Book 2: Chapter 9

Omen of Battle

Dear grandfather, I wish to discuss something with you. Can you by any chance give me a little bit of your time?

The royal capital of Claydale Kingdom. In the prime ministers office in the palace, the rooms owner Belt Fa Melrose glared at his grandson who visited suddenly.

Ahead of his gaze was a young boy with strawberry honey blond hair that was faintly tinged red. He didnt even flinch against the gaze of his grandfather who was the current prime minister. He put on a smile that was as sweet as his hair color.

Mihail Melrose. He was the first son of Melrose Houses heir and this year he would become ten years old. Perhaps because of his strong mana, for these several years he had grown until he looked like he was thirteen years old if he was a commoner. With his sweet look that he inherited from his grandmother and charming smile, he was becoming a hot topic among the young maids who were working in the palace.

The heir who was Belts son and Mihails father was ruling the territory of Margrave Melrose in the place of Belt who couldnt leave the capital because of his work as the prime minister. Mihail was in the capital even though he wasnt even in the age to enroll into the sorcery academy was because he had the friend role for the crown prince as a candidate to be his aide in the future.

Just like how the young lady of Margrave Dandall, Clara filled the role as the playmate of the first princess Elena, several children from good social standing were also gathered around the crown prince as his playmates so he could form solid connection with them as the future king. But even among those children, it was talked that Mihail together with Rockwell Dandall who was the eldest son of the supreme knight commander and also the big brother of Clara were in especially good relations with the crown prince.

Youre really a slippery fellow

Im used to dear gradnfathers glare after all. In the first place the people of Melrose House also dont have the trait to be considerate to others too much.

I guess.

Belt understood that he himself and his big sister who married to Carlfan Empire were also like that. His lips frowned while he wetted his lips with the tea that was brewed by his butler Oz.

The people of Melrose House that was formerly a royal family of a country had such side to them for good or bad. Because of that they could also offer their opinion to the royal family without hesitation but, such side sometimes also made them to become liked by the royal family just like with Belt and Mihail.

Come to think of it, she was also like that

Thinking back now, his daughter eloping without any consideration of her standing might also because such trait of Melrose House came out thickly inside her.

At the very least he was aware that his daughter wasnt suited to become the queen.

Are you talking about the dear aunt that I sometimes heard came up in talk? The old servants mentioned that she was a beautiful person, and I also once saw her portrait that was remaining in the mansion. There is also a rumor, that a girl who might be my cousin was found?

Where did you hear that from?

Mihail spoke of a rumor that was only known by very few people including the royal family. Belt glared at him, but he only smiled gently and dodged the question.

Most likely he had his own information network even at this age. Taking that into consideration, he might be more suited than Belts son, his father to become the prime minister when the crown prince became the king, but Belt sighed at his grandson who was maturing too quickly.

We will observe for several years more to see about that. And, what do you want to discuss with me?

Before that, I want to tell about this matter to dear grandfathers ear only.

Got it. Oz.

As you command.

Oz who was standing by at a corner of the room bowed his head to Belt and Mihail before leaving. Even he who was a knight in the dark side couldnt hear this talk, just what could it be?


Is it fine now?

Thank you very much, dear grandfather. I think you have guessed already but, this is about his highness the crown prince.

Mihail talked that the crown prince recently seemed to have interest toward life in the streets. That interest itself wasnt anything bad but, apparently the crown prince wished to look around the capital not in his capacity as crown prince, but stealthily together with his friends including Mihail.

There were guard posts everywhere in the capital to maintain the public order. The guards were also patrolling, so there would be no danger unless in some unusual circumstance. With such good public order, it was possible to even see young lady from house at the level of count to go shopping in the city, although as expected she wouldnt be alone. But they could do so by bringing only three guards at minimum and a maid.

But, the crown prince wouldnt be allowed to do that with his standing. Even though it was at the royal capital, the crown prince would at least need to bring around ten of the royal guards with him and reserved a high class establishment just to go shopping. Wanting to look around stealthily meant departing to the city without even being accompanied by decent amount of guard. This must be the influence of the first queen who was formerly a viscounts daughter who liked to behave with abandon.

(Really, what a troublesome person.)

Setting aside the official function, the first queen was said to be still relying on the second queen for the political duty. Belt grumbled about her inside his heart. Mihail also sensed his grandfathers mood and continued with the story in order to end it quickly.

As expected even I cant allow that. I made his highness agreed to bring several guards with us. But he had apparently heard from somewhere about the case that happened during her highness the princesss recuperation. Although it was ended only as an attempt, but the abduction was still allowed to happen. Because of that his highness is feeling disapproval for guards from the dark side outside the palace.

I see

Certainly that was a blunder in the dark side organizations part. No matter how short of hands they were, high ranked knights of the dark side like Sera had checked the background of anyone around the royal family, and only trusted people accompanied the royalty, but after the case was investigated, it was found out that Grave who had worked for nearly thirty years for the royal family had changed the personnel assignment and intentionally loosened the security around her highness the princess.

When he was young Grave had a radical side in him to a fastidious degree, but it was thought that it was because of his devotion toward the royal family. In fact for more than these ten years his radical side had quietened down. Nobody could understand why someone in the royal family faction like him would do what he did.

(No, guess he went out of control because of that fastidiousness of his.)

Grave even abandoned the mission of confirming the identity of the pink haired girl that Belt ordered him to do and vanished. There was a report that girl was attacked by a monstrous person and went missing.

Belt was feeling discomfort with his granddaughter who was just found. He sent Grave to his mission because he wanted a material to confirm his suspicion but, he had no way to search for a child whose life and death wasnt even known.

Seras grandfather Hosu was also capable, but perhaps his eyes were clouded when observing Grave because Grave was the orphan that his friend left behind. Mihail made Oz left also because he didnt want to criticize Ozs grandfather in front of him.

Mihailif its you then you should also can remonstrate his highness right?

I dont know about that. Besides as someone who I will serve in the future, itll be troubling is his highness is raised in sheltered upbringing and is ignorant of the world.

You impudent kid. And, what do you want?

Yes. His highness has also known the faces of all the capable dark sides knights. And so, I want to ask dear grandfather for permission to have a tour of the royal capital, and it will also be great if you can lend us several guards who are knowledgeable about the city and doesnt belong to the dark side.

Knowledgeable about the city huh

That place looked like a canteen with wine cask and food scattered every which way. At the back, there is a dwayr clad in full body armor that seemed to be made from magic iron, silently gulping down wine while keeping a tight hold to a halberd made from magic steel.

His appearance made me think of a wounded beast that would bare its fang to anyone who got near. Nobody will be able to approach him like that. Nobody will ever think that someone like him is an assassin, even so Dino and the previous master kept him as member here. That goes to show just how high his combat strength in close quarter.

I left that spot before Sharga could find me. Then I stopped walking just before I stepped inside a certain spot inside the guild.

There is something. That place is different from the other places. The color of magic particles that my eyes can see is strangely mixed with each other. Its showing a chaotic coloring that sent my heart into anxiety.

(An unpleasant feeling.)

I muttered inside my heart while my face unconsciously grimaced. Is thisa curse? While Im standing still without being able to step any further, I noticed there is an old man wearing robe, staring fixedly at me from the darkness of the passage ahead.

We stared at each other wordlessly with a distance of ten-odd meters between us.

Then the strange color of magic particle slowly approached toward me. When I also backed away to keep the distance, the old man who seemed to be the Sage slightly narrowed his eyes. When I continued opening the distance, the curse doesnt come any closer and returned back to its original position.

I see, so the Sages fighting style is passive. Its enough for now to just understand that. Without stopping I left that place and after confirming that nobody is following me, I wiped the sweat on my forehead and sighed.

So elf can also grow old.

Having narrowly escaped death, I muttered something trivial as I immediately walked toward the deepest part of the former coal mine that is the branch assassin guild of the north frontier district now.

As I got deeper, I can hear the low growling voice that sounded like a beast, mixed with the wind that blew from somewhere.

I knew even before approaching there. My legs dont want to go there and became heavier. Surely nobody will draw near here. Because they can feel that death is waiting if they get closer.

Someone who cant even notice that wont have the qualification to be here. I pushed down my heart that is about to get scared to the deepest part inside me and walked forward step by step. Then I found a beast in chain at the end, locked behind thick bars that are as thick as a womans arm each.

The CondemnedGoudo.

Goudo raised a low growl at my murmur and lifted his face.


Goudo Race : ???

Magic Power : 167/186Stamina : 531/546

Overall Combat Strength : 1381


He is nearly three meter tall and long distorted arms that are nearly two meters long.

His whole body is wrapped in bandage that is stained with filth. There is fiendish light dwelling in his yellow cloudy eyes. He suddenly tried to assault me.



The chains that are fastened to the rock surface are stretched until the limit. Goudo collided on the thick iron bars so hard they almost bent as his claws cut through the air a few centimeter in front of my nose.

The chaotic mana that I saw at the Sages area is clinging on Goudos whole body. Most likely the Sage is binding Goudos freedom with his curse. This man isnt just a mere animal. He might be insane but, I caught a glimpse of the Skill that is burned in his soul from his movement.

Most likely he is reduced to this from drug and sorcery and curse. When I tried to touch the fingertip of his arm that he stretched as though looking for something, he got shocked instead and pulled back his arm.

Nobody will approach near you.

Nobody will look straight at your appearance.

Nobody will ever think of touching you.

I stared straight into Goudos cloudy eyes while speaking to him with a small voice.


Wait there. Ill prepare a worthy stage for you.

Aria (Alicia) Race : Human Rank 2

Magic Power : 162/180 10 UPStamina : 132/145 15 UP

Strength : 6 (7)Endurance : 7 (8)Agility : 10 (12)Dexterity : 8 1 UP

Short Sword Skill Level 2Martial Art Level 2Throwing Level 2String Control Level 2

Light Magic Level 2Darkness Magic Level 2Non-Elemental Magic Level 2

Daily Life MagicMagic Power Control Level 2Pressure Level 2

Stealth Level 3 1 UPNight Vision Level 2Search Level 3 1 UPPoison Resistance Level 2 1 UP

Simple Appraisal

Overall Combat Strength : 213 (With Body Strengthening : 236) 42 UP