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「Yuuki, let’s eat together.」

Okita Chihiro, sitting in front of me, turned around and spread his lunch on my desk.

Chihiro is one of my friends I have who has a calm personality and can get along with anyone. He is the complete opposite of me.

He is quite slender and petite, and his eyes and nose are as clear as a girl’s. If he were not wearing a boy’s school uniform, he might look like a girl with a short cut.

Perhaps that’s why he’s popular with not only with girls but also with boys.

「Chihiro is bringing his own lunch today. Is that enough for you?」

It was small bento box, the kind of thing a girl on a diet would use, and the contents would be gone in two bites.

「It’s enough for me. Even Yuuki has only two pieces of bread?」

「I just ate a rice ball or something. If I eat too much, I’ll get sleepy this afternoon.」

I had a quick lunch between classes and that’s enough for now.

「You need to eat more to get bigger, okay?」

「I don’t want to hear that from you, Chihiro.」

Chihiro, who is small in stature and has a small appetite, is strangely persuasive. Still, I feel itchy because he treats me like a girlfriend.

Does Chihiro’s girl-like appearance make me think so?

—— Is this what it feels like to have a girlfriend or something?

I’ve never had a girlfriend, although I’ve had sex friends, and Takai and I don’t do anything lover-like. Even when we do have sex, I’m still an unattractive shady guy after all.

「I’d like to be bigger, but my stomach is too small for that.」

「Aren’t you really a girl?」

「You’re cruel, Yuuki. I’m worried about it too.」

Chihiro’s cheeks were puffed up and he was so cute. I wondered if he really was a man.

「I wish Chihiro was my girlfriend…」

「Yu–Yuuki! W–What are you saying! We—we’re both boys you know…」

「J-Just kidding. Don’t worry, I don’t feel like it either. It’s perfectly normal.」

「Please… don’t do that again. It’s bad for my heart.」

I smirked, his face is slightly reddish.

「Y–You were unusually talking to Uehara-san this morning, weren’t you?」

Chihiro, perhaps embarrassed, forced himself to change the subject.

「Ahh, I guess it’s because we ran into each other on the street at night yesterday. It’s not like we’re particularly close. I don’t get along with that group of theirs.」

Then I looked at the group where Uehara-san and Kurashima were gathered. Then my eyes meet with Uehara-san’s. She gave me a small wave in front of her large breasts.

「Looks like she’s waving at Yuuki, Uehara-san.」

I ignore her and turn my attention back to Uehara-san’s group. If Kurashima gets involved with me again, I’ll be in trouble.

「Are you sure, Yuuki? Just ignore them.」

「Ahh, it’s okay. I don’t want to get too involved.」

「…But, it doesn’t seem to work that way.」

—— Hmm? I didn’t know what Chihiro was talking about for a moment.

「Hey! Don’t ignore me when I just waved at you.」

Uehara-san broke away from her group and came over to us.

「Ahh… sorry. We were having a good time talking and I didn’t want to interrupt.」

It’s not that I can’t be bothered to get involved with them, so I just faked it, but ignoring them seems to have taken its toll.

「Anyways… You guys looked like a couple. From a distance, it looks you guys are flirting.」

Looking at Chihiro and me alternately, Uehara-san says something shocking.

「Ehh!? We’re both guys. I can’t believe you saw it like that…」

Chihiro is upset, but is it my imagination that he looks vaguely happy…? Why are you fidgeting so happily?

I felt a chill on my back, but I pretend to not see it.

「Okita-kun has more feminine power than most girls, you know? You’re not complacent, are you, Toyama?」

Uehara-san says scary things without hesitation.

「Oi, come on, stop it. It’s a bad joke, no matter how girlish Chihiro is.」

Uehara-san smiles like a mischievous child. This is completely ridiculous.

—— Hmm?

I also feel a gaze coming from somewhere. I don’t move my head, just my eyes, and look for the owner of the gaze.

It seems that Takai and… the other person, with wrinkles between his eyes and staring at me is Kurashima. I’m sure Kurashima doesn’t like the fact that Uehara-san is coming to me. It was just my luck to made a connection with Uehara-san last night when I ran into her.

And Takai is… until now she has been thoroughly indifferent to me, even in the classroom. Is it because Uehara is getting involved?

I think I know Takai, but I don’t really know her. While I was wondering what was going on, the pre-bell for my afternoon class rang out.

「My lunch break is almost over, so I’m going to the toilet.」

With that, I forcibly terminated my conversation with Uehara-san. I didn’t want Kurashima to stare at me any longer.

—— I’ll ask Takai directly next time.

I muttered to myself as I headed for the toilet.