Chapter 46 — End of Volume 1

Translated by KaiesV

Edited by KaiesV

I ran anyway. I ran out of the building with my shoes still on, and with all my heart, I headed for the gym equipment warehouse.

As soon as the gym equipment warehouse came into view in the distance, I caught sight of a petite, twin-tailed girl in front of the warehouse.


Aizawa-san appears to be knocking on the door of the gym equipment warehouse and calling out inside.

「Is there someone inside? Answer me!」

Aizawa-san has tapped on the door repeatedly, but there seems to be no response.

「A–Aizawa-san… haa… haa…」

I ran as fast as I could to the warehouse and, completely out of breath, put my hands on my knees and called out to Aizawa-san, out of breath.

「Tōyama! Did you have the key?」

「Haa… haa… ah, ahh, of course I have it.」

「If that’s the case, let’s open this quick! Hurry!」

I try to insert the key into the keyhole of the warehouse door, but the key doesn’t stick because I’m in a hurry.

「Tōyama, calm down.」

I took a light deep breath to calm myself down, and when I inserted the key and turned it, I heard the sound of the lock clicking open.

I opened the sliding door of the warehouse with all my might.

The smell of the gym equipment poured out of the door with a whiff.

Soon after, the voice could be heard.

「Help me… Yuukiii!!!」

The sight I saw beyond that door into the dimly lit warehouse made my mind instantly go blank.

Taniguchi holding Takai’s arm, and Kurashima riding on her.

Negative feelings welled up in me.

「Kurashimaaa!!! You!!!」

I was so angry that I forgot myself and ran furiously toward Kurashima.

「T–Tōyama!? How, you—」

Before Kurashima could finish his sentence, I tackled him with all my might and blew him away.

Kurashima, who was defenseless while riding on Takai’s body, easily took my tackle from right beside him and was blown away, crashing into the basket containing the basketballs.

The impact sent the basketball flying out of the basket and rolling across the floor in all directions.

Immediately afterward, I mounted Kurashima, who had collapsed, and turned my attention to Takai.

Her clothes were disheveled, though not yet undressed, and her cheeks were slightly red. She had Aizawa-san cuddling up to her and hugging her.

Taniguchi was on his hands and knees on the floor, stunned.

「Kurashima… you, what did you do to Takai…」

I grabbed Kurashima by the neck with my left hand and pushed him to the floor with all my weight.

「I–It hurts, I–I ain’t done nothing yet. Hey, let me go. Guh! S–Stop…」

I further strengthened the force of my left hand, which was pressing down on Kurashima.

He didn’t do anything in this situation…? What is this bastard talking about? It’s useless to say or hear anything more to Kurashima.

「Just disappear already.」

I clenched my right fist tightly and raised it high. I swung my right fist high in the air and swung it down on Kurashima’s face, and that was the end.

——How did I end up in this mess?

I swing my right hand down with such thoughts in my mind.

「Yuuki! Please stop!」

Takai’s words were released unexpectedly. Even so, I did not stop.

「Tōyama! Don’t do it!!」

Just as I was about to swing my fist down on Kurashima’s face, something warm and soft enveloped my back and I stopped my right hand, which was about to swing down.

The warm feeling on my back was Uehara-san, who had hugged me from behind and physically stopped me.

「Tōyama… don’t go any further… I’m begging you…」

Turning around and seeing Uehara-san’s wet eyes desperately trying to stop me, I lowered my right hand, which was still raised.


Then I turned around to Takai. There I saw Takai, who was on the verge of tears, but was trying her best to hold it together.

「There is no need for Yuuki’s body and mind to suffer for someone like that. That’s why, it’s okay… It’s okay, just don’t take this any further… I’m begging you… please.」

I heard Takai’s words and removed my left hand from Kurashima’s neck.

「W–What is the meaning of this⁉」

Miyamoto-sensei, who had finally caught up with us, was astonished to see the devastation.

Scattered basketballs, Taniguchi kneeling on the floor, stunned, Uehara-san hugging me from behind while I was still mounted on Kurashima, and Takai sitting on the floor, embraced by Aizawa-san.

It is not surprising to see this situation.

Kurashima will no longer be able to get away with anything under the circumstances.

I got up from my horseback position on Kurashima and went to Takai.

「Takai… I’ve put you in danger again, this time because of me… I’m sorry.」

「Yuuki… It’s my——」

「W–What the hell is this mess!」

My conversation with Takai was interrupted by Kuwashima-sensei’s shout as he entered the warehouse.

「W–What’s going on? Dr.Miyamoto, what the hell is this…」

Another male teacher, who appeared to have followed her to the gym equipment warehouse, entered the warehouse.

「Kuwashima-sensei, please call the police.」

Takai told the teacher as he stood up and faced me.

——Will this finally be the end? If possible, I hope so.

Then I would no longer be…

◇ ◇ ◇

That gym equipment warehouse incident was reported to the police and became a juvenile case.

Naturally, the ringleaders, Kurashima and Taniguchi, were arrested for assaulting me and were sure to be expelled from school.

With that, the circumstances leading up to this incident were investigated and the slanderous group chat was also investigated by the police.

The posts to group chats were also identified as to who wrote which messages, which led to the students who wrote lies and slander being questioned by the police.

The students who posted malicious messages, including those who were expelled, will be suspended or reprimanded from school for this incident.

The incident became a temporary topic of conversation on social networking sites, and it damaged the school’s reputation. We heard rumors that the teachers would be given pay cuts and other punishments as a result of the scandal, which was unprecedented for the school.

Naturally, I, the victim, was interviewed, but I told them that my relationship with Yuuki was just a friend. Despite the fact that Yuuki came to my house, there is no evidence that we had sexual intercourse. The photo that Kurashima said was taken of me and Yuuki entering the house together was not taken, and does not seem to exist.

Therefore, the police did not ask me any more questions.

As for the school’s response, since a police investigation was underway, they did not ask a lot of digging questions.

The school, which had been in turmoil for a while, was gradually regaining its normalcy.

But one thing has changed.

Yuuki has once again stopped interacting with people as he used to. He began to grow his bangs out again, returning to the same gloomy atmosphere he had before.

No…… it was clearly worse than before.

He really don’t get involved with anyone anymore.

Even before he became friends with Uehara-san and others, he had lunch with Okita-kun and talked with him. But now I’m no longer involved with him either.

And the physical relationship of friendship with me also ceased after the incident. Of course, we are not stupid enough to do that now that we are investigating the case with the police.

However, when Yuuki and I talked alone after the incident, he said at the end of the conversation.

『If you get involved with me any more, I’ll just hurt Takai.』

I remember him taunting himself as if he was like a pestilence.

And I clearly remember what Yuuki continued to say.

『Takai has Uehara-san, Aizawa-san and others. You were no longer alone. So let’s stop now.』

I knew immediately what this meant.

“I am not needed by anyone.”

It was the reason why I was dependent on Yuuki.

Yuuki believes that this is being resolved as I spend time with Uehara-san and others.

Yuuki may have feared that those of us who were involved with him would be involved in the incident and get hurt, and concluded that it would be better if we did not get involved.

But… Do you realize that it was you, Yuuki…… yourself who is really hurt?

Learn more

Yuuki, please remember that there are people who need you.

But that won’t reach Yuuki now that he has closed his heart.

So this time, we, who were saved by Yuuki, will save you from the darkness of your heart.