Book 4: Chapter 5


Prince Amor Claydale.

I didnt know much about the royal family, but from what I recalled in the lesson that Sera taught me before, the current king had seven siblings and including the king, four of them were male.

The female royalties were mostly sent to marry into duke house or other country that had been decided for them and lost their right to the throne. For the males, some of them also went to other country far away to marry, but I was told that the youngest brother didnt have any fiance and remained in the royal family as royal brother due to some reason.

So this was that person. When I thought back of the present situation of the royal family that I heard from Sera, for the sake of the current king who placed a woman with low social status as his first queen and only had few children, Amor was kept behind as a member of royal family to act as spare.

Originally the post ofRoyal Brother was to assist the king in political matter and at emergency he had an authority at the same level of an archduke to take command in the kings place.

But, if the situation was like what I imagined, he wasnt even given an authority that was equivalent to a duke. He was simply in a situation where he was living a freeloading life, kept around only for his status as royalty.

Considering that, he shouldnt harbor any fondness for the crown prince who inherited the blood of the current king and the first queen. I guessed that was why he was feeling a twisted desire to protect Elena who was in a similar situation like him.

That Amor right now was glaring at me as though he was fearing something.

You, dont just stay quiet, say something!

Amol fretted seeing me just standing quietly and pointed his short sword toward me. Sera made a tired look and mildly remonstrated him.

Please stop, your highness. This person is a member of Rainbow Sword that will be cooperating with us this time. The leader Dalton is also a noble who have obtained the tile of baronet because of his achievements.

Hes just a commoner noble who cant even pass down his title to his child. A dwarf noble who is an adventurer isnt any different froma thug.

Was he a slightly obstinate personno, he might be trying to protect his niece Elena in his own way, but from his behavior, I presumed that he was scared that someone would die in this dungeon exploration which made him acted more aggressively than usual.

But, regardless of what kind of reason he might have, there was nobody who would be happy from getting looked down. Elena seemed to understand that. She made a slightly troubled look and looked at me before nodding stealthily.

We were able to reunite after so long. There were things that we wanted to talk about but, we didnt have a weak relationship where we needed to lick each others wound.

It was enough just knowing that both of us were still alive. After confirming that with each other, I turned my back on Amor who was in an argument with Sera. He noticed that and flared up.

You girl, wherere you going-

The enemies here are defeated. Sera and the knights are enough to be your guard, so you can do whatever you like. Just in case I will patrol the surrounding while linking up with my teammates. If you have any other complain, say it to our employer.


Amor was speechless by my speech. Originally using that kind of tone would be disrespectful to a royalty but, even Sera and the knights didnt do anything while Elena looked aside while covering her mouth with her hand.

I heard that it was this countrys prime minister that made the request to Rainbow Sword. But, our job was to protect the royalties. Although the requester was the prime minister, our immediate employer was his majesty the king.

Amor was a royalty, but, it would be a defiance to the kings command if I moved according to his will right now. Sera and the knights understood that, but I didnt understand why they didnt do anything about my disrespect. Perhaps it was because the knights who were in the profession of fighting harbored respect toward Rainbow Sword, and also because Amors behavior just now was too much and lacking dignity as a royalty.

Perhaps they also noticed that Elena and I were acquaintance, and the princess was feeling dissatisfied because she couldnt even have a conversation with an acquaintance that she hadnt met for a long time.

In short it was just as I assumed, the knights were prioritizing Elenas feeling more because she still had the right to inherit the throne rather than Amor who was only being kept like a freeloader for his royal status.

Then see you laterElena.

I lightly waved my hand at her. Elena too smiled at me without saying anything back.


I parted from them and returned to where I came from. There Feld had already finished annihilating the assailants. The knights were restraining the few surviving assailants.

When I showed myself, Feld who was talking with the knight who I helped at the beginning noticed me and lightly raised his hand in greeting.

Aria, youre safe. Hows the situation over there?

Oo, miss adventurer-, youre alright. Is her highness safe?

No problem. Ive also confirmed the targets safety.

Although I had gotten used getting scolded by Viro or Sera, I wasnt used with someone feeling honestly worried for me, so it made me felt a bit itchy.

Sera was there with Elenas group, so I didnt think that there would be any problem. But as expected this knight was feeling worried for Elena. He sighed in relieve after hearing my report.

The knights here were royal guards, the elites who were guarding the royal family. Although they were ordered to prioritize annihilating and capturing the assailants, if I returned just even slightly later, the knight said that they planned to leave behind the wounded to check the situation. He was really grateful by my return.

I left the clean up to them and together with Feld who wasnt injured or even tired, we returned to our carriage and reported about what happened. After that Viro got out of the carriage.

Sera who was related with our employer was here, so he must be going to greet her. I got the feeling that Viro would also get into trouble with Amor. As expected it seemed something really did happen when Viro later returned with a scowl. He wordlessly flicked my forehead with his finger.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

As the result of Viros talk with Sera and others, our carriage would link up with Elenas group where we would go together to the port city. But although we called it going together, we would ride ahead to clear the way so we wouldnt really meet their group face to face.

In the first place, setting aside Elena, I think Amor wouldnt like it to see my face.

From what Viro heard from Sera, originally Amor was unrelated with the dungeon exploration this time, but apparently he forcefully shoved himself into participation.

I dont think that a spare royalty like him wouldnt be allowed to do something dangerous like entering a dungeon, but putting it the other way around, that was just how urgent it was for the royal family to quickly obtain definite power that they had to recognize Amors participation.

What was this thing that the royal family was seeking from the dungeon that they were going this far for it.


Claraas expected, I should also come with you.

Onii-samayou cant. Father already told you no before this right?

At the port city of Duke Fudales territory. Clara smiled wryly at her brother Rockwell who was accompanying her until this far.

Actually they already had similar conversation like this many times on the way here. An exploration of large scale dungeon by royal family. The elites of the royal guards and a rank 5 adventurer party were assigned to be their guard, even so all of them were still not of age and hadnt even enrolled into the academy. There was also the possibly of death.

The royal family also judged that the possibility of the talented Elena and Carla obtaining Gift was high, so they carried out this dungeon exploration plan, but they were predicting that half of the guards wouldnt come back alive.

Rockwell became informed of the dungeon exploration plan that was being kept under secret due to his status as Claras family, but even after getting chided already by his father Margrave Dandall, he was still insisting to accompany his little sister. That was because of Claras exploration that was filled with sorrow from participating.

Rockwellgive up already. Youre making Lady Clara troubled.

But still, Mihailhow can I call myself a knight when I cant even protect my little sister when shes in danger

We have our own role to play. His majesty himself has already declared that we arent permitted to participate.

Mihail Melrose who was also here to see off the group as a friend of the crown prince began persuading Rockwell again for who knew how many times it had been.

Mihail were told about the detailed information by his grandfather the prime minister.

This dungeon exploration was carried out because of the royal familys need of power and to test the resolve of this generations royal family whether they could put their life on the line or not.

Rockwell wanted to protect his little sister, but Rockwell and Mihail who were the eldest sons of the two powerful nobles of the kingdom were in the position of being protected, not protecting others. It was the job of the royal guards to become shield and die, but Mihail and Rockwell werent permitted to do that.

If the worst case really occurred and the group got annihilated, the two who would become the future prime minister and supreme knight commander would be needed in order to support the young second prince, and so even the king didnt allow their participation.


Clara made a dark expression seeing the twos exchange.

(Even I want to be protected by Onii-sama if its allowed.)

Clara was just a high school student in her previous life. She didnt has anything like the resolve to die.

Before regaining the memory of her previous life, Clara had her pride as a noble even though she wasnt as perceptive as her current self. If it was the Clara who didnt know anything in the past, she would be able to die as a noble, but the current Clara couldnt recall the nobles pride of that time no matter what.

You still havent been told? Our objective of going into the dungeon is to receive Gift from the dungeons spirit.

As I thought, the royal familys objective was Gift.

It was said that power could even read humans heart, or manipulate weather, or predict the future. It was also accompanied by limitation and price to be paid, but if the royal family could obtain useful power, it would be possible to develop the nation even more.

Butthat wasnt it.

Carlawhats your objective?

The smile instantly vanished from Carlas lips when I asked her that.

My objective is also Gift. There isnt any human who wont seek power when its right in front of you.

Do you know the meaning of that?

The Gift that a dungeons spirit bestowed had trap in them.

It was said that spirit would bestow Gift as reward for arriving at the lowest floor, but a power that was given from spirit, a being with no life span would become poison to being with life span.

Of course I know. I dont know about the carefree and adorable Er-sama or Dandalls little miss but, the princess who actually bothered to investigate about it might not refuse to accept the Gift you know?

Carla laughed off the older Clara as little miss. I stared at her and talked about the continuation of this topic.

Dungeons spirit can grant wish.


I too once heard about it from master and investigated it. Dungeons spirit could grant wish but not to everyone who reached its place. The spirit demanded a strong wishsomeone with a personality that was worthy to obtain the Gift.

That wish could be granted in the form of Gift but, Gift wasnt the only way the spirit could make a persons wish came true.

You arent going to askfor your body to be cured?

A powerful Gift would destroy its owner. That was because that wish was something self-serving. Human was foolish and that was why they received retribution. But wouldnt a pure wish be surely granted?

I didnt know what Elena would wish for. I guessed that it might be for her to be more healthy, which was also something that I wanted for her, but surely there was also something else that she needed as a royalty.

I respected Elenas will. But what about Carla?

She narrowed her eyes just a little at my question.

Itll be lovely if I can obtain a Giftsurely itll allow me to live in a way that befit me.

Carla looked up to the moonlit sky in ecstasy. She turned her head just slightly to look at me with her purple eyes and showed a thin smile.

That moon is like you Aria. Thats why we who are living in the night are reaching our hands toward you.

If you have a wish, I dont mind helping you with it.

I pushed off my back from the railing and started walking. Carla called out to me joyfully.

Youre alright with me getting healed? Even though I might try to kill you?

That wont be any different than now.

I lightly turned toward her and replied like that. Carla burst out into a wild laughter and her small stamina value went down again.

And then dawn arrived. The ship departed to the island that was under the management of Duke Fudale with us aboard. Toward the large scale dungeon that was said to have a spirit in it.


They finally departI hope they will return safely.


Rockwell stared with a worried look at the ship that was sailing out from the harbor. Mihail gave him the appropriate comment but, he himself wasnt really feeling anything about it.

They couldnt participate in the banquet last night that also doubled as a departure ceremony because they were not of age and also outsiders, but they had finished saying farewell beforehand to the crown prince Ervan and his fiance and also Rockwells little sister Clara.

Rockwell had built a good friendship with Ervan and he was also close with his little sister Clara, so he was genuinely worried for them, but Mihail had lived until now by drawing a line between himself and other people due to his standing as the heir of Melrose that was leading the black ops.

But that was only the outward appearance. At the outside he was acting like he was friendly toward everyone and because of that he wouldnt get involved too deeply with other people, but Mihail was actually compassionate and scared that if he got too involved with someone it would cause him to be unable to make the rational decision. Rockwell knew about that side of Mihail and he sent a concerned gaze toward Mihail who was acting unconcerned despite actually feeling worried for Ervan.

What, Rockwell


Perhaps he was feeling embarrassed. Mihail unconsciously talked with the tone of a friend instead as a noble. Rockwell slightly smiled wryly and changed the topic.

Come to think of it, are you still looking for that adventurer? This place should also have an adventurer guild. Do you want to try looking around there later?

Yeah, I guess

The adventurer guild that he met just once several years ago. It was just that one timefurthermore he was involved with her only for a brief time but, she left a strong impression in the heart of this boy Mihail.

After that he was searching for the pink haired girl not only in the capitals adventurer guild, but to any adventurer guild of the places that he visited, but he was still unable to meet the girl again.

It was unusual for Mihail to be so fixated to one person. Seeing his expression that was somewhat brooding caused Rockwell to suddenly recall something.

Also this morning I was able to meet with Ervan but, about the adventurers that his excellency requested

You mean Rainbow Sword?

Yeah, that one, he mentioned something about being surprised seeing a girl he knew among them.


Those words caused Mihail to turn his gaze back to the departing ship. On its deck for an instanthe saw fluttering pink blond hair there.

That girltsu!


Mihail was about to break out running toward the ship. Rockwell quickly grabbed his arm.

Let go Rockwell-! Its that girl!

Calm down, the ship already sailed away! Well attract attention if we go out there!

Both Rockwell and Mihail were high ranked noble. With how the royal familys dungeon exploration being kept under veil of secrecy they had to be careful even with just seeing off the group at the surface. Mihail remembered that after hearing Rockwells words and he had no choice but to stop struggling.


No, its fine. But, the girl that Ervan mentioned, it was that girl?

I dont know.

He only saw for an instant. Only the pink hair and her face from the side. He couldnt conclude that she was really that girl just from that, even so he didnt want to think that he saw wrong.

Mihail turned his gaze toward the sailing ship and prayed quietly in his heart for the girls return.

(Pleasecome back safely.)