Book 2: Chapter 22

The Electronic Versions Special Side Story The Fairys Armorer (Only For Maiden)

The time was ten years before the tale started

There was a small armor shop that was said to be managed by a fairy.

There, cute armors and cool protectors for woman were lined up. The lovely fairy would surely make armor equipment that suited you.

Today the fairy was also working hard creating cute equipments in order to see everyones smile.


You arent a fairy but a monster.



The youth who said such thoughtless words were taught about love with a powerful hug. The one doing the teaching was the capitals fairy, aka Gerf, a male dwarf.

That youth, even though he was released after only several hours, he ran away from the shop tearfully screaming Ill never come again!.

Im sorry Gerf. I brought along a difficult fellow like that

My, dont mind it Mira-chan. Im happy that you promoted my shop to boys. As expected from my bosom friend! But heis a bit of an unfortunate child.

He isnt a bad person but, hes a bitits too bad.

The one watching dumbfounded at the scene of the youth receiving Gerfs love only for several hours was Gerfs friend, a frequent customer of Fairy Armorer and an adventurer Miranda. Even she let out a deep sigh of exasperation.

The man who kept getting called as unfortunate by these two was a youth called Viro who joined Mirandas party around a year ago. The youth often wore a slightly shady smile that made other thought of him as still twenty years old. He was someone whose moth was a bit careless.

But, when I saw that kind of child, it reminded me when Mira-chan visited my shop for the first time.

S-sheesh, forget about the past-. At that time it still hadnt been long since I came to a human country. I was really on edge then!

Fufu. But Im really happy that now we can behaving a girls talk like this.

I too never imagined that I would become this close to you

Gerf was a rock dwarf who had maidens heart. His dream was to create lovely armor for the sake of cute girl.

When Gerf opened his own shop in the capital although it was a small one, the one who visited it was the forest elf girl Miranda. Gerf was delighted, because her petite and slender body was the ideal figure for wearing the lovely armor Gerf created.

But, elf and dwarf were generally thought to have bad relationship. That was because dwarf had really stubborn personality while elf had really high pride.

Even so dwarf often got involved with human because of their blacksmithing, but the snobby elf never came out from inside their forest, and yet they had the habit to look down on other people despite being a country bumpkin.

At that time Miranda joined an adventurer party called Rainbow Sword. Among her party members there were also a mountain dwarf and a human sorcerer, so she was a relatively decent country bumpkin, but when she first met Gerf, she became wary like a small animal who had just encountered a natural enemy.

How do you think I would react when facing a dwarf wearing dress made from gold thread!?

Even Miranda who was such a wary person had encountered a lot of people in the capital. By interacting with a lot of humans, her haughty side that was peculiar to elf was also gradually vanishing. She was completely mellowing down as a person.

She also gradually got closer to Gerf. She also abandoned a lot of things like race and gender and other important things, and became an existence that should be called as a bosom friend with Gerf. But Gerf, even though he had finally become a close friend with Miranda who was an ideal model for him, although he was making armor for her, he didnt try making Miranda wearing a lot of designs that he had been making until now.

Why was that? Was it just like how the thorns in Mirandas heart were blunted from staying in human country, Gerfs dream had also been changed?

No, that wasnt it. Gerf didnt use Miranda as her ideal model because human races food had softened both her heart and her body plumply.

Gerf, did you think of something just now?

Gerf had the kindness of not saying anything about what he was thinking. Gerf wasnt a careless person like that human Viro.

Even so, the flesh in Mirandas body had increased somewhat compared to the usual elf. Although she had gotten somewhat plump and lost her model body style, she wasnt fat in any way compared to human race.

In the first place Miranda herself wasnt in fault, it was just the environment that was bad for her. The elf settlement where Miranda was born only had fruits with little sweetness and strong sourness. There wasnt any fruit that had been selectively bred there to have strong sweetness. For the little Miranda, sweetness could only be found from flowers nectar or honey that the adults sometimes harvested.

Even the rural village where she met her comrades was no different from inside the forest. Sugar candy that the merchants brought was something that she rarely ate.

But, it was different in the capital. The capital that was populated by tens of thousands of people had supply and demand. Sweet things could be obtained anytime as long as one had the money for it.

At that time Miranda was making a lot of money as a famous adventurer, so as the result, she got addicted to sweet taste that didnt exist in her forest. Her body style fattened over the limit of Gerfs tolerance.

But, why did Gerf wanted to make lovely armor that much?

Its a story of the past

Eh? Why are you suddenly talking about the past?


Gerf was born in a rock dwarf settlement in a dwarf country.

Mountain dwarf was good with woodworking and handiwork, while rock dwarf excelled in blacksmithing and handling fire. Gerf was born as a rock dwarf, even so he was a child who loved cute things instead of digging rock in a cave.

Rock dwarf loved digging hole like rabbit. They were a race that became good in blacksmithing in their pursuit of better tool for digging hole.

But, Gerf loved making clothes and accessory rather than digging hole. It was said that handiwork was the field of mountain dwarf, but they were originally the same species so it wasnt something impossible for him.

Like that Gerf was polishing his skill by creating things in detail, but none of the rock dwarves around him could understand his hobby.

Rock dwarf was as stubborn as a pig-headed old man. Even the women were mostly as obstinate. Dwarf fundamentally looked like bearded old man, but they unexpected had baby face when their beard was shaved. They grew their beard in order to hide that. Because of that young female dwarf looked adorable like human child, but the stubborn female dwarfs were more absorbed in digging hole rather than dressing up.

Why arent they wearing cute things?

If Gerf was like them, having lovely figure despite their somewhat thick bones, he would war erotic cute outfit the whole time.

Gerf finally noticed then. He didnt just want to create cute and lovely things, he himself wanted to wear them. He finally realized that he wanted to dress himself cutely and nobody else.

Gerf who loved cute things and sought them had a heart that was more maidenly than anybody else.

Since then Gerf accepted the maiden inside his heart and his speech and attitude naturally changed feminine.

However, he was also a dwarf. No matter how passionate he was, there was a limit in how he was able to wear cute things. Gerf also loved his beard and chest hair. He continued to dress like woman to show them off. The other dwarves in the settlement took some distance from Gerf who was acting like that, but only his big brother Galbas understood him.

No way, does big brother also has the same hobby?

Ill sock your damn face you asshole

Galbas was naturally also a stubborn rock dwarf, so he couldnt understand Gerfs hobby, but as a talented weapon smith, he understood Gerfs passion and skill and became his ally.

At that time, the war between human and evil race intensified. The dwarves that were also in the frontline of that war sought a lot of weapons and armors. The kindhearted Galbas decided to head to a human country in order to test his skill. He also invited his pitiful little brother Gerf to come with him.

Im going to create the greatest weapon. Gerf, make armor with that perverse passion of yours. If its at human country, then surely there will be someone who wear it.

Brotherthank you for praising my love.

I aint praising you.

Like that the two brothers departed from the dwarf settlement and created equipments while moving from battlefield to battlefield. After that dozens of years passed and the war changed from large scale clash to localized fighting. The two gave up on the battlefield around that time and drifted to Claydale Kingdom.

The war was still continuing but, thinking that only the strong would survive in the battlefield from there on, they thought that they would need a calm environment in order to create equipment that would be used by those strong people.

But, what was sought in the capital of Claydale Kingdom was only splendorous equipment. Putting aside Gerf who was seeking to create pretty and cute equipment from the start, Garbas who hated such interaction with noble moved to the frontier that was close to the monster habitat in order to create weapons for adventurers.

The siblings who departed on their own together chose different paths in order to follow their own craftsman path that they sought to the end.

Gerf opened a small but cute shop in the capital. She created body protector for female while making cute outfit to wear on her own.

While doing that, he was watching in excitement when female adventurers or female knights were wearing the equipments he created. It made him wanted to make even better equipments for their sake.


Ah, youre finished talking?

Mira-chan, I told you to hold back with the fried sweets right!?

Miranda listened half-heartedly at Gerfs important talk while eating sweets. Like that she kept getting farther away from the path of being Gerfs model again.

Im keeping in mind to only consume the required amount for the brain.

R-rightI heard that sweet thing is good for when your mind is tired.

I purified black sugar using alchemy to always have efficient fuel for brain in hand.


Its convenient in case you need to continue fighting for more than a whole day you know?

Even if you tilt your head cutely like that, you are cute dammit! But, certainly I had heard something like that before. The sorcerer guild of Dandall also published such thesis.

HeeGerf is knowledgeable about sorcery?

Not at all you know? Other than body strengthening, I can only do a little bit of water and earth sorcery. But, Im also applying magical processing to my armor, so I often visit both the sorcerer guild and alchemist guild.

I never go to either one.

If Im not mistaken, Aria-chan has a teacher right? Then its no wonder you dont really need going there, youre also not doing any business as alchemist, so its enough for you to just go to some store around for your need.


Anyway I understand now that there is no change in Aria-chans girliness. Its unfortunate though. And, is your business here today is repairing your armor?

I want to order a new one.

Can you take off that cloak of yours for a bit and show me? Come inside.

Got it.

They are scratched all over again. Even the small scratches cant regenerate fully. I wonder if thats because orc skin is a bit weak as a material?

There are also some parts that broke. Besides

Aa, I understand. Its getting tighter around your chest and waist right?


Youre growing remarkably. Compared to one year ago, your body line has gotten far more feminine.

I want a bit thicker limbs.

You must never say that kind of words around a certain fried sweets lover elf okay? It will wound her. Youre fine just as you are right now. Rather than forcing yourself with training your muscle and got heavier, it will be better if you train your skill and increase your physical strength value.


If its like this then certainly it will be better for you to buy a new one. Ill use a material that is a rank higher this time.

If its money then I have twenty large gold coins, but I want to use half to order weapon from Galbas.

You got a lot of money there. Surely you did something outrageous to get them but, I dont really want to ask. But if you have that much, perhaps Ill use the hide of wyvern? But Ill only take enough for the materials price. After all Aria-chan is my exclusive model.

Thank youyou arent forcing yourself Gerf?

Im not. Besides, I think Galbas also wont take too much money from Aria-chan.

I obtained a lot.

Right, thats good. But, Galbas too is just doing what he want to do, so you dont need to mind it you know? He is the same like me, there is a meaning that Aria-chan is using our works.


Come on, dont make that kind of face. Ill take your current measurement, so can you take off your equipment for me?

Got it.

You dont have any hesitation stripping like usual. But, Im relieved. Youre wearing it properly.

This? Yes. Because Gerf said that its required.

Your awareness is still only that much. I wonder what should I do to make this child learn what shame is?

I know the reason for wearing this.

You know you saidAria-chan. Aa, right, I understand. First Ill teach you about the situation with the underwear in this continent.


What is the common underwear for the females of this country?


Right. But, before that, both male and female simply wrapped a cloth around their waist but, a hundred years ago when the war with the evil race intensified, women also started going to battlefield. Because of that it became troubling when they wanted to change clothes right?


I never thought that you will tilt your head there-! Anyway, putting aside the commoners, the noble ladies will be troubled if they got seen naked you know?

I guess.

Stop being considerate even though you look like you dont get it at all! Well, after that drawers that can be changed immediately also became popular among the ordinary females too, but then a part of the female population complained.


Its no problem if the woman who go to the battlefield is a sorcerer, but there are also the muscular mercenaries who felt that wearing underwear is a hindrance just like Aria-chan. Ones sensitivity to cold is also decreasing when your magic power increased.

Yes, a hindrance.

What was invented for that was the short drawers that has thinner fabric and short length. The noble ladies and adventurers who have a lot of magic power, starting from the youngsters then switched to this. Though of course, the ordinary people and the shy women kept wearing normal drawers.

Never saw it.

That might be the case with the commoners. The wealthy women are the one wearing short drawers so many are made using material with good quality. Its not really sold in commoner shop. But, there was someone who created a stir about it. Recently the companies in Dandall started to sell thin underwear that commoner and young female adventurer can wear.

Dandall again?

Yes. For these several years, things like various information, skin-care products, or new clothes are coming out from Dandall. There is a rumor that Dandalls princess is involved with it but, there is no way that a young lady who was only five or six years old at that time could do something like that wasnt it?


At first, the existing clothes stores resisted heavily selling that kind of underwear because it had never existed before. The amount of cloth that formed this kind of underwear has been heavily reduced, and its worn by tying the strings at its sides. But just like short drawers, the female knights and female adventurers took a liking to it and started using it.

Yes. Easy to wear.

Its cheapness is also one reason of its popularity. Because it only use small cloth and the shape is simple, its variety also increased by many with the commoners making it in simple shape using cotton, or the nobles using silk and adding frill or the like to it.

I see that the variety in Gerfs shop has also increased.

By the way Im wearing a red lacy silk panty.

Ah, okay

Fufu. Are you interested too now Aria-chan? Youre a girl, so there is no need to be shy. And so, I recommend this underwear I created for you Aria-chan!


Its a short drawers that has been shortened to the extreme to not restrict your thighs. The sense of liberation it gives you and the tailoring so that you only need to tie the sides to wear it! Even noble lady who is used to wear drawers can be rest assured! Its made from silk, so it wont scrape you even if you do intense movement with it! Now! Aria-chan, what color do you like!?

This cheapest one, the one made from cotton.

Its still no good!?

At first he tried to teach her about shame but, he couldnt even teach her about femininity. In the end Gerf stuffed his new underwear creations in all colors into Arias bag.


Since that day Gerf became distressed by both thinking about design and about another matter.

Mira-chan, my child wont act like a girl. I wonder what should I do?

Why are you suddenly worrying like a mom!?