CH 68

Name:Outrageous Author:
Sang Wan Ci was tired from filming. After she finished speaking, she fell asleep quickly.

Lu Zhi Wei heard her even, steady breathing. Contrasted against the quietness of the night, it was enough for her heart to be moved.

Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t fall asleep.

Because Sang Wan Ci was beside her, and also because of that “hold your hand”.

Lu Zhi Wei felt like she was in a pot of oil, slowly being cooked.

She wanted to tell the person beside her “I really like you”, but she was too afraid to open her mouth. She was so cowardly that even with the existing relationship, she was happy.

Was this how crushes were?

Sour but satisfying.

She turned to look at Sang Wan Ci.

It was quiet.

Are other people’s crushes…… like mine?

She didn’t have any experience in this matter, so she didn’t know if she was an oddball. Her brain started working overtime.

Summer nights were long and she wasn’t sleepy, she stayed awake till past 3am before she could force herself to sleep.

So the next day, it was a rare occasion where she woke up later than Sang Wan Ci.

It was past 9am.

Lu Zhi Wei was half awake when she heard someone calling her: “Zhi Wei.”

That voice was familiar, sounding like Sang Wan Ci.

She slowly woke up as she struggled to open her eyes.

The sky outside was brightly lit, with the room filled with sunlight.

Her eyes turned as her gaze landed on the person sitting by the side of the bed.

Sang Wan Ci leaned over slightly, brushing aside Lu Zhi Wei’s hair as she said softly: “Zhi Wei, get up and eat breakfast.”

Lu Zhi Wei raised a hand to block the light, humming vaguely as her eyes stayed on Sang Wan Ci.

Sang Wan Ci didn’t have makeup on; her face was clean and pure, her features looked exquisite.

No matter which angle you looked from, she was stunningly beautiful.

—— What a beautiful person.

Lu Zhi Wei proclaimed again in her heart.

She got up and asked about the time. After hearing Sang Wan Ci’s answer, her eyes widened: “I woke up late, I haven’t prepared breakfast for you!”

Because of her age, she was used to taking care of others.

Besides, Sang Wan Ci was a guest, how could she let a guest go hungry in the morning?

“I’ve eaten.”

Sang Wan Ci smiled and lifted a hand, pressing it to her shoulder as she patted her reassuringly.

“I bought breakfast for you, come eat.”

Lu Zhi Wei would prepare breakfast for her if she got up early, she would also prepare breakfast for Lu Zhi Wei if she woke up early.

No matter what kind of relationship it was, a long-lasting relationship would require both parties to put in effort.

Lu Zhi Wei immediately looked confused: “You bought breakfast for me……?”

She reacted: “You went out? You didn’t get lost or get recognised, right?”

Sang Wan Ci’s smile grew even deeper: “I didn’t go out, I ordered in.”

She wasn’t familiar with the neighbourhood, how could she go out just like that.

When she had stayed over a few more times and familiarised herself with the roads, then she could go out to buy Lu Zhi Wei breakfast herself.

Lu Zhi Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

It was all good as long as she didn’t get lost or get into trouble.

She finally got out of bed and washed up.

Sitting at the table and eating breakfast, she suddenly felt a little stunned.

It feels like…… this is how couples live?

She bit into the skin of the bun, her gaze sneakily turning towards Sang Wan Ci, who was sitting on the couch and holding the violin.

Then she quickly looked away, rejoicing secretly.

She really liked how nicely Sang Wan Ci treated her……

The weather was good today and the sun wasn’t too harsh.

There was even a breeze blowing in from time to time from the open balcony door.

The whole neighbourhood was quiet, as if everybody was enjoying the vacation lazily.

Lu Zhi Wei ate her breakfast in peace and quiet.

Sang Wan Ci was helping her tune the violin.

She had bought it on Taobao for just a couple hundred dollars.

She didn’t know anything about the materials and such. She found one with good reviews and an acceptable price and just bought it.

Liu Zhao had said that after they started filming, the production crew would prepare instruments for them, so they didn’t need to spend money.

So she wanted to just buy a random one first and practice.

Sang Wan Ci drew the bow across experimentally.

The tone was delicate and light with a mellow pronunciation and a strong resonance.

But it was naturally much poorer than the violin she had at home.

Lu Zhi Wei watched her play the violin as she bit on the bun.

This was Lu Zhi Wei’s first time watching her play an instrument.

The radiant sunlight streamed in from outside the balcony, landing on her body.

She was bathed in light. Just the sight of her turning her head slightly to nestle the violin in the crook of her neck was already elegant beyond words.

The scene was like a painting.

Lu Zhi Wei even forgot to continue biting on her bun.

Someone bought a violin but never even touched it even once.

Someone looks so good just holding a violin, not to mention she looked so professional.

She was willing to learn the violin for life just to see this teacher play!

At this moment, Sang Wan Ci’s phone rang, shattering the perfect scene.

She put the violin down and picked up the phone from the coffee table.

It was a call from Zhang Xian Rui.

Her fingertip slid across the screen, connecting the call.

“Zhang jie.” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Lu Zhi Wei immediately turned her head away and picked up her own phone to indicate she had no intention to listen in on someone else’s call.

She looked for Wen Yao and asked about the plans for today’s work.

There was no topic to chat about but she had to force a topic.

[Wen Yao]: There’s no work today, Zhi Wei jie, you just stay at home and rest

[Wen Yao]: Oh right, if you have time then quickly practice the violin

[Wen Yao]: Although Zhou Ling Ling was posting all that stuff on Weibo, but Director Liu didn’t say they’re changing leads, so let’s ignore her

[Wen Yao]: We’ll practice our own instrument!

Lu Zhi Wei naturally also knew about Zhou Ling Ling’s enigmatic post.

She had followed many Sheng Yue artistes on her account, and as Sheng Yue’s “big sister”, Zhou Ling Ling was naturally one of them even if she didn’t follow Lu Zhi Wei back.

So she had been met with this strangeness face to face.

When she saw that post, her mood was indeed very complicated. She had even mentally prepared herself to receive the news that she was going to be replaced.

But Zhou Ling Ling didn’t do anything after posting the Weibo post.

The world was peaceful and quiet, as if Zhou Ling Ling had posted that really just to ask which instrument she was more suited to.

Since the opponent didn’t show her hand, Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t do anything either.

Luckily there was still Sang Wan Ci.

At least Sang Wan Ci had said she would protect Lu Zhi Wei, who couldn’t do anything.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Mm, don’t worry, I know, I’ll practice in a bit

[Lu Zhi Wei]: I’ve already even found a teacher

[Wen Yao]: Good! Work hard!

[Wen Yao]: Oh right!

[Wen Yao]: A variety show has invited you on!

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”


[Wen Yao]: More accurately, they’re inviting you and Sang Wan Ci

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

What sort of variety would invite her and Sang Wan Ci?

Sang Wan Ci stood on the balcony, looking down at the plaza below.

Hearing Zhang Xian Rui’s words, her eyebrows furrowed slightly: “A friendship variety show?”

Zhang Xian Rui sat on her chair with her legs crossed as her finger tapped on the desk: “Yes, friendship variety show, called 《Me and My Friend》. It specialises in filming artistes and their artiste friends’ daily interactions.

“You also know, you and Lu Zhi Wei have been so popular online. It’s normal to have this sort of variety show looking to invite you two on.

“How about it, do you want to consider it?”

Zhang Xian Rui knew Sang Wan Ci’s temper. If she arranged work for her without her approval, there was no other outcome other than Sang Wan Ci refusing to show up.

So every time there was a new job, Zhang Xian Rui would discuss with her first before deciding whether or not to take it up.

Meng Lian Yu had explained to Zhang Xian Rui before. She said Sang Wan Ci had been frustrated by her father arranging all aspects of her life, so she hated other people making decisions on her behalf on how she should live.

The good thing was that the child wasn’t rebellious to the point of not doing any work at all. Meng Lian Yu just asked Zhang Xian Rui to accommodate her.

Friendship variety……

Sang Wan Ci repeated those words in her heart.

Why isn’t it a dating variety show?

Even if it was just acting, she also wanted to act as Lu Zhi Wei’s girlfriend.

Zhang Xian Rui continued: “The other guests have been invited too, I’ve taken a look, there aren’t any that are on bad terms with us.

“Consider it, or you can consider it with Lu Zhi Wei. Let me know once you’ve made a decision, the other party is still waiting for me to call them back.”

“Okay.” Sang Wan Ci replied warmly.

“Then I’ll wait for you, I’m hanging up first.”

Once she said that, the call dropped.

Zhang Xian Rui was so busy she had no time for small talk.

On the other hand, Lu Zhi Wei was still texting Wen Yao.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: 《Me and My Friend》?

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Ah, I know this variety, I used to watch it

She felt this was a very mysterious show, it could also be called the heaven for CP fans.

In this show, true friends would be invited, plastic friends too and even same-sex CPs.

The show knew how to make it heartwarming, but also dramatic. It all depends on who the director wanted to invite and how to do it.

She used to watch this show while eating. Now in the blink of an eye, the show had invited her on.

Life truly is like chess, every game is different……

[Wen Yao]: Consider it, I think it’s not bad

[Wen Yao]: There aren’t many missions for the show, you and Sang Wan Ci are both a CP and real friends. It’s definitely going to be easy interacting on the show, just take it as going there to take a break

Lu Zhi Wei twisted around to look at Sang Wan Ci who had just finished her call.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Okay, I’ll consider it. Let you know again

[Wen Yao]: Mm, let me know quickly

Putting down the phone, Lu Zhi Wei quickly finished her breakfast.

She packed the rubbish up and wiped her hands then walked over to Sang Wan Ci.

Sang Wan Ci glanced at her, then started speaking: “Zhi Wei, there’s a friendship variety ——”

Lu Zhi Wei continued: “《Me and My Friend》? You know about it too?”

Sang Wan Ci paused, then asked: “Mm, I just found out. Do you want to go?”

Lu Zhi Wei scratched her head: “I’m fine with anything, it’s just filming our daily interactions anyway, it’s not too tiring……”

Suddenly, her gaze moved to the violin and she thought about it: “If you’re willing to go, does that mean there’s a bit more time for you to teach me the violin?”

《Me and My Friend》 focused on the daily interaction between friends as the main focus, with the missions as a support.

Then her recent interactions with Sang Wan Ci would probably be about the violin.

Sang Wan Ci had more work than her, so after this period of rest, she wouldn’t be able to teach her every day.

But if the two of them were to attend this variety show, then wouldn’t they have more time together and more time to learn the violin?

“Mm.” Sang Wan Ci nodded.


Lu Zhi Wei looked at her carefully and with anticipation.

“Let’s go? Just take it as…… taking a break in a different place?”

Sang Wan Ci suddenly smiled lightly at her actions.

“If Zhi Wei goes, I’ll go.”

It would be best if they arranged a romance variety show for them too.

She didn’t like attending variety shows outside of when she had to promote her work in the past.

But it was different now. She needed more opportunities to spend time with Lu Zhi Wei.

Seeing her smile, Lu Zhi Wei’s treacherous heart squeezed.

—— Despicable, how could someone be so good-looking just by smiling!

Lu Zhi Wei’s ears were red as she quickly averted her eyes, turning to find her phone as she stammered: “Mm, then, then I’ll go ask my manager who the other guests are!”

Sang Wan Ci smiled as she watched Lu Zhi Wei jog away with a red face: “Okay, tell me after you find out.”

Lu Zhi Wei started frantically typing on the screen, trying to distract herself in case her red face revealed her true emotions.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Who are the other guests?

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Are there any people who don’t get along with Wan Ci?

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Are there any people who are famous for not having a good temper?

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Yao Yao, reply me quickly!!!!!

Wen Yao was inundated by messages once she unlocked her phone.

She quickly reassured Lu Zhi Wei: [Don’t stress, I’ll go ask now]

After 15 minutes, Wen Yao came back with a name list.

All of them were guests that had been confirmed.

They were the last pair that had been invited. If they didn’t agree to attend, the show producers would continue to look for others.

Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes scanned the list like a scanner machine.

Then she let Sang Wan Ci take a look: “Wan Ci, see if there’s anybody you don’t like.”

Sang Wan Ci didn’t have many people she didn’t like, there were far more people who liked her than who disliked her.

She didn’t like stirring up trouble in the first place, and she wouldn’t participate in messy affairs.

If she saw someone who didn’t like her, she would pretend she couldn’t see them. Fighting with them was just a waste of time.

Besides, Zhang Xian Rui had said there were none, so there definitely wouldn’t be any.

So she took a cursory glance and said: “None.”

Then Lu Zhi Wei asked: “Then do you have any friends you know there? Maybe you guys can be on a variety show together?”

Sang Wan Ci replied: “There are some I know, but we’re not friends. I’ve just met them and greeted them before.”

Lu Zhi Wei nodded.

Sang Wan Ci asked: “What about you?”

Lu Zhi Wei pointed to a name: “I know this person.”

Sang Wan Ci looked down.

—— Jin Man Wen.

Jin Man Wen?

Sang Wan Ci had no impression of her, she only remembered people that she acted with.

It sounds like it was a woman’s name?

Lu Zhi Wei’s new friend? Or…… a special person?

Sang Wan Ci suddenly felt a bit concerned.

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t know anything about how she was feeling, lowering her head and typing away.

Since there weren’t any enemies, and she could spend more time with the person she liked, of course she had to go.

After she finished replying Wen Yao, she set the phone down and turned to take the violin, standing up: “Come on Teacher Sang, let’s start practicing. What’s the first step? Holding the violin and drawing the bow?”

Sang Wan Ci looked at her slowly: “First, let’s start by understanding how the violin is constructed.”

Lu Zhi Wei immediately handed the violin over respectfully and sat beside her, listening to the explanation.

After talking about the parts of the violin, then it was time to practice holding the violin and the bow.

There was a full-length mirror in the master bedroom.

Lu Zhi Wei happily took the violin and stood in front of the mirror, copying Sang Wan Ci’s pose when holding the violin just now. But no matter how she did it, it didn’t feel right.

There wasn’t the same sense of elegance as Sang Wan Ci, or the same calmness.

“Is this correct? How about this?”

She stood in front of the mirror and corrected her stance seriously.

The person behind her didn’t speak.

She was about to turn around to take a look when two hands stretched out from behind her, gently supporting her arm.

Sang Wan Ci’s smell wafted towards her from behind, as her voice gently landed in her ear.

“Don’t hold the violin too high or too low.

“When you support the violin, your body and the violin’s head should form an angle. It’s good enough to raise your hand up naturally to grasp it. You don’t have to hold it too straight, the angle varies from person to person.

“Mm, right, that’s it. Zhi Wei’s doing very well.”

Their bodies were very close together, with their fingers touching.

Sang Wan Ci’s voice and breath landed right on her ear.

The warmth, the ambiguity, it was exciting and irresistible.

Lu Zhi Wei’s heart started thumping faster.

She had completely lost the ability to speak, standing in front of the mirror and letting the person behind her move her body.

Was this holding her hand…… This was too much.

But more please, she could take it!

Lu Zhi Wei was feeling both shy and happy.

Then, Sang Wan Ci’s hand landed on her waist, drawing her into a hug.

A gentle voice brushed past her pink ear, as if they were having a secret conversation.

“Zhi Wei, who’s Jin Man Wen?”

“?” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Lu Zhi Wei paused, looking woodenly at the person in the mirror.

Wait, how did the topic change to his?

Sang Wan Ci’s eyes stayed locked on Lu Zhi Wei’s through the mirror, making her unable to escape.

“Tell me, jiejie.”

Because of that form of address, Lu Zhi Wei’s heart beat even faster.

Each heartbeat was passionately announcing her liking for Sang Wan Ci.

She suddenly felt like her mouth was dry. She opened her mouth and then dumbly said: “Why are you asking this all of a sudden……”

“I’m afraid jiejie will be deceived.”

Primarily it was because she was scared Lu Zhi Wei would be deceived away.

She said it seriously with a trace of pitifulness and a straight face, as if she really was only a meimei who cared about her jiejie.

Hearing it, Lu Zhi Wei honestly said: “She’s the third supporting female lead in that show, she was there at Director Liu’s meeting too. She’s quite friendly and polite. She said she’s seen my work before and that she likes me.”

Hearing the two words “likes me”, Sang Wan Ci’s eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly.

Lu Zhi Wei had her head tilted as she looked at the violin, so she didn’t notice it. But she continued to explain: “But we’re just acquaintances, and we know of each other’s existence. After that meeting, we’ve never met again and we don’t have each other’s contact method.

“She probably…… won’t deceive me?”

Acquaintances, never met again, don’t have each other’s contact method.

It looks like they’re really not familiar with each other.

Sang Wan Ci’s expression relaxed: “Mm, probably.

“Let’s continue practicing, I’ll teach you how to hold the bow, then I’ll teach you some other basics later.”

“Oh, okay Teacher Sang.”

Lu Zhi Wei refocused her attention on practicing.


After Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci agreed to attend 《Me and My Friend》, the production crew quickly determined an ideal filming period according to everybody’s schedule —— The second half of August.

Sang Wan Ci’s schedule became very simple because of it.

She rested at Lu Zhi Wei’s house for a week, then continued working after she left.

When the time comes, she would meet with Lu Zhi Wei again and film the variety show together.

Lu Zhi Wei wasn’t idling at home before that, if she didn’t have work, she would stay at home and practice the violin.

Sang Wan Ci asked her to practice holding the violin and pretend to draw the bow, but in the end, just practicing holding the violin took the better part of half a month.

She suddenly understood why Liu Zhao had asked them to start practicing so early.

At the same time, she felt that Sang Wan Ci, who knew how to play so many instruments, was really terrifying.

—— It seems like as long as she’s willing, it’s really not a problem to be the best pianist in the world.

…… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

The most abundant, and fastest-consumed, thing on Earth is time.

In the blink of an eye, it was the second half of August.

Lu Zhi Wei packed her luggage and set out for the filming set with Wen Yao.

《Me and My Friend》 usually filmed at a hotel that sponsored the show, or a bed and breakfast.

This time, they were going to a small town in the countryside.

The scenery and green mountains were pleasant and clean, and the folk customs were simple with the people there living a leisurely, slow-paced life.

The show invited a total of three pairs of guests.

When everybody arrived, the show would arrange for everybody to sit in a rented car and head out together, with filming beginning then.

At that location, each pair would stay in a house by themselves with no need to squeeze together.

Sang Wan Ci arrived earlier than Lu Zhi Wei.

When Lu Zhi Wei arrived and saw her back, she immediately abandoned Wen Yao. One hand pulling her luggage and the other holding onto the violin case, she ran over to Sang Wan Ci with a huge smile.

“Wan Ci!”

Hearing that, Sang Wan Ci put down her phone and looked back, seeing Lu Zhi Wei smiling and running towards her.

Her smile was forever so clean and pure, like a rainbow after the rain. It could always make a person’s mood better.

Sang Wan Ci couldn’t help but smile, walking forward and helping her take the violin case: “You’ve worked hard.”

People who didn’t know would think that Lu Zhi Wei was helping her carry her violin.

Lu Zhi Wei laughed: “What hard work, there’s no hard work. Why are you here so early?”

“I had a shoot for a magazine cover today, it wrapped up fast so I came over earlier.”

“Oh, so that’s it. Our Teacher Sang’s work ability truly is the best!”

“Our Teacher Lu too.”

Wen Yao: “……”

Things were going fine, why did the two of them suddenly start praising each other?

At this moment, Lu Zhi Wei suddenly heard someone calling her from behind.

The two of them stopped walking and turned back.

To see a short-haired, smiling girl excitedly waving towards them.

Sang Wan Ci turned to look at Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

You played around with someone else outside behind my back?

Lu Zhi Wei turned to look at her, immediately explaining: “She’s Jin Man Wen.”

Jin Man Wen was wearing a white pair of canvas shoes and pulling her luggage as she quickly ran over to Lu Zhi Wei: “Teacher Lu, what a coincidence, we meet again. I didn’t think I’d be able to be on the same show as you this time, that’s great!”

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t understand: “?”

What’s, what’s so great?

Sang Wan Ci: “……”

—— There’s something wrong with this Jin Man Wen.

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t give Jin Man Wen the chance to ignore Sang Wan Ci, taking the initiative to introduce them: “This is ——”

Jin Man Wen interrupted her, smiling: “I know, Sang Wan Ci, her godly looks are always on the hot search, it’s hard to not know who she is.”

She stretched a hand out: “Hello Teacher Sang, I’m Jin Man Wen, I’m working together with Zhi Wei in my next show.”

This sudden change in how she addressed Lu Zhi Wei……

Sang Wan Ci felt even more strongly that there was something wrong, but she didn’t show it on her face, keeping a calm expression as she shook her hand: “Hello.”

This was considered having greeted her.

Jin Man Wen immediately turned to continue talking to Lu Zhi Wei: “Zhi Wei, I went to watch the acting lessons you recommended last time, it’s really good! It truly is Teacher Meng, she spoke concisely and hit the nail on the head, amazing!

“I immediately became a fan!”

Having your idol being praised was like having found a common topic. Lu Zhi Wei’s impression of Jin Man Wen immediately improved: “Right? I said it really was useful. Our Teacher Meng is a senior so she definitely knows more than us.”

As she was speaking, her hand was placed on Sang Wan Ci’s arm, squeezing lightly as if reassuring her.

So Sang Wan Ci listened calmly.

Jin Man Wen didn’t see the small action between them, she pulled out her phone and said: “You left so quickly the last time, I didn’t get to add your contact.”

She widened her eyes and acted pitiful: “So can I have your contact this time? I really want to be friends with you……”

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t think too much about it: “Okay.”

Adding a contact and making a friend, what’s the problem?

She didn’t expect that as soon as she said it, Jin Man Wen suddenly jumped forward and threw her arms around her neck.

She was shocked.

Jin Man Wen was cheering: “Thank you, Zhi Wei, you’re too good!”

Watching this, alarms were going off in Sang Wan Ci’s mind.

In an instant, she knew why she felt like there was something wrong with Jin Man Wen.

—— This was her love rival!

Hugging Lu Zhi Wei, Jin Man Wen was satisfied.

After letting go of her, she turned and saw Sang Wan Ci.

She didn’t forget to smile at Sang Wan Ci and say: “Teacher Sang, you didn’t join in the conversation earlier, didn’t Zhi Wei tell you about Teacher Meng’s class?

“It’s really very well said, you can take a look too when you have time.”

Sang Wan Ci’s heart felt even more uncomfortable.

She didn’t tell her, after all, someone had been hiding her fan identity from her in the past.

As for watching it, that was even more unnecessary.

She had always been learning personally from Teacher Meng.

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

Why did you say this to her face!

What if she hangs me up from the roof later and interrogates me?!

Lu Zhi Wei was scared by Jin Man Wen’s words and was about to save the situation when she heard Sang Wan Ci say: “Mm, okay.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

Sang Wan Ci pulled Lu Zhi Wei to her side: “When we get there, I’ll let her watch it with me.”

Jin Man Wen: “?”

Sang Wan Ci looked at Lu Zhi Wei: “I don’t know what are the important points. With Zhi Wei around, she can tell me all of them one by one.”

Then she looked at Jin Man Wen and smiled calmly: “This way, it’s more convenient to learn.”

Jin Man Wen: “?”

F*ck, did I meet a rival?

T/N: FIGHT! Also, I’m surprised so few of you mentioned that this girl could possibly be a love rival to Sang Wan Ci.