One night and two days was surprisingly short. The three of us played cards all night and in the blink of an eye, the sun had risen. I’ll keep the outcome of the games a secret. I’ll say that my memory flew away since I was so excited all night long.

I’ve never won against Keito before but I never thought I wouldn’t win against Neriel either… I thought he would definitely be like me: someone who shows their emotions easily on their face!

“I really was the weakest one by far.”

“Maria-chan is honest after all…”


But you know, Neriel… Kindness can hurt people too you know. Emotional pain.

“Thank you for having us over. I had a lot of fun.”

“Me too! It’s been so long since I’ve seen the two of you so I was really happy.”

“Our next vacation, I’ll invite you to my house okay?”


Our next vacation is… When was it again? It will probably be something like a winter vacation, I don’t think we have something like a fall vacation.

Which means, it will be around another half a year until I can see Neriel again. There will probably a couple more opportunities for me to go home, but not enough time to play with Neriel. After winter vacation, Neriel will enter the academy too. Fortunately, he’ll be in the same dorm as me!

When I think like that, there’s no need to feel sad or anything.

“Then, see you.”

“Yes, see you.”

“Thanks for having us!”

Just like when we came, we left empty-handed. It didn’t feel like we had stayed a night. It feels like we just played for a couple of hours and then left. In reality, more than 24 hours had passed. It’s easy to lose your sense of time.

After waving goodbye to Neriel, we departed from the villa.

× × × ×

“I’m home!”

“Welcome home. Did you have fun?”

“Yes, a lot of fun!”

Only my mother was there to greet me. My father’s default state is being busy. I know it’s amazing for him to even be able to eat dinner with us, so I won’t complain.

“After you change, let’s eat dinner, okay?”


“A letter and a package for you arrived. I left it in your room.”

“A package… okay.”

It’s probably a souvenir from Primella or Eru. I didn’t think it would come right when I was out. I’ll have to send a thank you letter later.

When I entered my room, there was a package wrapped up nicely on the table. You couldn’t miss it.

I wanted to open it immediately but then I’d be keeping my mother waiting for dinner. Also, I was hungry.

I quickly changed out of my clothes. I’ll leave my dirty clothes to Ann. In the beginning, I had searched for a washing machine, thinking it was common sense. You know, it’s hard to let someone else pick up your clothes that you’ve just taken off.

“Thank you for waiting.”

“Welcome home, Maria.”

“I’m home, father.”

When I got to the dining room, my father and mother were already sitting down. My father, who was smiling and welcoming me home, really was a dreadfully handsome man. I suspect he is a teen parent, even though he is my own parent.

“Did Neriel-kun seem well?”

“Yes! I’m thinking of inviting him here next time.”

“Of course. It’s been a long time, I want to see him too.”

Although she said that, my mother doesn’t actively converse with my friends. My mother simply watches over me and my friends from a distance. Although, she could pass as my older sister and join us.

When Primella and Eru first saw my mother, I was a little bothered. If our eye colors weren’t the same, misgivings that she was my step-mother might have surfaced. Even though I introduced her as my real mother… although, it is true that as I’ve matured, my traits that were similar to my mother’s, which were already few, were disappearing even more. Ultimately, besides my eye color I will completely change into my father… even though I originally didn’t resemble him much!

“Let me know when he will come. I want to make some sweets.”

“Waa, I’m looking forward to that. Though, it won’t be until our next vacation, which is a long time away.”

My mother’s sweets are my favorite food. There’s a permanent chef at our house, so my mother’s home cooking always came in the form of sweets. She makes ones that don’t really appear at parties too. I’m glad I don’t get fat easily.

After dinner, I took a bath and then returned to my room wrapped up in my pajamas.

Until I saw the package on my table, I had completely forgotten about it. I thought it would be safe to send a thank you letter tomorrow morning, it’s about time for bed after all.

“Ah, yep, it’s from Primella.”

The name on the card stuck to the package was as I expected. I was thinking it might be Eru’s, but it was Primella’s after all.

The small card was crammed with where she went and what she did. Just by reading it I could tell she had a lot of fun. It seems like the souvenir she sent me was the region’s traditional accessory.

It works like an amulet against evil, apparently. When the new semester starts, I think I’ll wear it every day. Truly thank you, Primella. You sent me something I really needed… The villa wasn’t selling any souvenirs, I’m sorry I don’t have anything to give you in return.

“Hm? This is…”

Next to the souvenir was a white envelope with my name on it, but no sender name. I initially thought it was from Primella but her package came with a card so I concluded that it wasn’t.

Thinking it was from Eru, I opened it carelessly.

“…. Hah?”

Involuntarily, my voice slipped out. Confusion passed through me, among various other feelings, and I felt like I was frozen.

My hand froze and the card slipped and fell to the ground. What was written on it was a dream-like reality. Although rather than a dream, it’s more accurate to call it a nightmare.

The sender wanted to talk with me in three days at a certain restaurant.

The store’s name is Dear. It’s a restaurant with private rooms for royalty or nobles on official business. It’s not a place for children like me to go to, but the kind of place that entertains and serves adults. I know of it, but I’ve never been there, nor did I have plans to go there.

What eccentric invited a student like me there? Hoping that I had misread the name signed at the end of the card, I picked it up.

The white and gold embellishments were beautiful and suggested the sender was an excessive person.

“Luna Vi Leonova” was written in neat letters that were easy to read. My hope that I had misread the name was crushed.

I went pale. For a while now, my fingers have been feeling strange. It was like my hands had gone numb and my temperature was gradually being stolen.

I felt like throwing up and I wondered if I couldn’t just refuse the cause of my deteriorating health. I knew it was impossible, but shouldn’t you allow me to escape from reality at least this much?