Along with Uehara-san, who joined me near the school gate, I am standing in front of my classroom for the first time in a long time.

I have been keeping a low profile. It may sound contradictory, but it’s safe to say that I’ve been conspicuous because I’ve been doing so.

So I stood out just by being friendly with Uehara-san, who was popular in class.

After what happened, if I, a prominent person, was suspended, I would be even more prominent and would be treated as if I were a tumor.

I get nervous even though I am just entering the classroom I go to every day.

I am usually told by my classmates that I am gloomy and plain, and I am used to being exposed to curious eyes, but still, I hesitate to enter the classroom now.

The people who wrote the slander and libel are still in the classroom with an indifferent look on their faces. As long as the spark remains, the fire could flare up again.

As I was standing in front of the classroom, thinking and hesitating, my left hand was suddenly enveloped by something warm.

「Tōyama, it’s alright. I’m here for you.」

Uehara-san was holding my hand.

「Uehara-san, thank you.」

I let go of her soft, warm hand and entered the classroom.

As I enter the classroom, the attention of the students who recognized my appearance is drawn to me, and the classroom which had been buzzing before the start of the school day, becomes quiet.

The classroom, which had been quiet before the start of the school day, became even quieter as not only me but also Uehara-san entered the classroom.

「Look, Uehara-san came in too. Did they come to school together?」

「Maybe those two are dating?」

「No, I don’t think so.」

「But we don’t know. I heard that Tōyama saved Uehara-san.」

I walk to my seat, receiving the attention of my classmates who are whispering to me.

Well, I knew they would say a lot of things, but that’s the kind of story they like to tell.

People are imaginative animals, and I guess the guys in my class were dancing around the group chat posts and imagining things.

I stood in front of my seat with these impressions in mind.

「Yuuki… Welcome back!」

Chihiro greeted me with a big smile.

「Chihiro, I’m back. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you.」

「No, it’s not like that. You’ve been through a lot, but thank you for your hard work. I’m looking forward to get along with you again.」

Just seeing Chihiro’s smile was enough to make me glad to return.

「Tōyama, you’ve had it hard. I was surprised when I heard about it, but it’s cool that you protected Uehara-san, I’ve changed my mind.」

A boy I had never spoken to before tapped me on the shoulder and walked away.

Starting with this, a few students started talking to me, but they were all friendly.

「Has Toyama somehow become popular? I’m jealous!」

「Uehara-san, you see, that’s the thing. The man of the hour showed up, and I approached him out of curiosity.」

I was a little embarrassed when he spoke to me in a friendly manner and made appropriate excuses to hide my embarrassment.

I was not used to this kind of thing and did not know how to react.

「Uehara-san, homeroom will be starting soon, so you’d better go back to your seat.」

I looked at Takai’s seat while urging Uehara-san to return to her seat. Then she noticed my gaze and our eyes met, but she immediately turned her head to the front.

I wondered if she was at least a little concerned about me, but I couldn’t detect any such emotion in Takai’s facial expression.

——As usual, Takai is not blinkered.

「Toyama, let’s talk again later.」

As Uehara-san approached the door to return to her seat, she stopped abruptly.

Kurashima and Uehara-san entered through the classroom door and happened to run into each other.

Kurashima had also forgotten that he was starting school today.

For Uehara-san, Kurashima is nothing but an object of fear.

——Dammit! How bad the timing is.

I swear in my heart.

Kurashima walked unhappily through the classroom to his seat.

I patted my chest in relief.

I know there is no way Kurashima would do something after just being released from house arrest, but it is heartbreaking.

I am getting fed up with the thought that this situation will continue.

「Are you okay, Uehara-san?」

I ran up to the stiff Uehara-san.

「Y–Yeah, it’s alright. I’ll get used to it.」

Uehara-san’s expression was dull as she returned to her seat after saying this.

Not a few students gathered around Kurashima’s seat. Naturally, Taniguchi was among those cronies.

Kurashima’s reputation does not seem to have fallen to the ground as a result of this incident.

〜 Lunch Break 〜

My usual surroundings were different during my first lunch break after my suspension.

What was unusual was that Uehara-san’s friend, Aizawa Mika-san, was somehow sitting at a desk eating lunch with us.

Aizawa-san is a petite girl with long, almost waist-length hair in twin-tails. She looks clingy and cute, her breasts are modest, and with all due respect to her, at first glance she does not look like she is in junior high school.

However, her words and actions are more mature than her appearance.

「Tōyama, you have a lot more blood on your hands than meets the eye.」

Aizawa-san said something very dangerous right out of the gate.

「I—I wonder…?」

I can’t argue with you on this one, as I recall my own behavior during that one instance.

「Tōyama’s anger at that time was extraordinary.」

Apparently, Aizawa-san was in the vicinity and witnessed the incident at one of the shoe boxes.

「Oh, I am not blaming you, Tōyama, but rather thanking you. Thank you for protecting Marika.」

Aizawa-san, a close friend of Uehara-san, said she could not do anything but was saved by my presence.

「That’s right, Tōyama was cool that time.」

Uehara-san praised me goofily, but for myself, I just snapped all over the place and didn’t think it was cool at all.

「Marika has been talking about Tōyama every day for the past week. To Marika, Tōyama is like a prince on a white horse.」

「T–that’s not true, Marika. Why do you say I talk about him everyday. Ugh…」

Hmm… I feel an indescribable sense of embarrassment. Uehara-san seems to be favorably impressed with me, as if she deifies me for having protected her.

「For me, it’s a rather embarrassing black history.」

Being suspended is nothing to be proud.

「Tōyama, you must protect Marika from now on.」

Aizawa-san glanced at Kurashima and gave me a serious look.

I nodded silently.

Seeing this, Aizawa-san smiled with satisfaction.

I hope nothing happened to us…… I glanced at Kurashima and the others and followed them with my eyes only, without turning my head.

Kurashima and Taniguchi form the same group and seem to turn against us.

I quickly turned away from them so as not to be noticed.

——I wonder if it will be difficult to stay in peace.

I couldn’t help but feel anxious as I sensed their hostility.