Book 2: Chapter 21

Extra Story 2 : The Teacher and the Surly Disciple

I wonder how much time has passed since I, a dark elf drifted to this country.

Im being called as an evil race by the mankind, so various things happened before I settled down here, but now Im thinking that even all those things were good things.

There is a child who is calling even someone like me as master. When I was with the evil race army, I only thought of myself and couldnt do anything for the youngsters there, but I managed to get some pupils after coming to this country.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Well, I dont want to call one of them a disciple of mine though. He was a son of the leader of the troublesome guild that became troublesome and he strangely got attached to me after I taught him sorcery.

There is also my health condition, so I took up residence in this forest at Baron Seylaces territory, but after that, that idiot disciple suddenly showed up. At that time she was a woman who had just come of age, so I think she was slightly older than even the guild leaders son.

At first I was wary with her. Even though I had only just settled down in the forest, how did she manage to learn of my location? Sooner or later I was planning to inform a respectable merchant who I got acquainted with from the assassin guilds work, but at that time it was only the guild leader who knew of where I am.

That woman said this with a smug face while I was wary like that.

Youre a sorcerer from the evil race right? I know all about you. Youre going to help the heroine some dozen of years from now and teach her magic, so teach me too.

I cant describe how did I feel at that time. Did she never consider me killing her from exposing my identity as evil race. She was too idiotic that I pitied her from just how idiotic she was that I unthinkingly accepted her as disciple.

To be honest, I couldnt understand anything about the otome gameand heroine things that she talked about but, she was really motivatedthough it was all just wasted efforts. She was bad at studying, even though at first she demanded me to teach her light magic, she only learned things that she was good at, thinking that she was going to die if I let her go out there like this, I also taught her short sword skill but, it took me five years to make her learned the skill to some degree.

She complained saying that she wanted to have adventurer debut while she was still a teenage but, I didnt give a damn.

After that she left to be an adventurer, and yet she would return when she got difficulty with money, and she continuously took the potions I made without permission. Well, I wouldnt mind if it was just several potions but, when I pointed that she was still single no matter how much time passed, that idiot disciple said some incomprehensible excuse like Im a mojo after all. (TN: Mojo=unpopular woman)

She was able to create that kind of thing with just some passing knowledge, so she should be able to achieve great success as a sorcerer if only she put serious effort, or even if she couldnt she should at least be able to become a fully-fledged researcher though.

But, that fellow was gone because of that passion of hers. In exchange she sent that child to my place.


Master, I finished drawing water.

Next is chopping wood. Were going to train after the meal, so finish it in one hour, surly disciple.

Aria. She is a pitiful kid. Not only that idiot disciple twisted her, she even tried taking over her body and sent her destiny into disarray in the end. Well, that child has come to term with it so easily, to a degree that is unthinkable for a child though.

The person herself isnt thinking of the hardship as hardship at all. At first I thought that she was influenced from seeing the memory of that idiot disciple but, thats not the case.

I think originally she would become a strong and serious child, while her heart still remained pure. But she came to term about the adult memory as knowledge and she abandoned the pure child aspect of herself.

That child is strong with her objective of becoming strong. Children normally will have their attention distracted toward new matters because of their ignorance while learning things bit by bit, but that child is taking the initiative to step on a thorny path without giving attention to any other things.

That aspect differed from that idiot disciple who somewhere in her heart underestimated the matter of living despite having the same knowledge.

Reallyshe was an idiot disciple.

In that regard, Aria is serious to an excessive degree, but she is lacking in a lot of things thanks to her skipping over her cultivation of aesthetic sensibility. When I noticed I also started correcting her deficiency but, that child is someone who can simply do most things after being told, so the adults around her often forgot to treat her like a kid.

A normal child cant possibly do something like filling a water jug fully with daily life magic. Even wood chopping will exhaust a normal child completely midway. I too at first told her to do various things with the assumption that she wouldnt be able to do it, and yet she completed all of them without letting out a single complaint.

Well, thats alright. Its a good thing after all. But this child conversely cant do normal things.

In regard to food, she understands completely what her body required in order to grow, and she eats properly in accordance to that. Its a good thing. But she doesnt have any fixation with food ingredients.

Im making homemade alcohol from medicinal herb in my house but, I almost screamed when she showed to me the alcohol jug was crammed full a lot of carnivorous bees, claiming that its good for my body.

But well, there are problems but she has gotten better recently. At the beginning, even though she was the one who came here asking to be a disciple, her wariness toward me was like a wounded stray cat.

I made her used the idiot disciples room as it was but, I never that she would always sleep at the corner of room wrapped in blanket even though there is a normal bed there. Furthermore, I could sense her waking up just from me passing in front of the room. Just how bad the environment she was living in until now?

Now then. Lets eat the creative cuisine of the surly disciple again today.


Then, were going to train inside the forest today. Follow me surly disciple.


Arias reply came slightly slower when I talked about going into the forest. I never told her about it but, that child has noticed that my body is unfit.

As ones magic power grow bigger and they become able to use elemental sorcery, magic stone based on the element will form in the heart.


One of the demon wolf let out a growl. It might heard the faint sound of grass being stepped on. Aria threw her hidden weapon in that instant. The demon wolf growled and dodged, but the hidden weapon changed its trajectory and slashed the demon wolfs leg.


The other demon wolf noticed that they are under attack and immediately assaulted Aria.



The demon wolfs physical ability is superior than Aria. But, the demon wolf that leaped as fast as an arrow felt the sensation of its eyes being touched by Arias magic and it faltered for a moment. Aria put her hand on it as though to pinch its nose as she rolled on its back to dodge while putting string around its neck.

From there Aria strangled its neck while riding on its back and her hand stabbed the demon wolfs neck with her black knife



The first demon wolf that was about to leap from the side got hit by Pain. Aria leaped at the frozen demon wolf and swung her knife in a large arc.


The Battle Technique of short sword that Aria unleashed lopped off the demon wolfs head.

Not even a minute has passed since she initiated the fight. It was a rational ambush and annihilation. Aria has fought powerful enemy despite still a kid. The bloodshed that she had survived is different.

How is it?

Well, good job. If there is anything to correct, at best its only about the way you use Feel. Ill teach you other spot that you can aim with that magic. Dog speciess nose is more sensitive than their eyes. You should study about each monsters trait.

Got it.

Aria nodded with a composure that is unbelievable coming from a kid who has just fought two monsters. I drew back the magic power that I was pooling in my hand back to my body. Guess there wasnt even any need for that.

The hidden weapon and string that Aria used are something that I had in my house and told her to use after hearing about her ability. The string was made from a spider monster, but its conduciveness for magic power isnt really good. It will be better if I procure a specially made string for her. It will also serve as training if I made Aria hunt for the material.

Really, her performance was truly too excellent for a kid. Aria has no strength. Her reach is also short. Even just a single blow might kill her. Even her only strong point, her speed is only at the level that just barely matched an adult.

Even so she compensated for those with intellect and sorcery, and her guts that enabled her to suppress her emotion to defeat a superior enemy.

If its Aria then she will be able to do it. Not just sorcery, Im also hammering bit by bit into her the technique of War Demon that I had tempered in the battlefield for more than a hundred years. Right now she is still unable to make the technique her own but, when Arias competency reached rank 3, she should become able to fight even me if its just in close quarter combat.

I was unable to master martial art thanks to the magic stone in my heart. But, if Aria can keep growing at this rate, she should be able to realize the ideal in my mind. The genuine War Demon who possessed both high level sorcery and martial art.

And then, she might even be able to finally combine light and darkness that I was incapable to achieve.

Surly disciple.


I wont let you bring back the wolfs meat even if you stare that hard at them.

Got it.


Even Aria who was like a stray cat and didnt feel like a kid at all has gotten really used with the life here.

This feeling of achievement is the same like when you have finally managed to tame a wild animal by feeding it. Even though at first she never gotten into a deep sleep, recently it seemed she has finally managed to feel assurance. She became able to sleep soundly when Im there.

I approached the sleeping Aria and sat down beside the bed. She is a kid who isnt like a kid, even so as expected she is a kid in the end.

Actually she is still in an age where she should be pampered by parents, but Aria was living by pushing down that loneliness to the bottom of her heart and put a lid on it using knowledge. I heard that the princess who is the same kind with Aria is also like that. The noble society really is a harsh world for children.

I gently caressed the sleeping Arias hair. Then Aria clung on my hand that is caressing her hair although she is still not awake.

I cant hope to have children. Butperhaps this is what a mother who has daughter feel.

Im feeling apologetic to Arias actual mother for feeling like this butcan she forgive me at least just for now?

Rest wellI wont let anyone hurt you while you are here.