CH 25

Name:Outrageous Author:
Lu Zhi Wei watched as Sang Wan Ci got to her feet and bowed to the crew beside her, thanking them for their work, then she walked over to Lu Zhi Wei, her belt[1] fluttering in the wind.

Lu Zhi Wei stepped back guiltily, stiffly keeping her phone away helplessly.

—— Who could tell her, why did Sang Wan Ci locate her so precisely!

The weather was excellent today, with the radiant sunlight shining in from the side of the door that was thrown open.

The light brushed across Sang Wan Ci’s skirt and cape like gold dust.

The cape’s cloud patterns shifted like running water as she moved, almost as if they were alive at that moment, chasing after Sang Wan Ci’s footsteps.

In the light, her face was only slightly dusted with powder, but it was as perfect as a carved piece of art, impeccably intricate and exquisite.

With such a perfect person walking toward her, Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t help but hold her breath, as if afraid that her breathing would shatter this porcelain doll and break this perfection.

Truthfully, looking at this face so often, she was really on the verge of becoming a looks fan.

It was human nature to love beauty, if she really became a looks fan, she couldn’t be faulted for not being firm in her beliefs!

“Lu Zhi Wei.”

The light and shadows stopped chasing each other as Sang Wan Ci stopped in front of her, a calm expression on her face.

“Were you taking photos of me just now?”

Because of the fact that every time she finished filming a scene she could always see Lu Zhi Wei praising her like she was the leader of a praising fanclub, and also due to the fact that she felt comfortable when Lu Zhi Wei was praising her, so every time she finished a scene, she would habitually look over to where Lu Zhi Wei was, preparing to accept the review from her true love fan.

But today, her true love fan seemed to have given something else to her.

“……” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Lu Zhi Wei instantly felt her scalp prickle.

Being caught sneakily taking photos, there really wasn’t any way of thinking about it that didn’t make a person want to find a hole to hide in.

But it’s alright, she still had her fan disguise!

With this fan disguise, it was almost like a revival card.

A fan felt that her idol was really good-looking when filming, so she sneakily took a photo, it was understandable!

She figured out her excuse and was about to say it when Sang Wan Ci spoke: “How did the photo turn out, show it to me.”

When she said this, her face was incredibly calm and there was only a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

This wasn’t what she expected?

She thought Sang Wan Ci would be angry at her……

“You’re not angry?” Lu Zhi Wei asked.

Sang Wan Ci suddenly smiled: “So you really were taking photos of me.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “……”


She fell into the trap!

Sang Wan Ci asked casually: “Will you spread the photos?”

Lu Zhi Wei shook her head.

Sang Wan Ci continued asking: “Will you use it for bad purposes?”

Lu Zhi Wei’s headshaking got even more intense.

Sang Wan Ci asked again: “Did you take an unflattering photo of me?”

Lu Zhi Wei’s headshaking was essentially like shaking a rattle at this point.

Sang Wan Ci’s expression got even calmer: “If that’s the case, then what do I have to be angry about?”

Which fan didn’t have a few photos of their idol? This wasn’t hard to understand, and Lu Zhi Wei was her true love fan as well.

Besides, she believed in Lu Zhi Wei’s character. She wasn’t someone who would make things difficult for others.

On the contrary, she would probably be even more worried about troubling others.

After all, she was different from the rest.

Lu Zhi Wei was stunned.

She didn’t expect Sang Wan Ci to trust her so much.

The next second, she heard Sang Wan Ci ask: “So why did you suddenly take a photo of me?”

Lu Zhi Wei answered embarrassedly: “Because teacher Sang is good-looking, so……”

“Then you don’t have to take a photo secretly.” Sang Wan Ci said.

“What?” Lu Zhi Wei blinked.

Sang Wan Ci took her phone and realised the screen was still on the camera app.

So she stood next to Lu Zhi Wei and raised the phone up.

“You can tell me directly.

“I won’t reject you.”

—— I won’t reject you.

Lu Zhi Wei looked at her side profile incredulously, mysteriously feeling as if this sentence had a hidden meaning, but she couldn’t guess it.

Was it the love and care an idol had for her fan?

Or was it the relationship between colleagues, friends?

The latter wasn’t quite likely.

Or was it something else?

Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t think of any other reason. Feeling like she was overthinking it, she quickly went back to the first reason.

—— It seems like teacher Sang is someone who spoils her fans.

Although she did refuse to give Lu Zhi Wei her contact details the last time……

Her dazed stare at Sang Wan Ci was captured on the phone.

Looking at the photo, Sang Wan Ci asked: “Do you want to take another one?”

Lu Zhi Wei came back to her senses and quickly put on her fan persona: “Ah, yes yes yes, it’s my honour to be able to take a photo with teacher Sang!”

Today, even if God came, he wouldn’t be able to stop her from pretending to be a fan!

Sang Wan Ci stayed silent and waited for her to get into position, then they took another photo together.

Finally, she returned the phone to Lu Zhi Wei.

Taking it back, Lu Zhi Wei replied “thank you”.

Then, she heard Sang Wan Ci say: “I know a lot of fans will use their idol’s photo as their wallpaper.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “?” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Sang Wan Ci said seriously: “I agree to appearing on your phone’s home screen.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “……”

She held her phone tightly.

Not daring to say a word.

The fake fan who had teacher Meng as her phone wallpaper simply did not dare to speak.

After wrapping up the shooting at night, Lu Zhi Wei walked back to her hotel with Wen Yao.

On the way, Wen Yao chatted with her: “I feel like your relationship with teacher Sang is getting better and better, Zhi Wei jie.”

Lu Zhi Wei smiled.

Yes, but until now, she still didn’t have a way to contact Sang Wan Ci. The mission to be fulfilled was still accumulating in Lao Wu’s control room, she didn’t say whether to say it was good or not.

—— She even had Director Li’s contact!

But thinking about the fact that she even had Director Li’s contact, and Director Li was the one who took the initiative to add her, she suddenly felt a little better.

She even felt a bit happy.

She didn’t have to film scenes like before, silently and unnoticed. It felt so good to be able to be recognised if she put in the effort!

“I feel that teacher Sang is quite good.” Wen Yao suddenly said.

Hearing that, Lu Zhi Wei gently nodded.

Although Sang Wan Ci looked like an unreachable flower that grew on a tall cliff, but if you interacted with her, you would realise the cuteness under the exterior.

The more serious she was, the cuter she was. There was a sort of contrasting cuteness.

Most importantly, Sang Wan Ci was serious about her work. She treated others sincerely and she treated Lu Zhi Wei well, it was hard not to have good feelings toward her.

This sort of female lead was worth being liked and being protected!

Returning to the hotel, Lu Zhi Wei cleaned up before lying on her bed and looking at her phone.

She tapped into Sang Wan Ci’s Weibo.

Sang Wan Ci very rarely used her looks to promote her work. Everything that appeared on her Weibo was related to reposting her work.

Because of that, many fans would appear in the comments section begging her to use selfies to promote her work, so as to not waste her heavenly looks.

Seeing this, Lu Zhi Wei opened her phone’s gallery and found the selfie Sang Wan Ci took.

Whether it was on camera or off camera, Sang Wan Ci was still forever flawless and perfect.

She, on the other hand, was ordinary and plain.

Anybody would become ordinary and plain next to Sang Wan Ci.

But she didn’t mind. She didn’t rely on her looks to earn money, so why did she need extraordinary beauty? As long as she didn’t look ugly, that was good enough.

But looking at the photo, she suddenly felt a bit proud.

It was difficult enough for fans who wanted to see Sang Wan Ci post a selfie, but she actually had the good fortune to take one with Sang Wan Ci.

It was even Sang Wan Ci who took the photo.

She looked at the photo and smiled, her eyes curving. Suddenly feeling something was wrong, the smile froze on her face.

What was with her and those thoughts?

Why did she secretly feel happy about taking a photo with Sang Wan Ci!

Am I not a fake fan???

She quickly exited the app and looked at her wallpaper of Meng Lian Yu to calm down.

On her home screen, there was a mature woman.

Her hair was curled like waves, and she had a pair of passionate eyes.

Lu Zhi Wei had seen her use these eyes in countless roles, creating character after character that held tightly to her heart, fascinating and shocking the viewers.

This was her idol.

This was the person she looked up to and aspired to be even in her dreams.

Mission scroll-Weibo-before-bed complete.

She put down her phone and turned off the lights.

In the darkness, she suddenly had a small wish.

—— I hope that in the future, I have a chance to work together with teacher Meng!

…… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

The filming progressed smoothly, and one month later, the scenes in 《Phoenix》changed from mountains, forests and sandy battlefields to the big and imposing palace.

The male lead became the emperor, the female lead became the empress.

The little stuttering maid also became the most senior palace maid by the empress’ side.

There was also change in terms of the aesthetics of course, from simple and plain elegance to the rich palace dresses.

The costume change was clearly the most drastic in the two main leads.

Sang Wan Ci got rid of her plain, elegant robes and swapped them for the dignified, precious phoenix attire[2], with phoenix hairpins and her lips stained red.

The ends of her eyes, which were originally plain and languid, got a few casual strokes drawn on by the makeup artist, and suddenly became much more imposing.

Dignified and generous, looking like a goddess.

Lu Zhi Wei was stunned with just a glance and full of praise.

—— Save me, this face is too suited for wearing ancient attire!

Lu Zhi Wei even realised that Sang Wan Ci was very capable of applying pressure through her eyes.

Even when she was standing placidly, she gave off a feeling that she could kill the emperor and take the throne by herself.

Once the filming started, she immediately got into character, softening the indifference and sharpness to play the role of a minister and wife.

Director Li praised her for having a natural talent for acting.

She was humble, saying she had practised with someone teaching her step-by-step.

When asked who was so impressive, she refused to divulge their identity, saying: “It’s a secret.”

Hearing that by the side, Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t help but guess.

She even pulled along Lao Wu to guess.

Lao Wu had no interest in guessing these sorts of things. If he was curious, he could simply pull out the original script and take a look at all the relationships.

Lu Zhi Wei rested her face on her hand as she looked at Sang Wan Ci talk to Director Li.

【We’re not doing anything now anyway, let’s just take a guess.】

Lao Wu: 【Who said I’m not doing anything, I still have to train my 8 pack.】

Lu Zhi Wei: 【?】

She teased: 【What’s up, you want to let your crush see it?】

Actually, she didn’t know if Lao Wu had a crush on anyone.

Lao Wu seemed to be in the control room from day to night. It seems like there’s no time for him to date either?

In the end, Lao Wu replied her with a single word: 【Mm.】

【!!!】Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Lu Zhi Wei’s gossipy side immediately came out as she asked curiously: 【Really? I thought you worked from day to night, and had no time to date.】

【We’re not dating.】

Lao Wu was very frank.

【I like her one-sidedly, she doesn’t have feelings for me.】

Lu Zhi Wei: 【……】

So it’s a one-sided romance.

That’s terrible, Wu.

Talking about the person he liked, Lao Wu leaned back and couldn’t help but say a few more sentences.

【Perhaps she doesn’t have feelings for anybody.

【She has her own dreams, and before they’re complete, I don’t think she’ll stop for anybody.

【Let’s be clear, I’m training my abs not because she required it, but because I want to. It’s because she doesn’t like men with flabby stomachs.

【I don’t like it either, it’s ugly.】

Lu Zhi Wei: 【Oh…… Then you have a common topic with Xiao Ying.】

【I don’t.】 Lao Wu immediately denied it, resolutely defending his feelings. 【I would never find a replacement, nobody can take her place.】

Lu Zhi Wei suddenly felt curious about who could so securely capture Lao Wu’s heart: 【Then what kind of person is she?】

Lao Wu got up: 【Same as you, empathetic and she always acts as a mother to small supporting roles.】

He poured himself a cup of water: 【In the past, I didn’t understand why she would do that, but after meeting you, I kind of understand now.】

Someone like Lu Zhi Wei wouldn’t even be considered a passerby.

She tried her hardest to integrate into the world, but she was always rejected by it.

Their lives were forever trapped in darkness with no light or reply.

So they became incredibly easy to please with just a bit of kindness needed.

Lu Zhi Wei was stunned.

It was only then that she realised, she wasn’t the only one who had to live like this in the world……

The conversation suddenly was heavy, and Lu Zhi Wei changed the topic after realising it: 【Oh, so you guys are colleagues.】

【We were.】

Lao Wu washed an apple and pulled out a knife, skinning it methodically.

【Not anymore.】

Lu Zhi Wei: 【Why, she quit?】

Lao Wu’s hands stopped moving, then he slowly smiled: 【Mm, she quit.】

Thinking about it, they hadn’t seen each other in a very, very long time.

He didn’t know where she was now, whether she was doing okay or not.

But he still believed that one day in the future, they would meet again.

He would be in his most optimal condition, waiting for that day to confess to her again.

Lu Zhi Wei: 【Oh……】

She seemed to have accidentally poked her mother fan’s sore spot?

Lao Wu threw the apple skin into the rubbish bin and said lightly: 【Don’t worry, although you two are the same with strong empathy, I won’t take you as her.

【To her, I want to become a husband.】

【To you ——

【I only want to be a mom.】

Lu Zhi Wei: 【……】

Your style has changed too quickly!

Lao Wu bit into the apple: 【Work hard, good daughter.

【Mommy’s waiting for you to walk the diamond road[3].】

【……】Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Lu Zhi Wei: 【…… Honestly, a diamond road sounds like it’ll be painful.】

Lu Zhi Wei was about to continue gossiping when team A started preparing to shoot.

So she could only keep her curiosity in and stand up, patting her skirt. She took off her heavy coat and handed it to Wen Yao, walking over in the slowly falling snow.

An City had started snowing in November, and the weather was getting colder and colder.

In just a short period of time, she was going to wrap up filming and leave the team……


The scenes moved from outdoors to indoors, and the female lead’s scenes also welcomed new trends.

Living in the palace was like living in a cage, and the person who shared her bed slowly changed. Everything was advancing in a direction she had never expected.

A year later, the emperor neglected the empress and pampered his noble consort, indulging in sensual pleasures and becoming more and more fatuous.

The emotional separation of the emperor and empress was irreversible.

There was only the little stuttering maid Xiao He who was loyal and stayed by the empress’ side.

Xiao He watched as the previously carefree young miss turned into a silent, sombre bird trapped in a cage.

Although she was the mother of the people and noble beyond compare. she did not even have as much freedom as a bird outside.

And the emperor spoiled the noble consort, letting her handle the six palaces[4], forgetting his rightful wife who had stayed by his side and supported him during his hardships.

The noble consort even dared to be disrespectful to the empress.

Even so, the emperor felt she was cute, she was just a young lady who was immature. He asked the empress to be the bigger person and forgive this naive young lady.

Xiao He even witnessed the emperor and empress quarrelling.

At that time, she was kneeling on the floor like the rest of the servants, her head stuck to the floor as she stayed deathly still. Only her ears were picking up the fight.

Because of the world, because of the court, because of the past, because of the present, they always ended each meeting unhappily.

The emperor even kept bringing up granting her death.

The empress wasn’t afraid either, always replying with a glare: “From the day I started following you, I have never had a day where I was scared of death!”

When she said this, her eyes were filled with tears that never fell.

Every time he saw it, he couldn’t say anything, stretching out a hand to help her wipe it away only to see her stubbornly turn her face away.

She wasn’t even willing to let him touch a single tear.

He would fly into a rage because of it. Thinking of himself as the owner of the world and a woman not showing him respect, he would leave in anger.

Xiao He didn’t understand.

They clearly weren’t like this before……

The general then, so clearly liked the young miss.

He liked her until he was willing to pluck the moon and stars from the sky for her.

He liked her until he was willing to protect her maid, not willing to let her endure any pain.

Why did things turn out like this……

Xiao He could feel the young miss’ unhappiness.

She wanted to make her happy.

But somehow, her young miss’ smile had turned slight and shallow, fleeting like the wind.

—— Her young miss would no longer be happy like she was in the past.

Sang Wan Ci was able to portray the character’s happiness, anger, sorrow and joy accurately. Even each tear in her eye was meticulously designed, clinging to her eyelashes yet not falling, making people hurt for her.

Ying Xi Ze, the emperor, couldn’t help but sigh in his heart along with Lu Zhi Wei.

—— This emperor is an utter fool to abandon such a beautiful wife.

“Men are all pigs!” Lu Zhi Wei was still immersed in her feelings, angrily scolding.

Ying Xi Ze immediately said: “I’m not.”

Lao Wu: 【I’m not too.】

Lu Zhi Wei: “……”

Thanks, I managed to get out of character.

Sang Wan Ci calmly wiped her tears away.

From the reactions of the “audience”, her acting was very successful.

Success meant that the feelings she had brought out weren’t wasted, and she didn’t take those personal classes in vain as well.

After such an emotional scene, the actors had to take a break.

Sang Wan Ci picked up her phone.

A contact that she saved as “teacher” along with two red roses sent her a message.

[Teacher]: Is the shoot done, how was it?

Seeing this message, Sang Wan Ci’s eyes immediately softened as she smiled and replied.

[Sang Wan Ci]: Mm, it’s done. From everybody’s reaction, it went well

Then she added another line: [Thanks to teacher’s guidance]

[Teacher]: That’s good then. It’s snowing and it’s cold, make sure to keep warm and not fall sick

[Sang Wan Ci]: I got it, you too

[Teacher]: If you have time, give your father a call

This time, Sang Wan Ci didn’t reply immediately.

She had left home a while ago, and she hadn’t spoken to her father in a long time.

Neither of them were willing to take a step back.

[Teacher]: No matter what, he’s your father

[Teacher]: If you’re still angry, I suggest for you two to quarrel over the phone and help each other vent. Keeping it in isn’t good

[Teacher]: If you fall sick because you’re keeping your anger in, it’s not worth it

Sang Wan Ci couldn’t help but laugh.

[Sang Wan Ci]: If he knew you gave me such an idea, you’d be scolded

[Teacher]: Am I scared of him?

After two seconds.

[Teacher]: Okay, I’m a little scared. He’s really quite scary when he’s showing his angry face

[Teacher]: Will you be going home over the new year?

Sang Wan Ci’s answer was easy to deduce.

If she went back, her father would certainly be angry and they would definitely argue over her leaving home to be an actress.

This sort of new year, what’s the point? It would be better to not celebrate it.

[Teacher]: Alright, I understand

[Teacher]: I’ll go to work first, you can look for me if you need help with another scene in the future

[Teacher]: You’re alone outside, you have to make sure you eat and be good

[Sang Wan Ci]: Don’t worry, I’m not a child, I know

After that, Sang Wan Ci kept her phone away and closed her eyes, taking a rest before the next scene.

… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

On the other hand, Lu Zhi Wei was chatting with Ying Xi Ze.

As they chatted, they discussed Ying Xi Ze’s birthday in December.

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t know if she would still be with the crew by then.

She asked what Ying Xi Ze wanted.

She didn’t have any experience giving people birthday gifts.

Other people wouldn’t remember her birthday, so they naturally wouldn’t invite her to their parties.

And the birthday gift she would give herself was simply happily eating a big meal where she wouldn’t worry about the cost. Aside from that, she didn’t have any other desire.

Ying Xi Ze thought about it: “Help me achieve my Lamborghini dream?”


Lu Zhi Wei sighed: “Alright, I’ll dream of it tonight. I’ll try to arrange it for you in my dream, let’s arrange for the most expensive model, how about it?”

Ying Xi Ze couldn’t help but laugh: “Alright, I’m just kidding.

“Jie, you can give me anything. Even if it’s just a ‘happy birthday’. The gift isn’t important, as long as I get the good intent behind it.”

He knew Lu Zhi Wei’s current financial situation. If he still wanted an expensive gift under these circumstances, then he really was a terrible person.

Seeing that he didn’t care if the gift was expensive or not, Lu Zhi Wei was assured and she had an idea.

She decided to knit him a hat.

The whole thing would be red, symbolising good luck and popularity in his career!

Time passed and December arrived quickly, along with Lu Zhi Wei’s final scene.

Conflict with the noble consort, being beaten to death and utterly severing the last remnants of feelings between the emperor and empress.

Before they officially started filming, they had seriously and meticulously practised their scenes from start to finish.

This was her last scene in the show, and it was one of the most important.

Her death would not only let the female lead step out of her predicament, but it would also agitate the feelings of the viewers, making them resent the male lead. When the female lead finally punished him, it would be a relief for them.

This was the whole meaning of Xiao He’s character.

—— Life or death, it was all for her young miss.

Once everything was set up, the actors got into position.

The arrogant noble consort who was running the six palaces had long since started eyeing the empress position, and she could no longer stand seeing the current empress.

She felt that the empress only had that bit of intelligence, and she only got her position because she followed the emperor earlier.

Besides that, she had nothing outstanding.

But she held onto that position, it was frustrating to watch!

If this woman didn’t exist, the person holding onto the role of empress now would be her!

She was angry, but she didn’t dare to scold the empress to her face.

Even if she was sarcastic and snarky, the empress wouldn’t take it to heart. She wouldn’t even care, making the noble consort even more upset.

Thus, she started looking for ways to torment the people serving the empress.

Especially that stuttering maid —— Xiao He.

She stopped Xiao He while the maid was running an errand for the empress and asked the maid to pay respects to her.

Xiao He didn’t think too much of it, and paid her respects.

The noble consort wasn’t satisfied, saying Xiao He’s etiquette wasn’t good. She even said Xiao He’s answers weren’t said smoothly enough and that it was disrespecting her.

Everybody in the rear palace knew that the empress’ maid Xiao He stuttered.

Asking a stuttering person to speak smoothly, wasn’t that impossible?

Anybody could see that she was intentionally stirring up trouble.

But the noble consort didn’t care, she was spoiled by the emperor and she utilised that to do whatever she wanted.

Xiao He knelt until her kneecaps were hurting, and her forehead was bloody from the repeated kowtows. But in her hands, she still held on to the item that the empress wanted.

Just like when she received her birthday present, she couldn’t bear to dirty it.

Whether it was something the young miss wanted, or something the young miss gave, she couldn’t bear to dirty it.

But she saw the noble consort walking over suddenly, reaching out to touch the wooden box.

Xiao He immediately hugged it and stammered: “This belongs to, to the empress. You can not, not touch it!”

The noble consort heard that and flew into a rage. She hated hearing that the most.

So what if it belonged to the empress?

Why couldn’t it be touched?

Even the empress’ man was now hers, what else could she not touch!

The noble consort tore off Xiao He’s cloak, exposing her frail body to the cold weather and snow.

Then she forcibly tried to snatch the wooden box from her hands. Xiao He didn’t give it up, so the noble consort called people to hold her down.

Not feeling satisfied, she even viciously slapped Xiao He, leaving two bloody marks as her sharp nails scoured the maid’s cheek.

At this point, the filming stopped as the make up artist quickly ran up to apply the blood effects for Lu Zhi Wei.

The actress for the noble consort helped to put some heat packs under Lu Zhi Wei’s clothes to prevent her from catching a cold.

The mood lightened immediately.

Lu Zhi Wei smiled at her: “Thank you.”

The actress smiled back: “You’re welcome, acting with you is really comfortable.”

Lu Zhi Wei’s acting was infectious, letting the people who acted with her get into character easily.

It was because of this that Director Li had taken the initiative to add her contact.

After everything was prepared, the filming resumed.

Everybody adjusted their emotions as the atmosphere started to heat up.

After the noble consort slapped Xiao He, she complained that the maid had caused her hand to hurt.

And she started to find reasons to humiliate Xiao He, asking her servants to slap her.

Xiao He thought of her young miss and started struggling, shouting out with force: “You can not, can not hit me!”

Hitting her would be equivalent to hitting the empress and challenging her authority!

She didn’t do anything wrong, her young miss didn’t do anything wrong, why did they have to suffer such humiliation!

The noble consort had been spoiled by the emperor and was arrogant. She refused to listen, ordering her servants to slap Xiao He.

Xiao He struggled and broke free, hugging the wooden box and running.

—— It would be fine as long as she got back to young miss. It would be fine as long as she got back.

But because she had knelt too long, she fell to the ground after a few steps and was dragged back by the servants.

“I want to see the empress.” She curled into a ball to protect the wooden box. This was the most perfect sentence she had ever said.

The noble consort stood arrogantly and looked at her.

Then Xiao He said: “I want to see, see His Majesty……”

The noble consort suddenly laughed.

“Very well, this highness will bring you to see His Majesty.”

Lu Zhi Wei adjusted her emotions so that she could shed a single tear drop at this moment.

Xiao He still didn’t know how things could turn out like this.

It was clearly fine in the past, it was clearly fine……

She thought she would be saved by the emperor, but she didn’t expect that the man who once said to her “you can’t die, you’re the most important person to her. You have to live well.” would push her to her death with his own hands.

The noble consort tearfully made up lies in front of the emperor.

Holding onto her fingers, the emperor said tenderly: “Qing Qing has suffered.”

Turning his head, he ordered Xiao He to be beaten to death in a harsh voice.

Xiao He’s eyes went wide as she clumsily explained: “I didn’t……”

Nobody listened to her weak explanation.

They let her cries fade to silence under the sound of the poles.

The wooden hairpin on her head fell and she quickly reached out to grab it, before hugging both the hairpin and the box in her arms, protecting them.

Lu Zhi Wei portrayed Xiao He’s anguish beautifully.

She looked at the most distinguished man under the sky, her eyes filled with despair and resentment.

Even until she died, she never let go of the wooden hairpin.

The man who had wanted her to live well previously, wanted her life today.

Xiao He hugged the wooden box and collapsed in a pool of fresh, red blood, falling unconscious.

The camera swept over her, and to make it look accurate, Lu Zhi Wei held her breath.

It was only when the empress, played by Sang Wan Ci, came that she dared to take a breath.

The scene wasn’t over yet.

When the empress saw Xiao He’s body, her breath stuck in her throat.

She walked over and hugged the body in disbelief, her fingers trembling as she called out the maid’s name again and again.

The heavens and earth had become incomparably empty, only the howling wind answered her.

Lu Zhi Wei closed her eyes and held her breath, not daring to move a muscle.

But she could feel a tear drop land on her face, bringing a trace of warmth with it.

Her waist was hugged as she was brought into Sang Wan Ci’s embrace. The wide sleeve covered her body, almost as if Sang Wan Ci was giving her a signal that she could breathe again.

So she breathed, playing as a dead person who could sneakily breathe.

Sang Wan Ci’s heartwrenching sobs landed in her ear, sounding more and more painful, more and more desolate.

As she listened, her heart ached and she could almost imagine Sang Wan Ci’s expression.

It must be heartbreaking.

She had seen Sang Wan Ci’s crying scenes before, and that was why she knew it would be heartbreaking.

Even if it was a single tear, Sang Wan Ci had the ability to make someone want to protect her.

This might be an innate ability.

She lay in Sang Wan Ci’s arms, unmoving. Only her heart was following along with Sang Wan Ci’s emotions.

She finally opened her eyes when the director shouted to cut, tears shining in them.

Sang Wan Ci looked at her, not knowing why she was crying.

Then she suddenly saw Lu Zhi Wei raise a hand and gently wipe off her own tears before she smiled and said: “Teacher Sang’s acting is really good.”

Sang Wan Ci paused, feeling a hint of warmth at the ends of her eyes where Lu Zhi Wei had touched her.

Lu Zhi Wei climbed out of her embrace and wiped away her tears as she said: “Your crying was so good that even a dead person like me couldn’t bear to die after hearing it. I wanted to put on resurrection armour and come back to life.”

Sang Wan Ci laughed, reaching out to sweep away the snow from her shoulders as she took a flower from her assistant behind her: “Congratulations on finishing your scenes.”

Lu Zhi Wei looked at the flower dumbly then rubbed her eyes and took it hesitantly: “For me?”

Sang Wan Ci nodded: “Mm, for you.”

Lu Zhi Wei had a “wow” expression again.

Turns out she could also receive flowers when she finished filming. Nobody had ever given her flowers before.

They would just say “Congratulations on finishing your scenes” and that would be it.

Don’t even mention flowers, an extra glance was already impossible.

Ying Xi Ze brought a big coat and walked over, draping it onto Lu Zhi Wei’s shoulders to block out the wind: “Here, here’s your resurrection armour.”

Then he also gave her a flower: “Congratulations, jie, you’ve worked hard.”

Then it was the actress for the noble consort, then it was Director Li……

One flower after another, it was shocking and surprising. In the end, her tears finally fell: “Thank you, everyone……

“I didn’t think that I……

“Thank you……”

She was so touched that she became incoherent.

She was a self-acknowledged optimistic person, not crying often. But she didn’t think that faced with so much gentle kindness, her tears would still fall.

It was clearly just an ordinary flower to celebrate the end of filming for her, but she was almost like someone who had just won an Oscar award, walking towards the peak of her life.

Looking at her from the control room, Lao Wu couldn’t help but sigh.

【Silly daughter, congratulations on finishing your scenes.】

I hope that in the future, you can also be worry-free and that your future will be smooth-sailing and happy.

At least you no longer have to live those quiet, unseen days anymore.

It was a happy event, but Lu Zhi Wei ended up crying.

Ying Xi Ze smiled helplessly and carried the flowers for her, giving her a tissue: “Don’t cry, our teacher Lu deserves it!”

“Mm.” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Lu Zhi Wei heard Sang Wan Ci’s sound of agreement from her side and she couldn’t help but look toward her.

Sang Wan Ci looked her in the eyes with a gentle gaze: “You’re very good, you deserve it.”

Lu Zhi Wei’s vision went blurry with tears again.

She smiled as she wiped away the tears, feeling bliss for the first time: “Thank you.”

I’m very happy I could meet you all.

I’m very happy…… you all can see me.

“I’m looking forward to working with teacher Sang again in the future.” Lu Zhi Wei said.

Whether it was because of the mission, or whatever other reason, she was anticipating meeting Sang Wan Ci again.

She also hoped everybody at the scene would be happy and healthy.

She saw Sang Wan Ci move slowly, then ask a sentence she thought she would never hear ——

“Lu Zhi Wei, do you still want my contact method?”

Lu Zhi Wei: “!!!”

What heavenly sound is this!

Fortune really came like a typhoon, it’s so sudden!!

She nodded frantically: “I want it!”

Good heavens, she could finally complete the mission now right!

Sang Wan Ci looked for her assistant and her phone.

In the past, she wasn’t familiar with Lu Zhi Wei and she didn’t know her sense of existence was low, so she naturally wouldn’t give out her contact details.

After interacting for so long and understanding Lu Zhi Wei’s personality, she was willing to have a friend like her.

The moment Lu Zhi Wei added Sang Wan Ci as a friend, the system rang out in her ear.

【System judgement: Obtaining female lead Sang Wan Ci’s personal contact details complete.

【Mission point +1.

【Please work hard, host.】

【System reminder: The host has collected five mission points, and can draw a prize.】

It’s here!

She thought excitedly.

The prize drawing I’ve been thinking of is finally here!!

Because she was too excited, she leapt forward and hugged Sang Wan Ci: “Thank you, teacher Sang!”

Then she paused and carefully retracted her hands, looking guilty: “Sorry, I was too happy……”

Truthfully, she still didn’t dare to have too much physical contact with Sang Wan Ci.

Earlier when the empress was hugging Xiao He and crying, that was the longest and most physical contact they had so far.

—— And then she was hugged by Sang Wan Ci.

“It’s alright, you can hug me.”

Sang Wan Ci gently patted her back, a warm breath brushing past her ear, bringing the strength to calm down with it.

Lu Zhi Wei’s heart suddenly felt very warm in this instant.

She reached out and encircled Sang Wan Ci’s waist with her arms.

“Thank you.”

… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

After that, Lu Zhi Wei immediately went back to her hotel and closed the door, preparing to draw the prize.

Lao Wu attentively explained the rules to her.

【The prize pool is not determined, there are good and bad things in there.

【But as long as you can draw it, the system will make it happen. Even if you draw the prize that makes you insanely wealthy, we can make you insanely wealthy overnight.

【Of course, if you draw a bad prize, you need to accept it. It’s a random draw after all.】

Hearing that, Lu Zhi Wei suddenly said: “Then hold on.”

Lao Wu: 【?】

Lu Zhi Wei said: “This is a big matter. I’ll go take a shower and bath in incense before I do it!”

Lao Wu: 【……】

She didn’t need to do all that.

After all, fate couldn’t be changed……

After Lu Zhi Wei showered, she went onto Weibo and reposted a bunch of images of Koi fish, then prepared to draw the prize.

Lao Wu gave her a bunch of numbers and let her pick one at random.

She didn’t rush to draw the prize: “You’re certain you put ‘the right to know the truth’ inside?”

Lao Wu answered for the eighth time: 【I’m sure.】

Lu Zhi Wei: “Really?”

Lao Wu answered for the ninth time: 【Really.】

Lu Zhi Wei: “It’s absolutely fair, right? You guys won’t secretly switch the prizes behind the scenes?”

Lao Wu answered unamusedly for the ninth time: 【We won’t.】

The prizes were just a bunch of numbers to the system.

What good was changing a bunch of numbers?

Lu Zhi Wei finally calmed down and started rubbing her hands.

After thinking about it, she finally called out a number: “Eight!”

Lao Wu: 【You’re sure?】

Lu Zhi Wei: “I’m sure, eight is luckier.”

Lao Wu: 【Okay, let me see what it is……

【Wow, it’s a good thing, you’re one step closer to a Lamborghini!】

Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes filled with excitement: “What is it? Is it money?”

Except for money, she couldn’t think of anything that would make her one step closer to a Lamborghini.

Although she didn’t draw the right to know everything, but having money was very good too, who didn’t like money!

Lao Wu: 【Look at it yourself, the feeling of surprise is stronger.】

Then he asked her to find a bag and empty it out, wait ten seconds then reach in and feel for it.

What she felt would be the prize.

Lu Zhi Wei did as she was told, reaching into the bag with unbridled excitement.

—— It was thin.

—— It was made of paper.

Could it be…… a cheque?!

With this hope, she pulled it out cleanly to take a look ——

Lamborghini $5 discount voucher.

Lu Zhi Wei: “???”

It’s absolutely outrageous!

[1] 衣带 – This is more like a strip of fabric that keeps the lapels of ancient costumes held in place/together. Think of it like the belt on a bathrobe, not like a belt you wear with your jeans. Jump back up.

[2] So you see a lot of “phoenix” references because, in Chinese culture, the emperor’s emblem was a dragon while the empress’ emblem was a phoenix. So you get dragon embroidery on the emperor’s clothes and phoenix embroidery on the empress’ attire, with stuff like the throne being called the dragon chair etc. Jump back up.

[3] 钻石路 – Literally diamond road, essentially means the path to fame and fortune for entertainers. Jump back up.

[4] 六宫 – This is referring to the palaces in the rear palace where the emperor’s harem lives. I’m honestly not 100% sure why the author uses six palaces here, when the rear palace is actually split into the east six palaces and west six palaces, and it would be easier if the author just said “rear palace” instead, but yeah. Basically, the empress would usually be in charge of all decisions made for the rear palace, so to have a noble consort take that power basically means the emperor doesn’t care about the empress any more. Usually, he would have to at least maintain some semblance of respect for his main wife even if he doesn’t love her or whatever, so we can see how bad things have gotten through this. Jump back up.