Book 4: Chapter 9

Dungeon Exploration Deepest Area

We finally arrived at the deepest part of the dungeon. The place was like an area with diameter of more than a hundred meters. Waiting for us there were three Minotauros with atypical form.


Blue Ox Minotauros Bruto Monster Rank 5

Magic Power : 180/182Stamina : 730/731

Overall Combat Strength : 1587 (With Body Strengthening : 1890)


Red Ox Minotauros Bruto Monster Rank 5

Magic Power : 201/203Stamina : 692/694

Overall Combat Strength : 1694 (With Body Strengthening : 2037)


Black Ox Minotauros Murder Monster Rank 6

Magic Power : 250/252Stamina : 801/806

Overall Combat Strength : 3240 (With Body Strengthening : 3960)


Rank 6! Master had told me about such existence, but I never expected for it to be this powerful.

Rank 5 was considered as the highest rank that ordinary living thing was able to achieve. Even human would be called as master or hero if they reached that level but, it was said that something beyond the boundary of race would be necessary in order to rise even higher than that.

I could hear stifled scream and gulping from the people with Appraisal skill behind me. I also saw Elenas complexion turning pale among them. It reminded me of what I should do. I pushed down my emotion to the bottom of my heart and began analyzing the enemys combat strength.

First, the Minotauros Murder that was named Black Ox in my Appraisal. It was an individual with pitch black body that was more than three meter tall and two twisted horns. It was lightly holding a huge two-handed axe that was made from magic iron. A human would find it very difficult to handle such weapon.

Also looking from their magic power and stamina value, along with its body build and combat strength, the three of them were close quarter fighter but, this Black Ox looked especially well balanced in offense and defense.

The two others beside it too, they might looked comparatively weaker than the Black Ox, but they werent opponents that could be underestimated by any means. Rank 5they were powerful specimen that possessed equal combat strength to the orc general Gorjaoul who I fought before.

Furthermore the monsters inside the dungeon were maintaining their body in perfect condition. I couldnt do the same trick like with Gorjaoul where I spent one month to shave his stamina bit by bit.

The specimen named Blue Ox was a strength type that possessed blue colored huge body that was more than 2,5 meter tall and abnormally bulging arm muscles. The current me might be able to oppose it with speed, it would be difficult to even approach it if it swung around the two-handed sword made from magic iron that it had. It looked to be almost as tall as itself.

The Red Ox was holding two steel halberds like the ones that human would use. Its red body also wasnt inferior compared to the Blue Ox. The halberd looked like mere hand axe in its hand.

But what was terrifying from it was that it had higher combat strength than Blue Ox despite having leaner body. Most likely it was a speedy type with status that completely surpassed me in all aspects.


The Black Ox lost its patience seeing us not moving from the door. It let out a roar that shook the whole arena and the well trained knights were trembling in fear from the Pressure.

The lips of the Blue Ox and Red Ox were twisting into a sneer seeing us like that. They started to slowly walked forward.

Can wewin?

From behind, Elena asked Dalton with a trembling that she couldnt completely hide from her voice. That tone made Dalton sent an appraising gaze toward her.

I think the Rainbow Sword can handle it if its just the Murder alone butits impossible with just us facing all three of them at the same time. Should we return? Theres no guarantee that everyone will be able to obtain the dungeons blessing. It should be fine even if you dont risk your life here.


What was it that the royal family really sought? Arent they mistaking the means as the objective here? Daltons words asked Elena of that, but Elena shook her head quietly.

Certainly us of the royal family came to this place seeing power. But, at the same time were coming here also to show our resolve for the country and the people. I wont run away.

Elena stated her determination resolutely. The crown prince and Clara gulped seeing her, while Amor was shaking her head a little as though to deny the reality with a completely uneasy face.

Well fight!!

The knight who I helped when we first met took a step forward with a nervous expression. He turned his gaze toward me just for a moment and nodded slightly. Then the other knights also stepped forward with determined face.

Lord Dalton, please give us instruction. The ten of us royal guards cant be compared with all of you but, as the shield of the nation we swear that we will hold back the enemy!Follow current novels at

W-we will also fight!

Not only the knights, the three royal sorcerers who had only used sorcery for healing until now also stepped forward with a nervous look. Even Dalton nodded quietly seeing their faces.

Umu. Very well!!

Seeing their resolve and the Blue Ox and Red Ox who started moving under the Black Oxs order made Dalton judged that there was no more time. He gave instructions to us.

Members of the royal family, can you see the altar behind the Murder? I think that might be your objective. Ill give a signal if theres an opening. Head there immediately as fast as you can.

Elena and others saw the altar near the wall at the furthest end of the area. They nodded at Dalton even while trembling a little.

Well take on the red one. You knights draw the attention of the blue one. If Murder come out before we can defeat the red one, Feld and I will face it. Anyone else mustnt get near no matter what. Mira, back us up. If the red one is still alive at that time

Dalton paused there and turned toward Viro and I.

You two got to buy time for us. Can you do it?

Cant be helped huh

Viro slapped his own face to fire up himself. I nodded wordlessly. There

Ill assist Aria in that case.

*Drip*The voice flowed out like a trickle of muddy liquid. The knights opened a path as though they were overwhelmed by something. The girl slowly walked through there with a smile that looked like poisonous flower on her sickly face.


Calra seemed to hear my mutter and turned a thin smile toward me.

Originally she shouldnt be allowed to fight no matter how strong she was due to her position as the crown princes fiance and one of the protection targets. But, even the servants and her fiance Ervan who should be stopping her couldnt even form a single word due to the abnormal air that she was oozing. Even Sera who was one of the people in charge of the security was unable to stop Carlas action.

Are you dissatisfied with me?

It was more of an anxiety rather than dissatisfaction. But, regardless of her character, ability-wise there was nothing to be dissatisfied or worried about.

You, young lady?

Dalton too seemed to have noticed of Carlas dangerousness, but there was no denying that we wanted all combat strength available in this situation. And seeing that her mana rivaled even Samantha, Dalton could only give his permission.

Theres no problem with your capability. Youre a protection target but if you said that youre going to show off your resolve as a royalty, well borrow your strength in case its needed.

Yes, I dont mind. After all I have no intention dying against mere rabble.

Carla looked at me meaningfully. I looked back at her. Dalton let out a short sigh seeing us staring at each other like in a glaring contest. Then he turned his gaze to the approaching monsters.

Then, lets go!!



Seeing us started moving, the two Minotauros Bruto that were approaching provocatively also took action.

Over here! Blue Minotauros!

Just as planned, the knights fired arrows at the left side to lure the Blue Ox. Then Miras spirit magic was casted as hindrance when the two monsters looked like they were going to act in concert.

O water! Seize that one!

The water spirit magic was casted preemptively to seize the Red Ox, but the Red Ox jumped with an agility that looked mismatched with its huge body and avoided the magic. Then it rushed to target the sorcerer Mira.

But Mira too wasnt a normal sorcerer. She leaped back using her level 3 Body Strengthening and Martial Art to dodge and open some distance




Feld dashed forward at the same time and his great sword clashed violently with the Red Oxs halberd. Sparks scattered and illuminated the gloomy dungeon.



In that moment, the weighted pendulum that I threw struck the side of the Red Oxs head. Mira who had swiftly switched to her bow aimed at its head and the arrow grazed there.

But, both attacks got thwarted by the Red Oxs solid horn and didnt really deal any damage. The Red Ox glared at Mira and I but, it couldnt pay attention at other place while it was facing Feld.



Feld swung with all his strength. The Red Ox also could only use both its weapons to block the attack. Mira executed Archerys Battle Skill using that opening.

Shadow Bind

The level 3 sorcery type Battle Skill sewed the Red Oxs body on the spot. But, sorcery type Battle Skill had bad compatibility against strong opponent and wouldnt last long. But, there was no way that man would overlook that opening.

Dark Mist


The black mist that Viro released covered the Red Oxs head with precision. Its movement was stopped and its vision blocked. Dalton who had been waiting for that perfect timing swung his huge war hammer toward the Red Ox.

This was the rank 5 party Rainbow Sword that was prominent throughout the countryeven I unconsciously opened my eyes wide in amazement seeing such smooth teamwork.



In that instant, Black Ox that had been watching quietly let out a howl with overwhelming pressure. Every single one of us got our movement stopped just for a moment.


In that moment the blinded Red Ox swung around its two halberds. Dalton and Feld who were prevented from attacking dodge the halberds and opened some distance away from the opponent.

At the distance the Blue Ox punted away a frozen knight who had the shielding role. Then it swung its great sword to mow down several other knights who were still unable to move.

The knights at the back quickly moved forward, but the Blue Ox made a twisted grin seeing the wall getting drastically thinner.

Reform the formation!

Pull back the wounded!

Dalton raised his voice while Elena gave command to the knights. Sera along with the royal court sorcerers began treating the knights with healing magic.

This happened just from the Black Ox making a small move. Now the sorcerers who had been awaiting the chance to attack had to spend their mana for healing, and we were robbed from our chance to finish off an enemy.

The Black Ox seemed to judge that the Red Ox couldnt handle Rainbow Swords fierce attack on its own. It stopped watching quietly and headed this way with its huge battleaxe in hand.

Red Ox, Ill be your opponent.



I fought with my full strength right from the beginning. I didnt hold back anything.

The Red Ox approached with terrifying speed while striking at me using its halberd.

I heightened the precision of my body strengthening using magic particles that had been purified until a degree that my body could just barely withstand. I dodged the Red Oxs attack in a hairs breadth.

The effect was weak with only this degree of purity, but I wouldnt be able to dodge a rank 5s attack without that slight difference.


I bent light to obscure my form while throwing the weighted pendulum.


The cross weight approached in a blur. The Red Ox instantly gave up dodging and it swung its head to deflect the weight with its horn.

The Red Ox swung its halberd to mow down everything in order to catch me who was using illusion to obscure myself. I dodged by jumping over it before immediately sliding under the Red Ox while pulling out a knife from the slit of my flapping skirt and throwing it to the Red Ox from below.


The huge body of the Red Ox that was more than two meter tall lightly danced in the air.

It dodged the knife by escaping to above. It looked down at me who was sliding on the ground and grinned. It then threw the halberd in its left hand toward me.


In that moment, I used my back to spring up and rolled on the ground while dodging the halberd. I immediately threw my pendulums string to wrap around the leg of the Red Ox in the air.

The Red Ox noticed that and kicked at empty air. The movement flicked the string along with my body to the air.

Not yet. The string was still tied to the Red Ox.

Shadow Walker!

The Red Ox had no shadow while it was midair. But, I slipped into the shadow of the huge halberds balde and instantly crossed to the Red Oxs back



The Red Ox immediately noticed and counterattacked. Its elbow and my kick crossed. My heels blade gouged he Red Oxs cheek, while its elbow strike hit my left arms guard and sent me flying.

The Red Ox and I fell on the ground at the same time. Even so I received damage and fell on one knee. Seeing that the Red Ox threw its other halberd at me without hesitation.

I couldnt dodgebut


Multiple knives flew from the side and hit the halberd. The impact slightly diverted its trajectory and the halberd flew passed from my side.

Aria, you alright!?

Viroyou saved me.

Viro caught up and immediately threw his knife. He came running and stood before me to protect me. When I got back on my feet, the Red Ox had also collected the halberd it first threw and pointed the blade toward us.

We wouldnt lose easily with Viro here, even so Viro and I didnt have any finishing move to defeat it.

I was able to defeat the orc general even though just barely because Gorjaoul faced that technique head on.

Then what to do? The situation was starting to change drastically before I could answer the question.



The Black OxMinotauros Murder roared thunderously. It left behind Dalton and others and headed toward our direction.

No, wrong. The Black Oxs target was the crown prince and the others!

Is that black guy planning to protect that altar!?

Viros guess was most likely correct. I dont know about the Red Ox and Blue Ox, but there was a high chance that the Black Ox was called to here by the dungeon and the dungeon imprinted the order to protect the altar into it.

Viro, Aria! Stop it even if just for an instant!!

An order came from Dalton and others who chased after it. It was a very ridiculous command, even so Viro who had known him for long immediately moved.

Dammit! Aria, you hold back the red guy!

Got it!

There was no time to think. The Red Ox moved to chase after Viro who rushed away. I hit the side of its head with my weighted pendulum.


Stay here!

But would Viro manage to stop it? At the beginning Dalton ordered everyone to not approach except for Feld and himself because there was a risk that rank 4 like us would die instantly from the attack of rank 6.

But Viro headed toward the Black Ox that was creating tremors on the ground from its charge. He was putting on a shaky grin and took out a fist-sized orb from his bag before tossing it.

The Black Oxs arm swung to sweep it away. But that orb exploded the moment its arm came into contact with it.



The Black Oxs face was burned by the massive amount of flame that surged out and yelled in agony.

Hows that! Thats the taste of dungeon produced trump card with five large gold coins price tag!

Viro loudly yelled toward the burned Black Ox.

Guessing from his words, that was most likely a similar thing with the poison orb that Samantha mentioned, a rare drop from dungeon. Individual shouldnt be permitted to own poison orb, but Samantha said that thing was originally an item that had sorcery sealed inside it, so in that case that item might be something Viro purchased for this quest. What that orb sealed inside was sorcery and guessing from its strength, it might contain level 5 fire sorcery Fire Ball.

Are you two alright!!?

Feld caught up using that chance and struck at the Black Ox with his great sword. Blood spurted out from its back.

Sniper Shot

Next Mira also fired her Archerys Battle Skill. The arrow flew like a beam and pierced the Black Oxs neck.


Dalton who arrived last leaped with his huge mythril war hammer brandished, then he hit the Black Oxs head with all his strength.


One of the Black Oxs twisted horn was smashed at the middle and it twirled in the air.

But noit didnt snap. The Black Ox judged that it couldnt dodge and decided on its own to block Daltons attack using its horn.


It was shot with arrow, slashed on the back, and also got its horn snapped, even so it still successfully stopped the main attack. It glared angrily at Dalton with its burned face and sent him flying with an attack from the battle axe in its hand.


Feld stepped forward to cover for Dalton, but the Black Ox let out a violent killing intent and a roar as though to blow away everything in its way.



It swung its battle axe horizontally. Felt immediately used his great sword as shield, but his large body still got sent flying for several meters.


Viro immediately assisted, but the Black Ox swung down its battle axe the moment he entered its sight. The shockwave pushed him down to the ground.

I was about to rush forward after seeing that, but the Red Ox that I had been holding back until now attacked to get in my way this time.




The dagger that I quickly swung hit the halberd with a loud clang. My light body got blown away.

Aria! Everyone!

Mira grabbed several arrows and nocked them together on her bow seeing us in danger. But this mayhem and chaotic battle drew the other monster that was fighting in another place.


The sight of the Blue Ox mowing down the knights surrounding it and charged this way in excitement entered my sight.


So the Blue Ox also came at this timing.

But what to do? Mira was trying to hold back the Black Ox somehow, but both Dalton and Feld were still unable to stand.

Viro who got hit by shockwave also noticed that and started moving to stop the Blue Ox, but just like me he didnt have any trump card to defeat rank 5.

I swallowed my blood flavored saliva and gripped my black knife and dagger tightly while hardening my resolve after seeing the way my comrades hadnt given up.

I had been resolved to get hurt or die since a long time ago. But that wasnt the kind of resolve I meant here.


The Red Ox warily stopped moving for a moment. Had it felt my resolve?

Ill definitely kill you no matter what. Even if my whole body was smashed and only my head remained, Id definitely bite off your throat. I hardened my resolve to absolutely kill the Red Ox.


I squeezed out all the air in my lungs to raise my voice and circulated purified magic particles within my body while straining my whole body like a bow in order to use the Origin Battle Skill.


The Red Ox held its halberd with both hands and took a stance of bending forward for a rush after seeing that.

But, in that moment

At the corner of my eye, Carla arrived at the spirits altar. Just before her hand touched it, she turned a kind smile toward me just for an instant.

The Red Ox and I leaped forward at the same time. Our weapons rushed toward each others heart. The moment our blades were about to reach their target, white light suddenly surged out from the spirits altar and enveloped the whole arena.