Volume 28 - Epilogue

『At noon today, potions will be sold in the central square for 10 gold each. There is a limit of ten per person. We have 100,000 potions, so please don't fight or push-- Alec, the Black Cat of the Wind.』

Early in the morning, I sent out the announcement to the adventurer's guild, and the response was tremendous.

「Hey, Alec, did you really collect 100,000 potions?」

A white-haired adventurer wearing a blue bandana came to my room. He has dog ears.

「Ralph? Ask Murphy or Ada. They'll be able to testify it for me.」

「Mumurghh ......, but is the security okay? In all likelihood, the potion section is going to be a mess, right?」

「Don't worry. We'll have the king send out soldiers as well. I've even hired an A-ranked party to guard it just in case.」

「Hou, you guys are great guys, aren't you? This, the Black Cat of the Wind, is a bit of a fluke, don't you think?」

Ralph smirks.

「What the hell is that?」

「Fufu, no, don't worry about it. Actually, I've been getting a lot of inquiries from people who think I know you. If that's the case, I'll just go ahead and give my seal of approval and let everyone know. But, Alec. I'd like to get a glimpse of the real thing, if you don't mind.」

「All right. I've got a crate full of them in the square, so go check them out, Ralph. But I won't be happy if you steal it.」

「I know, brother. But I'm sure you've got Meena and the others keeping an eye on things.」

Well, that's not surprising. It's not that we're a stranger, it's just that Murphy, Letty, and the rest of them are in this inn, and you never know what they're going to do.

As I was falling asleep in bed, Serina came to wake me up.

「Alec, it's time.」

「Kuahh. ...... All right, then, let's get going.」

I've already had the clan members bring in the potions and the sales floor is ready.

「Ahaa, he's here. Alec~!」

When I went to the square, Sarah, a blonde adventurer with a belly button, came running up to me with a smile and a wave of her hand.

「Sarah, how's the security situation?」

「No problem. The soldiers from the castle are here in great numbers, so I guess they didn't need us to guard the potions.」

「Well, just in case, you know. If a high-ranked adventurer goes crazy, the soldiers won't be able to handle it.」

「I see. That's true.」

「Hello, Alec-san, may I have a word with you?」

A strange merchant approached me. There's a well-dressed man next to him. He must be a nobleman.

「What is it? I'm busy with a meeting right now.」

No matter who it is, I'm going to be arrogant here. I can't compete with them if they shake their position and ask me to give them a potion.

「Well, don't say that. I heard you're going to selling the potions for 10 gold each, how about we buy them for 12 gold?」

「I refuse」

「Kuhh, then, fifteen gold! That should be enough, right」

What's enough? It's only five gold more.

「There's no bargaining. If you want potions, just stand in line. There's a limit of ten per person, though.」

If you want ten, you can resell them as you like. Well, I doubt many people will buy them. Once enough are distributed and people know they can buy them cheaply, no one will buy them at high prices.

In other words, the buying trend will disappear in no time at all. The stupid resellers who have been buying up potions will be forced to get rid of their inventory in a hurry.

I waved my hand like I was chasing away a fly.

「Wait, we're not done talking yet.」

「Okay, okay, that's enough. If you have any complaints, this security officer, the Laughing Goddess of Fortune, Sarah, is your partner.」

「Kuhh, she's an A-ranked adventure, Sarah」

「It can't be helped. ...... Let's give up.」

It's a good thing I hired an A-rank after all.

「Hello, Alec-san.」

This time, a shaved head in black armor showed his face, Janatha?

「Yoo, Janatha. As you can see, I'm busy. What do you want?」

「I'm here to discuss things, Alec-san. Not all of them. I was wondering if you could spare 10,000 of potions for me. I'll pay you 20 gold a piece.」

「And then you'll resell them at a higher price?」

「Well, I'm a merchant.」

Janatha smiled and admitted that he was a merchant at heart.

「Janatha, if you are a merchant, make your own products. That way you can make a bigger profit, isn't it?」

「No, I think you've misunderstood something, Alec-san.」


「I'm a merchant, not a craftsman. Trading is my business. Why do you need to take the time to make it yourself? Let's talk about smarter ways to use your time and make money.」

Smart. You made fun of me, but what's smart about making money?

No, this is not a business, it's helping people.

「Negotiations have broken down. Line up the slaves in your store if you want them.」

「That's too bad. Well then, Please let me know if you change your mind」

I'm not changing my mind.

「Well then, We will now sell the potion!」

The noon bell began to ring at the same time as Serina announced, and the potion sale by the Black Cat of the Wind began.

「Yes, We have 100,000 of them. Don't rush, don't push, and move forward slowly.」

「『Fugo! It's a revelation! This man will soon become the supreme king of the world. The women and children will cry out, and the men will be covered with erotic desire!』 Hawawa」

It seems that Nene has read the mind of someone who seems to be in some kind of mental trouble, but I don't care.

But the Supreme King, huh

The Harem King sounds interesting.

I watched the sale with satisfaction, chewed on my sticky ambition, and grinned.