Book 2: Chapter 12


What do you want old man-!

This aint your business old man-!

Go away old man-!

The citys delinquents got cocky because they have greater number even after looking at the big man who seemed obviously strong. They showed off their iron knives.

This is Feld right? One years has pssed so I cant be absolutely certain but, even so I never forgot him. That person who seemed to be Feld formed a brutal smile that is clear to see even with the backlight behind him after hearing the young mens words.

Im not an old man-!!

Aa, he is undoubtedly Feld.

Feld threw his punch at the young men. The combat strength of the young men is around 40 to 50, so perhaps they have Martial Art skill level 1 at least but, for Feld whose combat strength is more than 1700, it doesnt matter whether he has weapon or not.

The self proclaimed 20 years oldis he 21 right now? Anyway Feld is Feld regardless of how he look, so he doesnt need to be that bothered about age or appearance doesnt he?

Without anything special happening, the delinquents are beaten up with bare hands. Perhaps that made him felt refreshed, Feld finally noticed me who was watching the scene silently and raised one hand with a nice smile.

You there, you alright?

YesThe source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I should leave this place before getting dragged into anything troublesome. Even so this reunion with him who acted kindly to a street urchin who he met for the first time and taught me my first skill in order to live made me felt a bit reluctant to leave.

My flat reaction might make him felt something from me. He let out a smile that bared his fangs.

As I thought, you look really skilled despite being so young. I thought that you would have no problem even with this bunch picking a fight with you, but they told me to help you out.

As I thought, he doesnt remember a street urchin who he accompanied only for a day huh.

Besides my appearance right now has changed drastically from the thin seven years old kid before. Although my appearance has only grown for around three years older due to my magic power, because I have grown a lot taller than average, I should look like a twelve years old if its just from appearance.

My clothes that consisted of largish shirt and short pant that made it difficult to differentiate whether Im male or female must also played a part. Butif he doesnt remember me then there is no need for me to go out of my way to remind him.

Its enough with him simply saying that kid who couldnt do anything in the past is now strong. Its fine with just me alone remembering of my debt to him. There isnt any need for me to show it in my attitude.


Those boys.

When I turned my gaze toward the direction that Feld is looking at, I found two boys looking toward here at the back alleys entrance. They seemed to be at the first half of their teenage with extremely well ordered features. Behind them there is also someone who seemed to be a woman wearing a hood, but looking at their appearance, I guessed that person is like the two boys bodyguard.

They are dressed like commoners who are children of wealthy family but, for them to need guardstheir good upbringing that made me felt the necessity of them bringing guards is palpable. I dont know what kind of people they are, but they are still giving off such presence even while dressed in the style to blend into the city, so itll be better if I dont get involved with them too much.

Yaa, you there. Are you alright?

One of the boys, a boy with glossy blond hair that is tinged red came nearby with a sickly sweet smile.

Im fine.

Can you thank him if possible? After all he was really worried.

When I turned my gaze due to those words, I saw the other boy also approaching with a gentle smile that must be making him popular with many people, so for now I should say my thanks.

Thank you.

Its fine, no need for thanks. Its my duty to protect the people.

As I thought they are noble children huh. I remained her due to my reunion with Feld but, as expected I should just leave.

The reason I cant take the risk to run away from them because other than them, there are also several other people blending among the crowd protecting them.

If they are noble, I thought that the people guarding them might be the people from Seras organization and I was on my guard, but their bodyguards cant even erase the sound of their footsteps. These two are being followed by people who fought by wearing heavy armor and weapon.

Most likely these bodyguards are knight or soldier. I dont understand why these two arent accompanied by people from the proper organization for this kind of job, but perhaps thats why they are putting people like Feld to act as the bodyguard on the surface.

Anyway, the act of running away from these boys forcefully is like announcing by myself that Im suspicious.

Mihail, what are you talking with him? Its rare for you to be that interested with other people.

I already said it just now right? He just doesnt feel like a stranger for me.

I dont know what is Mihail thinking but, Er said that he and me are similar.

Something like impression can change depending on the time so it cant be counted on, but the reason Mihail said that I dont feel like a stranger is actually something that I too can understand a little.

It seemed that Mihail and Er are friends, but Im feeling a sense of distance from him where he is drawing a line in his relationship with other people. I got the feeling that the way he put a distance with other people like that is somewhat similar with me.

It seems that Er doesnt notice that Im a girl, but Mihail who noticed that felt like he is wary toward me and probing for my true identity. The two who are following right behind us too, Feld is surely not paying it any attention at all but, with the way the elf woman are watching me scrutinizingly, she might have noticed that Im a girl.

Hey, what kind of work a young adventurer like you do?

Er paid no mind to the awkward atmosphere and talked to me with a smile. Its not like I have any duty to answer him but, Mihails amused gaze weighed my mind, so I helplessly opened my mouth.

Goblin hunting and collecting medicine ingredient.

Goblin huhI also want to try fighting it though, I wonder if itll be possible for me?

Most likely he isnt talking about his strength but about if he is allowed to fight with his standing or not. But I pretended to not realize that and simply concluded the talk with the fighting aspect.

It doesnt matter who. Anyone should be able to kill if they have the willingness for it.

Something like a fight in the end simply boiled down to the matter of whether you could kill your opponent without hesitation or not.

No matter how strong you are, no matter how overwhelming your strength is, if you dont have the resolve to kill your opponent, that will become weakness. Not killing your opponent where your life is at stake is just arrogance if I have to say.


I heard Mihails amused voice and turned my gaze to him. There I saw not just him and Er, but even Feld and the elf woman are staring still at me in puzzlement.

PerhapsI spoke a bit too much.


After that the atmosphere turned awkward again, but fortunately we arrived at our destination, the dwarfs armor shop before long.

That shop is away from the main street. Its a street where there are also other shops like outfit shop for commoner and general store. The building is a normal private house made from white stone and mortar. There is only a plank attached on the door to show that its a shop, so I might not notice that its a shop if I passed through here without knowing.

Although I said about a dwarfs armor shop, there must be more than one person who fit such description in this capital. There is no guarantee that the owner of this shop is Galbass little brother, but if its a dwarf doing the same kind of work then its also possible the person here will know about the eccentric armorer.


It might be their first time coming to this kind of shop. The young masters Er and Mihail are staring at the outer appearance of the small shop with curiosity. In contrast the wood elf has a faraway look for some reason, which really left an impression.

She who seems to be familiar with this shop opened the door. I followed behind her and entered and saw that the inside of the store is filled with a lot of light clothingequipments intended for female are lined up. where there are equipments that only looked like a dancer outfit.

But they arent just clothesthey are, armor.

There are a lot of metal armor, leather armor, even items that contained magic power perhaps because they are made from rare metal or monster leather. Although its not my business, seeing this made me worried if its alright for such precious items to be left in the open unguarded like this.

Gelf, are you here?

The elf woman called out to the back of the shop. Then several seconds later, a powerful and thick male voice that seemed to belong to a middle-aged dwarf came from the back.

Oh my~, isnt this Mira-chan. You are bringing such cute children with you, just what is the occasion I wonder?