Aizawa Mika’s viewpoint, Part ① :

I have a good friend, Marika Uehara, who is beautiful, cute and has big boobs. In the same group as her, she was a popular and central figure in our class.

But at some point, she stopped approaching our group so much and became friends with a quiet male student named Tōyama.

This was because of the central figure in the group, a boy named Kurashima. He is in love with Marika, and despite her rejection of his proposal for a relationship, he continues to obsess over her and pretend to be her boyfriend. She grew tired of it and began to distance herself from our group.

Kurashima was popular with the girls because he was good looking and could play sports. His popularity has made him arrogant and quite self-centered.

For some reason, however, people gather around him. But it’s not hard to understand. In fact, I am in the same group as him, which is called the upper caste.

I think people are anxious to be alone. Being with someone makes them feel safe, and if the person they are with is good-looking, they feel like they have a higher opinion of themselves.

I believe that is why caste is created. Some of my friends are actually good people, but there are also people in my circle who don’t seem to have the same personality.

However, if they are removed from the group, they are left all alone and become the object of ridicule, being looked down upon, and made fun of. Because they are afraid to do so, they form groups even with people who don’t fit in, pretend to be good friends, and try to stay peaceful.

But recently, a boy named Toyama, with whom Marika has been getting along well, has been living his school life without seeming to mind, even though he is a loner and is called a “gloomy character” behind his back. But because of that, Kurashima has been on his radar lately. He probably doesn’t like the fact that Marika is going to Toyama.

Kurashima, who used to bring Marika back every time she went to Toyama, has recently stopped doing anything.

After that, lies and slanderous remarks about Marika and Tōyama began to be posted on an anonymous group chat room.

I have no proof, but I am convinced that the culprit is definitely Kurashima. Marika, who he had been so obsessed with, was not taken seriously and probably resented her and started harassing Tōyama, with whom she was on good terms. What a small man he was, I thought angrily.

I told Marika about the group chat. I knew she would be shocked, but I couldn’t not let her know. I told her to be strong.

I can’t find a solution at the moment and all I can do is post in the group chat to defend Marika and make sure the rumors don’t become true. I was itching at my helplessness.

Then the incident happened.

「Kurashimaaaa!!! You can say any amount of bad things about me… but… if you say anything degrading about Uehara-san—— I’ll fucking kill you!!!」

I was near the shoe box when I saw Toyama screaming and Kurashima, who made a violent noise and crashed into a locker, crucified before my eyes.

And the moment I saw Marika in tears, desperately trying to stop Tōyama, I immediately understood.

——Ahh, I wondered if it had finally come to this.

There was a temporary commotion near the shoe box, and Toyama, Kurashima, and Taniguchi were taken away by a teacher called by another student.

「Marika! Are you alright? What happened?」

I ran up to Marika, who was standing there stunned, and called out to her.

「Mika… Tōyama… Tōyama… Tōyama did this for my sake… Guu…」

Marika was distraught and in no condition to have a proper conversation.

「Marika, we can talk about this later, but first, you need to calm down, okay?」

The first priority was to calm Marika down.

At the scene of the commotion, the teacher asked for the name and class of the student she witnessed. They wanted to interview me later and asked me too.

Marika, who had calmed down considerably, was taken by Miyamoto-sensei as a witness to this incident.

「Marika, are you fine…?」

I muttered to myself as I watched my best friend’s back as he walked alongside Miyamoto-sensei.

Some of the classes that day were self-study. They were probably discussing what they had heard from Tōyama and the others themselves, as well as testimonies they had gathered from the students.

After school, a special homeroom was held. Of course, it was about the shoe box incident.

The information was so fragmented that it was difficult to see the whole picture: there were slanderous posts in the group chat, there was a violent incident in a getaway car, and so on.

Immediately after the incident, the group chat was immediately deleted and the school was apparently only aware of the scuffle.

We were warned that the group chat postings were false, not to trust them, and not to spread the word about the incident.

I was warned that the posts in the group chat were lies, not to trust them, and not to go around spreading the word about this matter.

Marika was not allowed to ask for more information due to the continuation of the interview, and I was not allowed to go home with her after school.