I am meeting Uehara-san at the ticket gate of the station nearest the shopping mall, which has a movie theater attached to it.

As I passed through the ticket gate and headed for the meeting place, I saw a woman standing out of the crowd. The only beautiful girl with loosely permed brown hair and ample breasts is Uehara-san.

——Uwaah… Uehara-san stands out a lot.

Uehara-san is quite a beautiful girl. Her gorgeous appearance attracts the attention of passersby.

My sobriety, on the other hand…… is making me want to go home a bit.

If we walked side by side in this way, we would stand out in a different way. How disproportionate to me.

Still, I didn’t feel so much because she is usually in uniform, but Uehara-san in her casual clothes was really cute.

So this is how those in the upper caste appears like…… Come to think of it, Aizawa-san is also a beautiful girl, though in a different vector.

Yeah… It’s hard to call out to them.

「Tōyama! Over here, over here!」

Uehara-san noticed my shyness at the overwhelming presence and approached me from a short distance away.

All the passersby around me are looking at me…… I’ve got no choice but to go for this one now.

「Sorry to keep you waiting, Uehara-san.」

「It’s not time yet, so don’t worry!」

「Uehara-san, you look so cute dressed like that.」

She was wearing an off-the-shoulder blouse, a floral culotte skirt, and wedge sandals. The shoulders are exposed and the bust is wide open, so it is very destructive when worn by the busty Uehara.

「Really!? Ehehe… I’m glad you think I’m pretty.」

Uehara-san looks like a gyaru, but she is very easy to deal with because her language and her attitude are not gyaru-like at all.

「From a distance, you were the prettiest woman around.」

Uehara-san really shined the brightest around this station.

「I–I might be a little embarrassed… to be praised so highly.」

A beaming Uehara-san smiled shyly, her cheeks flushed red.

「But still, Tōyama really is used to women, aren’t you? You don’t normally say words like that so casually, do you?」

I’m not sure what the standard is for boys of the same age, so I’m not sure how familiar they are with women. However, since she is the one who said it, I may feel like I was used dealing with women.

「I don’t know, I guess I’m not sure what that is about. I’m just being honest because I thought it was cute. In comparison, I’m too plain and I feel that I don’t match up well with Uehara-san.」

「T–that’s not true.」

「I didn’t care about dressing up, so this is all I had……」

I usually don’t care much about being seen, but standing side by side with Uehara-san like this, even I was concerned about being seen.

「Surely it’s a bit plain. It’s early spring and you’re choosing dark colors for both the top and bottom. I’ll just pick a bright, spring-like color.」

As expected of Uehara-san, who seems to care about fashion. She immediately lists the problems.

「Ah, right! We have some time before the screening, so why don’t we go look at clothes? I’ll coordinate Tōyama to pick clothes. There are some cheap brand stores like FU-GU, we’ll go there.」

It’s a good opportunity and it might be a good idea to ask Uehara-san to coordinate from here.

「Alright. Let’s take a look.」


「I like these chef pants. It’s simple and looks great with this jacket, and it looks great in the far mountains. And a long Tee is enough for an inner layer.」

As expected of Uehara-san, she has been quickly selecting a matching clothes that looks good on me.

「Pants are 590 yen, huh… it’s cheap. The jacket is also 1500 yen and I’ll buy it.」

Choosing clothes in this way makes me feel like I should pay a little more attention to being fashionable.

Going out with Uehara-san made me think that I should have at least one pair of stylish clothes.

「Yeah, I think it’s good. Let’s pick a size and try it on.」

I went to the fitting room and changed into the pants and jacket that Uehara-san had selected for me.

「What do you think? I think it’s the perfect size.」

「Yeah, and I like that it’s the perfect size.」

「I’ll buy it then.」

Now I can dress a little less embarrassingly when I go out.

「Well then, let’s change into the clothes we bought today and go on a date.」

This today is still a date in Uehara-san’s mind.

「Okay… I’ll change in the bathroom after we buy this.」

「Ah… On second thought, those sneakers don’t fit you. I’ll see if I can find some shoes for sale.」

She’s going to go somewhere else and get a complete set anyway.

If Uehara-san chose the clothes, I would feel less uncomfortable with her. She is a beautiful girl, I am plain. The disproportionality is out of our control because we have different bases as people. This is not a problem that can be covered by clothing, so we have to give up, but we should try to do what we can.

After paying the bill, I changed in the bathroom and looked in the mirror in the washroom.

——Yeah, it was far better than the jeans and hoodie I had earlier.

I fearfully appeared in front of Uehara-san, who was waiting outside the restroom.

「Tōyama, that looks good. Yeah, it looks good with a simple and bright pattern. Now all you need to do is cut your hair and you’ll look even better.」

My bangs are so long that they hang over my eyes, which probably makes me look wild.

「Come to think of it, I saw a 1,000-yen cut in the facility earlier, so let’s get it cut there. I’ll tell the barber how I want it cut.」

Uehara-san is very enthusiastic about my makeover.

「But, will the time be all right?」

「A thousand-yen cut takes about ten minutes, so as long as there’s no waiting list of customers, I think you’ll be fine.」

Luckily, there was no waiting list at the 1,000-yen cut store, so I was able to get a cut right away.

It was a little embarrassing because Uehara-san was seen as giving the barber instructions on how to do my hair like I was her boyfriend and the older female barber seemed to think I was smiling at her.

「Yeah, your hair looks refreshed and clean with your clothes, and you look fresh and fresh.」

According to Uehara-san, the barbers at the 1,000-yen cut shop are highly skilled because they are experienced in numbers.

「They’re still disproportionate, but now I won’t have to embarrass Uehara-san when we walk together.」

「You don’t have to worry about that. Tōyama is Tōyama no matter how you dress.」

After all, we have a case of harassment, and as long as we are involved with Uehara-san, we have to make a reasonable effort. Otherwise, we will be repeating the same thing.

「Yeah, I’m glad to hear you say that, but that’s because you know a little bit about me, Uehara-san. People who don’t know me will look at me with Uehara-san and think, “Why with such a plain guy?”」

In this light, the form of school caste is in a sense, correct. They form a group with friends who care about conversation, care about fashion, and have refined their appearance.

However, the group should not be allowed to look down on those below them. Naturally, those who are not making the effort will end up in the appropriate position. That is exactly what happened to me.

But Mr. Uehara punched a hole in that caste. She do not look down on me or Takai, but come up to us.

「You can’t judge people by their looks, though.」

「That’s true, but the reason Uehara-san got involved in the harassment was because I was sober. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way it is.」

「Tōyama is so realistic.」

「I’m just twisted, that’s all.」

「But you decided to change today to suit me, didn’t you? I’m glad you’re stepping up to the plate like that.」

If there was a spirit of mutual compromise, there would be peace, but I don’t think that’s possible. So I’m going to make an effort to the extent that I can fit in.

I began to think, looking at Uehara-san, that I too must change a little.