Chapter 381

The person in the front passenger's seat looked back at her one eye, then another, with a strange look in his eyes. Zuo Xiaoqiu looked at him and asked, "what's the matter?"

"It's OK, young lady, it's ok..." Obviously, the man seemed very nervous. He looked down at her cell phone and then said, "young lady, can I have a look at your mobile phone?"

"My cell phone?" Zuo Xiaoqiu looked down at the phone in his hand: "have I called in flight mode? Why not? "

All of a sudden, the driver in the seat stretched out his hand to pull the man beside him, and then turned back: "it's OK, young lady. If you are tired, you can have a rest. It's ok..."

At this time, Zuo Xiaoqiu began to be nervous. She didn't know why. She felt that these two people were very abnormal.

"What about master Gao? Every time someone comes to fly a plane, it's master Gao. Who are you? " The finger fell on the backpack with a woman's pistol in it.

"Master Gao is ill. Don't be nervous, young lady. He's new here. I'm afraid your mobile phone will affect the signal. It's ok..." The man sitting on the table began to explain with a smile.

"Can't it be used only before takeoff? It doesn't matter after takeoff, does it? Why are you so nervous? " With that, Zuo Xiaoqiu has taken out the pistol in his backpack.

She was so careful that she didn't even take out her backpack with her pistol. Then he heard a cry in front of her: "she took out her gun..."

Said, that just looked at her cell phone man suddenly a leg to rush to the back.

"Who are you?" Zuo Xiaoqiu's pistol has been aimed at the man, but she has not decided whether to shoot, after all, she has not killed anyone

The next second, that person has come to grab the weapon in her hand regardless, Zuo Xiaoqiu can't manage so much.

"Bang..." With the sound of a gun, the man was shot in the abdomen.

But he also grabbed the gun in her hand.

Then there were two more shots, but they didn't hit the key. The man covered his stomach and grabbed the pistol in her hand. Then he turned his hand and aimed at Zuo Xiaoqiu's forehead, "Stinky ladies, look for death..."

Said, that person a slap in left Xiaoqiu's cheek, her brain Ren a burst of pain, twinkling of an eye at the man in front of, and then a kick out.

With all her strength, she kicked the man directly to the door of the plane, and Zuo Xiaoqiu began to call

The man rushed over again, his chest was red with blood, and the blood trickled down her body

"No way, Liangzi. The boss won't hurt her. He wants to live!"

"I know, he's n, she's going to kill me, I'll return it at least, and make her half dead..." With that, he crawled over again.

Tianye's cell phone is hijacked. I've been sent to connect you. No good... "

Without waiting for her to finish, the man grabbed her cell phone and threw it out through the window on the right

The reason why they like the mobile phone is that they are afraid of her asking for help. These people have already planned.

In this gap, Zuo Xiaoqiu has thought about each other's identity and background for thousands of times. Who is it? Who wants to be bad for her, if it's for money, why would they throw her cell phone away? Obviously, they're aiming at her.

Yuan Shanshan? She doesn't have such a big background, Wei Zhengjie? Didn't she make up with them Jiang family? Did she come and hijack her for the sake of child custody? No, if it's for custody, she will take her life directly. It can't be just hijacking, but living?

And how could she have given up her fortune and killed her? Only when she is alive can Ruize inherit Fen m, can she?

Zuo Xiaoqiu retreats, leaning against the cabin door, nervously looking at the man who is getting close to her and is full of blood. Just as she is about to kick her foot, the man has already grasped her ankle, and then slapped her down again.

It was really painful, and she was already staring at Venus. Just as the man was about to fall a second time, the driver in the front seat called out, "are you crazy? They know that they've skinned you. Hurry up and inject the medicine... "

Then Zuo Xiaoqiu saw the man reach out to take out a syringe, and then without waiting for her to reach out to object, he plunged into her thigh, and the medicine inside also flowed into her body along with his strength.

In the eyes closed that moment, left Xiaoqiu in the mind of only one person, Tianye, sorry! I didn't get to you safely

At the same time, on the tarmac of Chijia Industrial Corporation, Chi Tianye, like a madman, shouts to the more than 100 security guards in front of him: "listen, I only want Zuo Xiaoqiu alive, and all the rest are dead..."

"Fan Qing, the man in the dark night, I want to find someone, I must find her..." Like crazy, Chi Tianye got on the plane with a machine gun

Fan Qing followed him, sweating on his forehead for nearly three years. The boss didn't care what happened there. Will the sudden use of people there cause more trouble?

You can't make a phone call. You can't make a phone callThis is the procedure of using the dark night organization, absolutely not bad!

Chi Tianye reaches out his finger to press

"Wait a minute, boss. You have to think clearly. If you use them this time, it will be difficult to get away from them later..." Fan Qing warned.

"There's no time..." Chi Tianye also knows what the consequences are. Five years ago, his business in the Middle East was not oil at all. Although he had invested in this project on the surface, only the insiders knew. In fact, he was involved in blackmail.

And just two years later, relying on his own power, ability and ruthlessness, he became the leader of the night. But later, he didn't care about things there and just liked to count money. So three years ago, he retired, but his shares and investments were still there.

There are endless conflicts inside, but his departure also creates more space for him, so that in the past three years, he is just like an irrelevant person outside the dark night, and the people inside seem to have forgotten his existence.

Maybe more often than not, they don't want him to appear?

If Chi Tianye uses the people of the dark night this time, then the people inside will soon think of him as the leader. The other three leaders alone are enough for him, not to mention the old man who can't see the head without the tail.

Press the password, all the information inside appears, all the names of the night executors. Chi Tianye looks for 20 executives in a series, and then presses OK. , the fastest update of the webnovel!