Uehara-san and I left the school and walked about 20 minutes to the station.

「So what kind of books do you like, Uehara-san?」

The Hanseidō we were heading to is a large bookstore with sales floors that go up to fifth floor, so we wanted to decide in advance which genre of books we wanted to visit in order to avoid the hassle of searching.

The novels, including lights novels and literary works, come in wide variety of genres. There seems to be no time to look at them one by one.

「Hmmm… I don’t usually read light novels… I only read them for book report homework or something like that?」

If so, would you prefer a lighter stylized light novel or character literature?

「What do you like in terms of genre? For example, romance or mystery?」

「I guess I like love stories. I often watch romantic movies. I also like fantasy movies with adventures. I don’t like horror or gory things.」

As for her preferences, they were general. If Uehara-san has otaku elements, I can recommend romcoms and young lady-centered stories to her, so I will ask her later.

I’m an otaku who watches anime and likes to read light novels. I have no intention of hiding this to Uehara-san, and if she says she can’t have a relationship with an otaku like me, that’s the end of the matter. There’s no need to force a relationship with someone whose interests do not match mine.

As we walked along the street, asking Uehara-san about her tastes and preferences, we forgot about the passage of time and arrived at the front of the station in no time.

I walk to school, so I don’t use the station, but area around the station is quite prosperous, with everything from large bookstores to electronic stores.

A few minutes’ walk from the station is to the desired Hanseidou.

「Waah, this bookstore is really big.」

Uehara-san was surprised to see the Hanseidō building in front of her. It is said that paper books are not selling these days, and although there are some 100-yen stores and stationery stores as tenants, it must be amazing to have an entire five-story building almost entirely devoted to books.

I decided to go to the light novel section, referring to what Uehara-san had told me while we were walking from the school to here.

「If you’re not used to reading books as much, Uehara-san, how about a romance novel.」

I led Uehara-san to the light novel section.

「Uwaah! Are you fine with the cover and all the H-stuff?」

Facing a sales floor filled with the flat piles of colorful cover illustrations of light novels, Uehara-san rolls her eyes at the illustrations on the covers of the light novels.

I think that the novels are still entertainment works for men.

「I think a lot of the covers are like this. Especially in genres that are called Isekai. In romcoms, they are usually dressed in school uniforms.」

「Heh… but those illustrations are cute. I mean, her boobs are huge! No high school student have this big. Do all the heroines in the novels have big breasts?」

No, I think you are as big as those can be.

「Well, are you saying that big breast in real life size is normal. I guess this is the normal size in the light novel community」

I point to an illustration of a girl on the cover of one of the flat-packed books.

「Ehh!? This is the big-breasted girl category. If this were normal, girls in the real life would have poor comparison.」

「Well, it was a creative work. I think the standards are tailored to the tastes of the people who buy those novels.」

Well, the target audience for light novels ranges from middle and high school students to working adults, but it is mainly males.

「Hmm… boys like the bigger ones? Does Tōyama prefers them big too?」

Uehara-san looked up at me and asked me a question that was difficult to answer.

「No, well… I don’t hate them but I like the smaller ones too.」

The only breasts I know of is Takai’s, but she is clearly small. But they are soft and sensitive. If I wanted to pinch them, I could just barely manage to do so. That’s why I don’t think they need to be particularly large.

「I see, I see, Tōyama likes them small… and…」

I’m not saying I like it because it’s small, but it’s too much trouble to explain.

「I was wondering if you are okay with this kind of illustration, Uehara-san? Some of them are even disgusting.」

From the way the story is going now, it seems to that it’s safe to assume that we’ve seen it as normal.

「I’m fine with it. I mean, I guess I like it. I read manga and stuff.」

「I’m glad Uehara-san isn’t afraid of moe illustrations. Now I can recommend all sorts of book to you.」

「I don’t talk about these things with other classmates. I don’t like it when other boys stare at my breasts or look at me in a gruff, disgusting way. But Tōyama doesn’t look at me that way when you talk to me, so I feel safe.」

It’s true that I’m not afraid to talk about big breast, small breast, or just boobs particularly, but I can talk to Uehara-san normally.

With adolescent boys and girls in middle and high school, this is a topic that they avoid because they are embarrassed to talk about it.

「I think I talked about how mature Tōyama is before, remember?」

Come to think about it, I think she talked about that.


「In our class, the boys around me are childish and have ulterior motives. So, I don’t really don’t want to get involved, but the girls in my group and I get along with them so well that I just can’t get out.」

Well, the group is led by Kurashima, so it’s mostly predictable.

The reason I seem to be able to afford it is because of Takai’s presence. I don’t have to try so hard to appease girls because I can have sex regularly and release my sexual desire.

「Kurashima, the center of the group, was that guy. Caste and all that is really troublesome.」

If you leave a close-knit group like a caste, you are likely to be either ostracized or bullied. If you want to spend your school life in peace, you have to join one of the groups.

「Well, what can you do? That’s how groups work. I think we can make it work there.」

「I envy you, Tōyama. You’re so free and not tied down by those things.」

「But you only have a thousand friends. In the end, it’s a trade off.」

「What trade-off?」

「I’m free because I’m not tied to a group, but I don’t have any friends, so I’m a hodge-podge on school trips and at events. Uehara-san, on the other hand, has many friends, so she can enjoy herself at events without worrying about being alone, but she is tied to the group and is crippled. Was it not like that?」

「Tōyama… you were really like an adult, you know? That’s what I like about you?」

I feel that being an adult is different. Isn’t it disqualifying to be a person when you don’t fit in school life, which is a microcosm of society?

「I’m not an adult. I’m just running away from troublesome things. If I were an adult, I would have learned to cooperate and get along in class. So, Uehara-san is much more mature than I am.」

「Is that how it was supposed to be? I don’t really understand it.」

「I read a lot, so I know a lot, but I think I’m a cocky high schooler.」

「Fufu, definitely a logical and cocky boy.」

Uehara-san smiled happily.

「You could have denied me that part, you know?」

「Look, I’m an honest person, so I don’t lie.」

「I can’t deny that you are honest. Uehara-san is person with no hidden intentions.」

「That’s only in the front of Tōyama. With that group, I have to be careful, so I make a lot of things up on the surface.」

It seems that in front of me, she is just the real Uehara-san, with no hidden motives.

Uehara-san seems to be going through a lot of hardships. Still, is it the village society of caste is that hard to escape?