It was the second day after I was put on standby at home.

During this time, I received a message from Takai informing me of the current situation.

It seems that the contents of the group chat came to light and the school found out about it. However, the group chat was apparently deleted, and all the school managed to ascertain was a screenshot.

However, the fact that such slanderous remarks were being made behind the scenes became an issue, and it seems that a special homeroom was being held and the entire class was made aware of it. It seems that they told the teacher on the spot that what was written in the group chat was untrue and should not believe it.

Yet, there was no search for the culprit, and they ended up discussing the obvious, that they should not be involved in such slander, and if there was any damage, they should talk to the teacher about it.

「Well, that’s about right. There’s no way the school is going to get to the  bottom of this.」

If we were get to the bottom of this, they would have to go through the tedious process of asking cell phone carriers, providers, and chat app companies to disclose information. From there, they can identify the people who posted in the group chat and interview each one of them… which is a big mess.

Perhaps the school will not go that far unless Uehara-san herself sues those who slander her or something.

In the end, I feel that the culprit will be left unidentified and undetected. There is no doubt that Kurashima is involved, but there is no evidence of it. If Kurashima says that he himself made the writings truly and made the statement to Uehara-san in the locker box, the investigation will be put to an end.

So all that remains is to wait for the decision on the disposition of me and Kurashima.

While I was sitting in my room thinking about these things in a daze, there was a knock on the door and my mother came to the room.

「Yuuki, come to the living room because your teacher is here.」

Yesterday, Kuwashima-sensei came to our house again to explain to my mother. Today, he either came to tell her what they talked about in special homeroom or to tell her what my punishment was.

Today it was not Kuwashima-sensei who came to our house, but my homeroom teacher, Miyamoto-sensei.

Without even a word of greeting, Sensei began to get down to business.

「We are aware of the situation of the locker incident that Tōyama-kun caused this time, based on the report from Uehara-san. I came here to today to explain the situation to the parents and to confirm this fact with Tōyama-kun. I will record what am I about to say. May I?」

Miyamoto-sensei took a voice recorder of our her bag.

「I understand.」

Recording is the obvious and important evidence.

「Yes, please.」

My mother agreed with me.

Sensei explained to me and my mother that she had already confirmed the facts with Kurashima and Taniguchi after being told about the conversation in homeroom while I was absent from school and about the discussion with Uehara-san.

I knew Uehara-san told everything with wrapping up everything.

Kurashima and Taniguchi were Boys A and B probably because of personal information.

「I believe your mother understood the situation. I need to speak with your son and bring the information back to the staff meeting after school today on the disposition of the matter.」

My mother and I nodded silently and waited for Sensei to continue the story.

「Tōyama-kun, to sum up the story that Uehara-san told us, there was an anonymous group chat in which you and Uehara-san discovered unfounded lies and slanderous statements about you and Uehara-san having a compensating relationship. The group had been deleted, but we have confirmed that it is true through the testimonies of several students and a picture of the screen she was holding. Are you sure that this isn’t not wrong?」

「Yes, definitely.」

「Then, I heard that the incident in the shoe box when you found a piece of paper like this in Uehara-san’s shoe box.」

Miyamoto-sensei took a piece of paper out of a clear folder and held it out in front of my mother, telling it was a photocopy.

The malice written there. I never wanted to see it again, but I needed to be sure, and I held back my anger.

「Was this in shoe box of a girl named Uehara-san?」

My mother asked Miyamoto-sensei.

「Yes, two other male students saw this and hurled terrible words against Uehara-san and your son. Your son was so furious that he grabbed one of the boys by the chest, slammed him into the shoe box, and tightened it. This is what happened to your son that time. This paper describes the conversation that took place.」

Miyamoto-sensei took out another sheet of paper.

On it was a record of the conversation between Kurashima, Taniguchi, myself and Uehara-san.

Of course, Kurashima and Taniguchi are boys A and B.

「We have confirmed that Uehara-san and the two boys have also told us that the conversations on this paper generally fits.」

「…It’s awful. Of course the girl, Uehara-san, was not in any kind of compensating relationship, is she?」

My mother asked Sensei, as if she had hard time hearing.

「Uehara-san, of course, denied having done so. In a group chat message, it was also written that Uehara-san and Tōyama-kun were having a compensating relationship, but she denied it. Tōyama-kun, please tell us your story on this.」

「I am not Uehara-san herself, so I can’t be 100% sure that she is not engaged in compensated dating. But, she is definitely not one to do that. I can assure you of this. And me and Uehara-san are not in any kind of dating relationship.」

「What do you know about the content of the conversation with them of this piece of paper here?」

I look over a piece of paper that contains a record of a conversation with Kurashima and others that I don’t even want to recall.

「Yes, I don’t remember all the details of the difference in wording, but it’s roughly correct like this.」

「Yes, thank you very much. Now the testimonies of the parties concerned, Uehara-san, Tōyama-kun, the two male students, and a student who witnessed the incident near the shoe box at that time are in agreement. I will then relay this testimony back to the staff meeting. That’s all for now, any questions?」

I asked Sensei what was bothering me the most.

「Sensei, what about those spread lies in the group chat? How much do you think Uehara-san was hurt by the lies they wrote about her?」

It is inevitable that I will be punished. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that I committed an act of violence.

But I’m not convinced that they are not to blame for spreading lies with malicious intent.

「I understand how Tōyama-kun feels. There’s no doubt that slander like that is something a person should not do. But, the school is not going to investigate this matter any further.」


I leaned forward and crowded in on Miyamoto-sensei.

「Yuuki! Please calm down.」

Mother grabbed me by the shoulders and I sat back on my seat.

「The victim, Uehara-san, said that it was not necessary. If the other victim, Tōyama-kun, ask for a investigation, there may be a investigation. What do you think?」

I’m at a loss. If I were to investigate further, the problem would spread further and become a rumor outside the school. Is it necessary to go into the trouble of digging up an issue that is subsiding out of my selfish sense of justice? Perhaps Uehara-san does not want to be involved in this matter anymore.

「I understand… I’m not convinced, but if that’s what Uehara-san says, I don’t want any further investigation.」

「How about your mother?」

「I will follow what my son decides. So I do not want any further investigation either.」

「I understand. Lastly, if Tōyama-kun has any explanation or words of remorse, please let me hear them.」

If I wanted to lighten the punishment, I could have just said some excuses or words of remorse, but I answered honestly.

「I regret that I took the easy way out and engaged in violence in this case, but I have no regrets.」

That’s about all I can say.

「Thank you. That concludes the recording.」

With that, Miyamoto-sensei stopped recording on her voice recorder and put it away in her bag.

「From here on it’s my personal opinion, but I think it will only be a light punishment. First of all, the malicious rootless lies and insulting words against girls. No wonder Toyama-kun is angry. I think it is fair to say that you protected Uehara-san thanks to your anger. Otherwise she would have been left exposed to ill will. Violence is wrong for any reason, but thank goodness the other guy wasn’t hurt.」

I wasn’t thinking of protecting her. I just snapped when I saw Uehara-san’s grief.

「I commend you for getting angry for that girl, Uehara-san’s sake. However, your act of violence is not something to be praised, so I should take disciplinary action and reflect on your decisions.」

I’m not sure if I should be happy to receive compliments and scolding from my mother.

「I will return to the school. I will contact you when the punishment has been decided, so until then, please continue to stay at home.」

Miyamoto-sensei sat up from the couch and packed her bags, and my mother and I headed for the front door together as she saw us off.

「I apologize for any inconvenience my son may have caused you.」

I was more reflective when I heard my mother’s apology to the teacher at the door.

——I’ve got to make sure I don’t cause trouble for my family.

As I left Toyama-kun’s house and headed to school, I thought back to yesterday when I was asking Uehara-san about the situation.

Since it was a sensitive subject involving sex, I, as a woman, was alone in the room listening to Uehara-san.

「I see in the report that you were in a compensating relationship, what can you tell us about this, Uehara-san?」

Of course, Uehara-san denied it. What surprised me was her subsequent statement.

「Miyamoto-sensei… I’m… still… a virgin! I’m not sure if I’m supposed to prove anything… Ah! Can I go to a gynecologist or something to get some kind of proof?」


Uehara-san’s sudden declaration of her virginity surprised me too. I unintentionally blew out the tea I was drinking. What is she going to say out of the blue?

「I–I beg your pardon… W–well, I don’t think there’s a certificate for that, is there? I really don’t know Sensei.」

「I see… that doesn’t clear Tōyama-kun’s suspicions either… If you can prove you’re a virgin, I’ll know you didn’t have an aide-de-camp with him…」

She must have been seriously worried about Tōyama-kun and thought about proving her virginity or something.

I was smiling, inappropriately but not unintentionally

Uehara-san must be very dear to Toyama-kun.

I was remembering yesterday, grinning and tearing up my face as I walked down the street.

——Fufu, it’s nice to be young.

These two would easily surpass the current obstacles.

What I can do is to urge the staff meeting to lighten the punishment of Toyama-kun for Uehara-san’s sake.