If I waited, Saki and Serina would investigate it out, but I thought I'd take a peek at the tool shop and see what was going on, so I got my gear and took Meena out to city. I heard that Meena had seen the price of potions go up in city, but she didn't buy any because they were too expensive. She's a good girl.

「Where are the potions?」

「I heard they're sold in the West Ward.」

「West Ward, hurry up!」

「Someone please give me the potion. I'll give you up to 300 a bottle!」

There's a lot of talk and commotion about potions here and there. I thought they were just potions, but they're an important lifeline for adventurers. This could be a big deal.

「Oh, Alec.」


Elisa, a Templar Knight in white armor, walked by.

「Apparently, something bad is going on in the temple. Even though I'm a knight from another country, I can't leave the temple behind. Will you lend me a hand?」

「The temple? All right. Let's go, Meena.」

「Yes, Master, let's hurry!」

On our way to follow Elisa, we passed by a tool shop. There were many adventurers crowded in front of the store, shaking their fists and shouting at each other.

「Give me the potion! Don't be reluctant to sell it!」

「We're already sold out! We don't even know when they'll be back in stock! I say again, no potions in stock!」

「Hey! Don't push me」「You're one who push me!」

「Oh, that's him! He's got the potion!」

「Take it away!」「Give it to me!」

「Whoaaa! Stop!」

The other adventurers pounced on the pointed man like a swarm.

They were stupid enough to know that they wouldn't be able to renew their adventurer cards if they 「tried to rob him.

What a mess. ......Kuhh」

Elisa ran past them with a pained expression on her face, but the situation in the temple must be even worse.

We're going to need some help.

「Meena, go get the rest of the clan's members.」

「No, I'll stay here and escort the master. Don't worry, from the looks of it, I'm sure someone will come looking for Master soon.」

「Hmm. I suppose so.」

It's clearly becoming an emergency. Then it was only natural to look for where the leader was and ask for instructions. It's a problem that they're not sure where I am, but then I'd better go around and mention it to the appropriate people.

「Listen up! Alec, the Black Cat of the Wind, is going to save the temple now! Someone, please inform the "Dragon's Dwelling Tree Mansion". This is a personal quest. The reward is ten gold, paid by a member of the inn! No, a hundred gold. I'll even give you a potion! Message, 'Black Cat of the Wind', meet me at the temple!」

「「「Ohhhh! 」」」

It's very effective. The moment I said the word "potion," the people in front of me all looked at me at once. Then they dashed towards the inn.

「Is this going be all right? It looks like they're going to rush in and start a fight, not a competition.」

Elisa was worried, but it was better than leaving them alone and having the temple attacked.

「Competition and fights are a part of being an adventurer. As long as you've been commissioned.」

「Hmm... I see... I guess that's true. We'd better hurry.」


When we reached the temple, we found that looting had begun here as well. In groups, too.

「Oh man, they're so stupid, if they get hurt they won't be able to afford potions.」

In Japan, this kind of behavior would be unthinkable, and I was left in awe.

「You can't maintain discipline if people's minds are disturbed. ...... Hey, won't you stop that!?」

「Shut up and give me the potion!」

A man who looked like a lightly armored adventurer slashed at Elisa with a dagger, but he didn't have the time to guess how strong his opponent was.

「I can't give this to someone who isn't even injured! Hmph!」


The dagger was flicked away by her sword, and the man ran away in a panic, as if frightened, but I guess he was not a robber at heart either.

It was just an impulse, but that's why the man was scared.

「Give me the potiooooooon!」

Another adventurer slashed at me from behind. But if you attacked me while shouting, I would notice him. He's an amateur, too. On this point, though, the Hero Shin was very experienced, firing the first arrow of his bowgun at me without shouting.

「Elisa, let's hurry inside. You stand out too much.」

「Murghh, this armor? It is written in the scriptures that those who guard the temple must wear white.」

「That's fine, but no, it's the ones who attack you that are bad.」

「Umu. Anyway, let's go inside.」

There was also a battle going on inside the temple, with priests and adventurers facing off against each other. It seems that rods and staffs are too tough to fight against swords, and if we hadn't rushed in earlier, who knows what would have happened.

「That's enough! Prepare to be punished by the gods if you dare to lay a hand on the temple!」

Elisa's dignified voice echoed through the temple as she slashed at the rebels. Meena and I join her.




There didn't seem to be anyone of any significant level, and every time we swung our swords, there were screams, and the adventurer who attacked the temple cowered as they held themselves.

「Oh, oh, there's blood ......,p-please, heal me!」

One of them begged the priest who was there, but the priest silenced the adventurer's plea with a look of reproach and anger. The priests, who were usually as merciful as saint, would not show mercy to those who attacked the place where the gods were worshipped.

This is the reason why drawing sword is forbidden in temples.

If they were even a little grateful for who had saved their lives, they would not have thought of drawing their swords and attacking here.


I don't think he was prepared for the attack. The assailants who were there were afraid of our strength and started to run away one by one.

「Good grief, that's not good. If you are an adventurer, fight for the treasure! If you win this battle, you'll get what you want! If you want gold, you can raid the treasury. If you want a woman, you can rape the cleric! Now, fight as your instincts dictate!」

A man with ruthless eyes, who looked unforgettable once you saw him, called out to the others, but this guy was no adventurer. He was dressed in well-worn leather armor, but his clean-shaven beard and disheveled hair gave me a strange sense of discomfort.

「Master, that man usually uses perfume, but today he's wearing horse manure. It's too suspicious.」

Meena saw through the scent, but no adventurer would do such a thing. I guess he just hastily dressed up as an adventurer.

「You there! If you're going to preach the ways of evil, I'm your opponent!」

Elisa didn't allow the man to say or do anything, and slashed at him. But――


The sword she swung down was bounced back.

「Careful, Elisa, this guy is no ordinary adventurer.」

「Kuhh, it looks like he is.」

I tried to use 【Appraisal】 on him, but even his name was blocked from view.

「It's not my intention to fight the Temple Knight, but if you're going to slash at us and get in our way, I guess we have no choice.」

「What? You're a knight of the Holy Kingdom! Whose orders are you working under!?」

「Oops, fufu」

The man didn't answer, but crossed swords with a smile on his face.


This is bad. If Elisa is killed here, there will be no one who can defend against this man. And what's more, abandoning a woman who is close to me is a bad thing for a man. I pretended to slash at the other adventurers and went behind the man first.

Then I stepped in and swung my shortsword down at the back of the man who was facing Elisa, concentrating on her.

I got it!

I was sure of my victory. However, just before the sword struck, the man stepped to the side and seemed to be able to see my move even with his back turned.

「Crap, whoa!」

I was about to take a blow from the man as he turned around, and I hurriedly flicked my sword.

「Be careful, Alec, you're going to have a tough time with your skill.」

「I know.」

「Then die! You ignorant little fry!」


I managed to prevent the man from stepping in and slashing me, but I was completely out of position. This is bad, I can't prevent the second blow――and just when I was getting cold feet, Meena threw something at the man.


He pulls out the kunai in his arm and stares at Meena with narrowed eyes.

「Hmph, you're a swordsman, and you call that a flying tool? That one caught me off guard, but dog-ears there, there's no next time!」



As Meena is cut down, Elisa and I attack the man at the same time, and manage to cut off his pursuit.

「Eeii, you're so clever!」

The man shouted in anger, and it seemed like an even fight. The three of us can't even finish him off, he seems to be a very skilled fighter.

If I relax for even a second here, it'll be me or Meena who dies.


The more time we can buy here, the better.

With the odds in my mind, I waited for my companions to arrive.