「Onii-chan, how long are you going to sleep? Come on, wake up.」

「Un, let me sleep a little longer… Good night to you…」

Yesterday, perhaps because I was late because I was up late reading, my alarm was ringing, but I apparently subconsciously stopped it.

「Ugh, you’re going to be really late now.」

Natsuki is saying something, but what the body can’t move can’t be helped.


「Hey, Onii-chan? Did you really fall asleep……? If it doesn’t happen, then so be it… Excuse me for intruding…」

「Fuahh… The futon is filled with the smell of my Onii-chan. Good night…」


「Na–Natsuki!? What are you doing under the futon?」

My body suddenly felt warm and something soft hit me, and I felt my sister crawl under the covers and sleep.

「What is it, Onii-chan? I was just getting comfortable…」

「Stop with that misleading talk! Because no brother sleeps with their sister at this age!」

「But you see siblings sleeping together here, you know?」

There was no denying that there were indeed siblings who slept together.

「That’s… I’m going to be late, so get out from under the futon right now.」

About ten minutes had passed since I stopped my alarm. Any later than that and I would be really late.

「Ahn, don’t push me, Onii-chan!」

I pushed Natsuki out of the futon with a yank.

I jumped up from the futon, hurriedly washed my face, brushed my teeth, and hurriedly dressed and headed for the entrance.

「I’ll be off then!」

「Yuuki, where’s your breakfast?」

My mother called out to me as I hurriedly walked through the living room to the front door.

「Sorry, I don’t have time to eat. I’ll eat when I get home.」

I put on my shoes and run out the front door.

「Onii-chan! I’ll go with you, wait for me.」

My sister followed after me to see if I hadn’t eaten breakfast.

「Whose fault is it that you’re late? I’m leaving you here.」

「Ahn~ Are you going to leave your pretty little sister behind~?」

Natsuki was saying something, but I ignored her and headed for school at a brisk pace.

Having to run, I had more time to spare, so I stopped in front of a convenience store to buy breakfast.

「Haa… haa… O–Onii-chan, you’re terrible. You just keeps going and going.」

Natsuki, who has been catching up with me, is complaining, but I don’t think she needs to force herself. There is still plenty of time for the middle school to start.

——It’s not like I’ve run that far.

「Natsuki, you’re not as strong as me, are you?」

Natsuki is gasping for air with her hands on her knees.

「I’m not good at exercising, you know? I demand that you be nicer to your sister!」

Natsuki said something incomprehensible.

「Natsuki should get more physical fitness. At your age, that lack of fitness is not good.」

Leaving my protesting sister behind, I walked through the automatic doors of the convenience store and was confronted by a familiar woman.

「Ohh, Tōyama? Shopping?」

When I entered the store, Uehara-san was shopping

「Uehara-san, good morning. I overslept today, and didn’t eat breakfast, so I thought I’d go to the convenience store and get some..」

「Ahh, the boob alien!」

Natsuki spots Uehara-san and suddenly says something rude to her.

「N–Natsuki-chan, good morning. Would you stop calling me like that because it’s embarrassing?」

As one would expect, being called a “boob alien” in public attracts the attention of those around her and draws more attention to Uehara’s ample breasts.

「Natsuki, stop calling her like that. Uehara-san is a senior, so you need to be respectful to her. You’re not an elementary school student any longer.」

As expected, it was too childish for an adjective, so I warn Natsuki a little harshly.

「Yes… Uehara-san sorry for being so rude.」

I guess she could tell that I was really angry at her, and she seemed to be reflecting on what she had done.

「Yeah, I’m not mad at you, so cheer up, Natsuki.」

It would have been good medicine for Natsuki. I don’t want her to get carried away.

「Yes, thank you very much. But I envy senpai with big boobs. Please don’t tempt my Onii-chan.」

My sister wasn’t remorseful at all!

「Ahaha, Natsuki-chan doesn’t change. Speaking of your Onii-chan…… right! Natsuki has another brother, right?」

「Eh? Natsuki has only Yuuki-onii-chan in front of her, you know?」

——Oh no!

When I bought condoms before, I lied and misled Uehara-san by telling her that my brother had asked me to buy condoms. Now, in this situation, the lie will be exposed.

「Huh? Last time I was at the vending machine, I think Toyama said he bought it because his brother asked him to……」

Uehara-san looked at me with suspicion.

「Eh, uhm… Did I say that? I don’t remember saying that… I–It’s time to go to school, we won’t make it in time, so let’s just pay the bill and get going.」

Like a politician, I pretended not to remember what I said at the time and got in line at the cash register.


No matter how I thought about it, it was only a bitter excuse, and Uehara-san turned her jittery eyes on me.

After that, I walked through the school gate without being pursued by Uehara-san, parted from my sister, and headed for the shoe box.

——Oh, What’s in it?

There is also a white envelope-like object in the shoe box. My heartbeat jumped for a moment as I remembered the incident.

I took it out, alert to see if it contained another slanderous flyer.

「Tōyama, what’s wrong?」

Uehara-san called out to me and I hurriedly put what looked like an envelope away in my bag. I don’t want to remind her of the slander in this place.

「It’s nothing. I’m going to the bathroom because I’m afraid I’m going to leak. Uehara-san should go to the classroom first.」

I had to go to the bathroom as soon as possible or I would leak, so I quickly came up with an excuse to get out of here as soon as possible.

「Hmph… Alright.」

Uehara-san doesn’t say anything, but she looks at me with suspicion. I may have been in a hurry to hide something and I know it.

I leave Uehara-san and go into the private room of the restroom to check the envelope in the shoe box. Inside the envelope was a letterhead.

——I wonder what it is.

I took out the letterhead inside and checked what was written on it.

『I’ll be waiting for you behind the school building after school today.』


I stopped thinking for a moment, unable to catch up with what was being written.

I took a deep breath to recover my thinking, and thought calmly.

Is this… A call for confession events common in school manga and romcoms? That’s not right, is this the thing where you discipline a cocky student?

In my case, it is most likely the latter half.

——But, I didn’t do anything to draw attention to the delinquents, did I?

On the letterhead inside was the name Nakamura Tomomi. This girl… She was a cute girl in the middle caste of the same class, and I think she was in the same group as Kurashima and the others now.

I don’t know what in the world this is about, but…… homeroom will be starting soon. Not having time to think about it, I put the envelope in my bag and hurried to the classroom to think about it later.

——She’s not confessing or anything, is she?

There was no way there would be such an event for me, such a simple person, I thought.

When I entered the classroom, it was noisier than usual.

——What the?

I’m sure that seat over there is…… Takai⁉︎ I’m worried that something happened.

I approached Takai’s seat and peeked fearfully through the crowd.


Instead of a plain girl with pitch-black semi-long hair and black thick-framed glasses sitting in Takai’s seat, there was a beautiful girl with a short bob, brightly dyed hair, glasses removed, and a clean-cut look.

「Tōyama, you must have been surprised at how beautiful Takai-san is, right?」

As I stood there, stunned, Uehara-san spoke to me with a smug look on her face.

「Ahh… I knew Takai was beautiful, so I wasn’t surprised by that, but I was surprised by the makeover itself.」

The fact that Takai, who had avoided getting involved with others so much, went out of her way to change herself in a conspicuous way suggests that she must have undergone a considerable change in her state of mind.

「Tōyama noticed that Takai-san was beautiful⁉」

Uehara-san seemed surprised that I had noticed.

——Once again, Takai is a really beautiful woman.

「Tōyama, I don’t know what you’re fawning over. Have you fallen in love with Yumi? Fufu.」

Aizawa-san teased me happily.

「No, you’re wrong, Not that it was the case, but… I thought it would be sad if she became so popular that she became a distant to us.」

「Oya, oya, did Tōyama become possessive of Yumi even though she is not his girlfriend?」

Grinning, Aizawa-san looks amused.


On the contrary, Uehara-san doesn’t seem to be amused.

I felt a little sad when I thought that the day might soon come when Takai would no longer need me.

Takai was surrounded by girls in the class and asked many questions. Conversely, the boys were listening to the scene from a distance.

They probably didn’t know how to interact with Takai, who had suddenly become beautiful.

「Takai-san, did you maybe changed your look because you found someone you like?」

「Ah, it just bothered me.」

I’ve heard them say all sort of things like,「Eh— Who is it?」and「Was it not Kurashima?」But Kurashima… Is definitely not the reason!

Takai, who was not accustomed to talking to people in general, did not know what to do and mumbled something like,「Uhm…」and「Uhh…」

「Okay, okay, Yumi is in trouble, isn’t she? I know you’re probably wondering, but homeroom is about to start, so why don’t we all go back to our seats?」

Aizawa-san interrupts the crowd surrounding Takai and breaks everyone up. She is indeed a former upper caste. She was imposing and influential.

The students who had gathered at Takai’s seat returned to their seats as if scattering spiders.

「Takai, your hair looks amazing on you.」

I quietly called out to Takai just as people were disappearing.

Takai’s expression changed unusually, and her cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

「Oya, oya… Tōyama, why are you hitting on Yumi?」

Aizawa-san, the most troublesome person in the room, asked me about it, and I laughed.

「No, I’m not. I was just giving her an honest compliment.」

「Well, let’s put it that way. But be careful, because Marika gets jealous if you praise her too much. Ufufu.」

I think Aizawa-san is just amused by this situation.