Fufu, well, we were a good rival clan, weren't we? I miss the "Labyrinth of No Return". However, unlike me, you came here alive. I'm sure you've prepared accordingly. You must have some money, right?」

「Sort of. How much do you want?」

「I would say as much as I want, but nine silver coins, one for each of my friends, should be enough. It depends on the contents.」

「All right. Now for the quest. One gold coin for, uh, Dill something. ......」


Serina remembered his name.

「I want you to find him.」

「I see. Do you know when he died?」

「Uh, ...... about a year and a half ago?」

「Yeah, that's about it. He was a childhood friend of Fianna's, an adventurer. He was killed in the West Tower in Vernia.」

「A year and a half shouldn't be too difficult. I'll take it. However, I would like to be paid exactly nine silver coins. I don't want any trouble.」

「I understand.」

「Ah, and Alec-san. There are some enemies of yours here, so I suggest you don't stay long.」


「Fufu, you forget the enemies you've defeated, huh?」

「Ah, ......」

If you include the Shin the hero, Baron Riot, the Stone Snake, Janatha, and other bandit-like characters, there is no end to them.

「I don't care how many times they show up, I'm going to beat them.」

「That's just like you, Alec-san. Well, I guess I'd better get on with the quest I've accepted. All right, guys, let's find someone. We're looking for a young man named Dillmud who came here about a year and a half ago.」


I'm sure I didn't tell them how old Dillmud was, but they must have figured out his age from the fact that he was Fianna's childhood friend. Gallard is a pretty smart guy, and I'm sure he'll be able to find Dillmud soon.

「All right, we have no more business here anymore. Let's get out of here.」

「Yeah. But the afterlife doesn't seem so bad when dead people can talk and live normally.」

Serina said casually.

「Give me a break. Even that Gallard has turned into a small party, struggling for money. Saki, when I die, make sure you put a lot of money in my coffin.」

I said, and Saki laughed.

「Leave it to me. But I'm sure you won't have to worry about money if we're together, you know?」

「Indeed. Well, I'll just relax and wait for you to come.」

It would be cruel to let us die at the same time.

「Fufu, that's what I love about you, darling.」

「Uhm, Alec-san, so ......」

Fianna asked me about the situation at the tavern.

「Gallard's going to help us. He won't take too long to find him.」

「Oh, I'm glad. ......」

「But, Fianna, you've seen the dead before. They can only live in this world. Even if we find Dillmud, we'll never be able to bring him back.」

「Yes. I'm aware of that.」

「And you're not staying here either」

「Yeah, I'll be fine.」

Fianna nodded and seemed to have made up her mind, which was a relief.